Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.
Published on July 18, 2006 By COL Gene In Politics

Bush for the VERY first time in 5 ½ years said he will veto the bill providing for Stem-Cell research. About 2/3 of Americans want this bill passed as does the majority of Congress. Again we have Bush and the far right making a ridiculous argument that this will destroy human life.

The truth is that the stem-cells that would be used to help find cures for many types of human suffering are the unused cells from in-vitro fertilization that will NEVER become human life. These cells are frozen and at some point will be DESTROYED. What Bush and the radical right is saying is DO NOT USE THEM TO HELP SAVE LIVES JUST LET THEM REMAIN FROZEN AND LATER DESTROYED AS MEDICAL WASTE!

It appears that even though the majority of Americans and the Majority of the Congress want this bill approved, Bush will use his FIRST veto to prevent this life-saving research. I hope EVEY member on Congress who does not vote to override the threatened Bush veto is swept from office if they are up for re-election in November.

We have a President that is truly out of touch with our country on almost EVERYTHING!

Comments (Page 3)
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on Jul 18, 2006
Anyway, Col, I'll release you back to your liberal dreamworld. I just didn't want your remarks going unchallenged!

It's useless, you couldn't get thru to him if you literally drilled a hole in his head. That how ever would be a bad idea, you would get a mouth full of old air from a spot where a brain was suppose to occupy but was somehow missing the day he was born. I wander if he was premature, at least we would know why.
on Jul 18, 2006
Average weekly wage has not increase while corporate profits and executive compensation has gone through the roof

This is where you use typical liberal talking points. You act like corporations making a profit is a bad thing. Bush does not control what companies make and pay people.
on Jul 18, 2006
The Federal Government funds all sorts of Medical Research. Show me where the Supreme Court said Congress can not use tax dollars to fund Medical Research using Stem-cells.

You have still not addressed how this is not allowed by the Constitution.

The Bush proposal would grant people that have violated our laws citizenship. That is a form of amnesty and most do not agree with him on this issue.

Not only is his plan unworkable but in the end people that have violated our laws would be granted amnesty.

Bush has NOT reduced the deficit. He is still running a $500 billion annual deficit, has added 3.5 Trillion to the National Debt and his most optimistic plan only reduced the annual deficit to half the past rate. He never stops adding to the cumulative debt nor has any plan to pay down the enormous debt he and Reagan have imposed of our country.

The deficit is real and is documented by the Treasury Dept. Bush has NOT reduced the deficit!

The limits imposed on stem-cell research is making =real progress impossible. Look at what the senate Majority Leader said today.

I think Sen. Frisk being a Doctor has a better understanding of the impact the restrictions are having on Stem-Cell research then Bush.

Bush has done absolutely NOTHING to make us less dependent on Oil and the Oil industry is anything but a free market and is screwing 100 % of 100% of the time.

The energy policy has a lot to do with how dependent we are on foreign oil. If we follow your logic we should do away with the President’s Office since nothing is part of his job.

Bush has backpedaled on so many environmental regulations it is hard to know where to start. Former sec Whitman was fired because she would not dismantle the existing regulations as fast as Bush wanted.

Since Bush took office the trade deficit had doubled.

That is not bookkeeping is just cold hard facts. China alone which Bush approved into the WTO amounted for $200 Billion last year.

The way Bush has manipulated the economy has benefited the wealthy and business and left the average American with nothing. In five years the Average weekly wage has not increase while corporate profits and executive compensation has gone through the roof.

The Average person is no better off and the wealthy are the ONLY group that has experienced an increase in their net worth since Bush became president.

Now back to the subject.

This Blog was about Stem Cells.

As I pointed out the congress that we elect to make our laws want to allow federal funding of Stem-cell research. They would not be supporting this unless the members of Congress felt this is what the majority want especially in an election year. Bush and the far right wants to impose their religious beliefs on this country. Since the in-vitro stem-cells that are excess would be destroyed if not used for medical research, with the agreement of the downers, you can not argue that will destroy human life because the excess stem-cells will NEVER be a human being.
on Jul 18, 2006
Blame Bush, Blame Bush, blame Bush for everything.
on Jul 18, 2006

Just for the issues he has screwed up of failed to solve.

Lack of Border Security
The Iraq War
No Energy policy
No solution to the Funding issues of Social Security and Medicare
Trade imbalance
Improved Education (He was the Education President)
Protect the environment

To just list the BIG ones

on Jul 18, 2006
Col, we have addressed your standard cut and paste bs and proved you wrong on most. What you don't understand is that people might listen to you if you drop the "blame Bush" for everything rhetoric. According to you Bush controls everything in your daily life.

You can blame Bush all you want col, but democrats can't even beat him. Their solutions are even worse than anything Bush can come up with. I don't see Bush advertising a unified Texas/Mexico to win votes. Bush has spent more money on education, so you liberals should love that.

If you ever wonder why nobody buys your books, and why even liberals here avoid you. Just read your posts.
on Jul 19, 2006

This issue is BUSH. He is the one that is to VETO his first bill that 70% of Americans including 53% of Republicans want to become law. He is the one that is attempting to impose HIS religious beliefs on the country. HOW DO YOU TAKE BUSH OUT OF THIS ISSUE?

This issue may insure the Democrats take control in November. ANY member of Congress up for reelection that does not vote to OVERRIDE this Bush Veto will be in danger of being defeated and should be removed from office!

As Bush said, “ I am the decider” NO Mr. Bush the PEOPLE are the decider. You think this is a dictatorship and Mr. Bush YOU ARE WRONG!
on Jul 19, 2006
He is the one that is attempting to impose HIS religious beliefs on the country.

And we have asked you to prove it's based on his religious beliefs. You have not. So once again you are basing your statements on your emotions and hatred of Bush, not facts. You know, the usual.

As Bush said, “ I am the decider” NO Mr. Bush the PEOPLE are the decider. You think this is a dictatorship and Mr. Bush YOU ARE WRONG!

Oh here we go again with you thinking Bush is a dictator. How ridiculous you are. This is why you don't sell books.
on Jul 19, 2006

My belief is that since the Stem-cells that remain from in-vitro will be destroyed, WHY NOT use them to HELP the living. They will not EVER become a human being thus I believe their use can not be as Bush and some others on the far right claim to be destroying life. The life will NEVER exist so HOW can the use of those cells are destroying Life. If the cells are not used they will remain frozen until they are destroyed.

The point is however that Bush is attempting to impose what he believes on everyone. That is not his right and he is acting like an arrogant dictator. Because he believes it is wrong he is attempting to impose that same belief on everyone!

Many people have loved ones that could benefit from this research. Today some of the most eminent researchers at U of P stated that the current policy, imposed by Bush, is hampering research into cures for many diseases. Why would any rational person deny the possible help for the living to preserve an embryo that is frozen and will later become medical waste? It DOES NOT MAKE SENSE. If these embryos were to later become a human being you might have a rational argument. THAT IS NOT THE CASE!
on Jul 19, 2006
My belief is that since the Stem-cells that remain from in-vitro will be destroyed, WHY NOT use them to HELP the living.

It's your belief col, not everyone else's. As usual you imply a reason without fact or proof. Just "blame Bush" is the sole base for your posts.

The point is however that Bush is attempting to impose what he believes on everyone. That is not his right and he is acting like an arrogant dictator. Because he believes it is wrong he is attempting to impose that same belief on everyone!

I have to say that this is just plain stupid. How is Bush acting like a dictator? Because you don't agree with him? The only person arrogant is you who claim to know what every person in America wants.

Democrats believe we should be fighting terrorism, and that we should cut and run in Iraq. I guess they are dictators too because some dont' agree with them.

Many people have loved ones that could benefit from this research. Today some of the most eminent researchers at U of P stated that the current policy, imposed by Bush, is hampering research into cures for many diseases. Why would any rational person deny the possible help for the living to preserve an embryo that is frozen and will later become medical waste? It DOES NOT MAKE SENSE. If these embryos were to later become a human being you might have a rational argument. THAT IS NOT THE CASE!

How many times DOES THIS NEED TO BE TOLD TO YOU? Bush isn't stopping the research. I can also show you "researchers" that say these cells are useless and it's a waste of funding.

You need to seek professional help for your hatred of Bush.
on Jul 19, 2006

I happen to have first hand knowledge that any excess cells from in-vitro remain frozen for a period of time and at some point destroyed. YOU ARE WRONG AGAIN! I worked at a teaching hospital for 10 years and have a relative that underwent in-vitro.

When Bush pushed HIS religious beliefs on everyone else he is both arrogant and a dictator. It is time for Congress to let Bush know who under our system makes the LAWS. IT is NOT the Executive Branch but Congress.

This Blog is about Stem-cells not terrorism or anything else.

The most informed researchers as well as the Majority Leader of the Senate who is a Doctor have stated the current restrictions are significantly limiting the research and to move forward with the research REQUIRES a change in policy like the law Congress supports. WRONG AGAIN!!!!!!!!
on Jul 19, 2006
I happen to have first hand knowledge that any excess cells from in-vitro remain frozen for a period of time and at some point destroyed. YOU ARE WRONG AGAIN! I worked at a teaching hospital for 10 years and have a relative that underwent in-vitro.

Oh so now you are a medical expert? I see you totally ignored what I said. What a loon.

When Bush pushed HIS religious beliefs on everyone else he is both arrogant and a dictator. It is time for Congress to let Bush know who under our system makes the LAWS. IT is NOT the Executive Branch but Congress.

Are you seriously losing it? Only a looney leftist would compare Bush to a dictator. Get help for your obsession.

This Blog is about Stem-cells not terrorism or anything else.

Nice way to avoid the question col. I see you have no problem turning other blogs into blame Bush topics.

The most informed researchers as well as the Majority Leader of the Senate who is a Doctor have stated the current restrictions are significantly limiting the research and to move forward with the research REQUIRES a change in policy like the law Congress supports. WRONG AGAIN!!!!!!!!

on Jul 19, 2006
Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist (R.-Tenn.) called the debate over stem-cell research “the first major moral and ethical challenge to biomedical research in the 21st century.” At a press conference kicking off this week’s congressional debate, he admonished everyone, "In discussing this science, we must remember not to check our ethics at the door." Even so, he endorsed H.R. 810, the Stem Cell Research Enhancement Act, which would allow the use of taxpayer funds to pay for unethical embryonic stem-cell research.

With all the hype and political posturing, it is sometimes difficult to remember that the deliberations should be a fact-finding mission, not a stampede of celebrity and congressional cockamamie; that the debate is, at heart, a discussion of science, not myths.

One of the most puzzling -- and cruel -- of modern-day myths is the mantra about the wonders of embryonic stem-cell treatments. Sen. Arlen Specter (R.-Pa.) predicted that research on embryonic stem cells (ESCR) would result in “a veritable fountain of youth.” [1] Because of embryonic stem-cell treatments, a research organization for the aged claimed, the future will be a “world without debilitating costly diseases.” [2]

The myths surrounding embryonic stem-cell research are puzzling because, bluntly, there are no human trials underway on embryonic stem cells; nor have any animal trials shown enough potential to warrant initiating human trials. Further, putting aside the moral concerns, research on embryonic stem cells is not illegal; it is a matter of funding -- who will pay for ESCR? Ironically, commercial enterprises are unwilling to invest in the research since the outcomes are so scientifically questionable and, consequently, unprofitable financially. The Bush administration has been unwilling to approve taxpayer funding because of the ethical concerns about the research. In other words, there is too much risk of ESCR becoming a bust on every front -- scientific, financial, moral and ethical.

In fact, the hype about the potential of embryonic stem-cell treatment is largely celebrity-driven; the scientists are notably silent in public and cautious in private.

One of the leading advocates of ESCR claims to have “no idea” when such therapies will be ready. [3] A Harvard professor admitted that “no studies have demonstrated the controlled generation of a uniform cell type” such as is necessary for ESCR to reach its potential. [4]

The myths are cruel because they hold out false hope for miraculous cures from embryonic stem-cell treatments when not a single disease has been treated successfully thus far. Further, there is a hidden danger in the ESCR: Some laboratory studies reveal a tendency for the embryonic stem cells to form dangerous tumors. A University of Pennsylvania bioethicist, Glenn McGee, called the potential of ESCR a “Pandora’s box.” [5]

In contrast, 72 different diseases and/or conditions have been successfully treated via adult stem cells, and the improvements in patient conditions have been documented by peer-reviewed scientific publications. Also, significant results have been produced in animal research using adult and cord-blood stem cells applied to spinal-cord injuries, diabetes and Parkinson’s disease.

Why then is there such a push in Congress to pass legislation to promote embryonic stem-cell research? Why has there been such hype for creating human embryos to use for “therapeutic research”?

In part, the push for research cloning is a control issue: Postmodernism demands human mastery of all outcomes -- that nothing be left to chance or to a “higher power.” Current ideology requires the “scientific” creation of stem cells regardless of the ethical consequences or human risks involved. For the activists hyping ESCR, nothing -- neither the health and well-being of the egg donors nor the care and handling of the created human embryos -- can stand in the way of so-called progress toward total human control over reproduction.

Nevertheless, the most promising future for regenerative medicine lies with research that focuses on adult and cord-blood stem cells. There, too, lies the ethical high road.

This week, Congress will vote on whether embryonic stem-cell research crosses a moral line to violate the ethical principles about life. [6] The specific bill, H.R. 810, would allow the use of taxpayer funds to pay for embryonic stem-cell research despite President Bush’s previous limitation of research to those cells obtained before August 2001. The President has announced that he will veto the bill if it passes Congress. The American public -- proving once again that it is savvier than those in the spotlights and on the screens -- has indicated its opposition (48%) to federally funded stem-cell research that destroys embryos and its support of adult stem-cell research (57%). [7]

Sen. Specter warned that those who oppose ESCR research will “look foolish, look absolutely ridiculous” in retrospect. A saner voice, Sen. Sam Brownback (R-Kansas), noted that it is unnecessary to “treat humans as raw material.”

Those folks chasing ESCR have nothing but empty promises and ever-illusive hopes; those focusing on adult and cord stem cells have solid scientific results and treatments that have produced measurable benefits on 72 diseases.

ESCR, for all its hype, is a mirage of myths -- the triumph of activism over science.

on Jul 19, 2006
He's lost it, this article is useless now cause he continues to repeat even when you've proved him wrong. What a waste.
on Jul 19, 2006
Since Bush took office the trade deficit had doubled.

Well, there you have it. No wonder he's going to veto it.

It's also perfectly OK to be for stem-cell research and against federal funding of it. Let those who believe it will be the cure for everything put up the money (and make a return on their investment if it pans out). We've got foundations bankrolling private space travel, for crying out loud.

LW -
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