Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.

The Prime Minister on Lebanon told Secretary of State Rice yesterday that the Israeli attacks have destroyed 50 YEARS of work and pleaded for a cease fire. The Bush administration has chosen to allow Israel to continue destroying this country and the new government by driving the people of Lebanon closer to Syria. Reporters have interviewed the people fleeing Lebanon into Syria and they blame Israel NOT Hezbollah. What our policy of not demanding a cease Fire like the UN and most other world leaders want is to put the United States at odds with the people of Lebanon as well as most other world leaders.

We supply Israel with the weapons they are using to destroy two countries because a total of three Israeli Soldiers were captured. Millions of innocent people are being displaced; their home and jobs are being destroyed so Israel can punish Hezbollah. In the end groups like Hezbollah and Hamas will come out of this battle with even more people that support them and HATE Israel and the United States.

Our policy in the Middle-East and in Iraq is doing more to create added enemies for our country and is in no way making us safer. Again Bush stands alone in the world by allowing Israel to wage two wars because three soldiers were taken hostage.

Comments (Page 1)
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on Jul 25, 2006
This is the stupidist thing I have read today. Now you blame this on Bush.....how pathetic.

The Prime Minister on Lebanon told Secretary of State Rice yesterday that the Israeli attacks have destroyed 50 YEARS of work and pleaded for a cease fire.

Don't you mean 50 years of trying to destroy Israel?

We supply Israel with the weapons they are using to destroy two countries because a total of three Israeli Soldiers were captured. Millions of innocent people are being displaced; their home and jobs are being destroyed so Israel can punish Hezbollah. In the end groups like Hezbollah and Hamas will come out of this battle with even more people that support them and HATE Israel and the United States.

Col, do you realize Hezbollah has been attacking Israel for countless years without a response? Does world opinion mean everything to you? THEY WANT ISRAEL DESTROYED NO MATTER WHAT.

You can be nice as you want to the terrrorists, they will still recruit and want to destroy Israel. You can either sit and let that happen, or fight. I see you would rather sit. Typical.
on Jul 25, 2006
The Prime Minister on Lebanon told Secretary of State Rice yesterday that the Israeli attacks have destroyed 50 YEARS of work and pleaded for a cease fire. The Bush administration has chosen to allow Israel to continue destroying this country and the new government by driving the people of Lebanon closer to Syria. Reporters have interviewed the people fleeing Lebanon into Syria and they blame Israel NOT Hezbollah. What our policy of not demanding a cease Fire like the UN and most other world leaders want is to put the United States at odds with the people of Lebanon as well as most other world leaders.

We are at odds with people who allowed Hezbollah to hide weapons under family homes, who allowed a terrorist group to become part of their Gov't, who allowed a part of their own country to be controlled by a terrorist group and their Gov't did nothing about it. These are the people we need to make friends with, backstabbers, liars, cowards, heartless. Hmmm, actually we probably should get along fine.

We supply Israel with the weapons they are using to destroy two countries because a total of three Israeli Soldiers were captured. Millions of innocent people are being displaced; their home and jobs are being destroyed so Israel can punish Hezbollah. In the end groups like Hezbollah and Hamas will come out of this battle with even more people that support them and HATE Israel and the United States.

I guess Israel puts more value in their people, even if it's 3 people, than you do. I'm glad you're not a fire fighter, otherwise you would not risk your life for 1 or 2 people in a burning building. These terrorist groups have all the support possible, most of these people who claim to be our aalies are just covering up their true hatred. I never have and never will trust any of them cause no matter what they say, they have the same beliefe and that will never change.

Our policy in the Middle-East and in Iraq is doing more to create added enemies for our country and is in no way making us safer. Again Bush stands alone in the world by allowing Israel to wage two wars because three soldiers were taken hostage.

Sorry Col, be we are not creating anything that was not already there. These terrorist groups were there before we started and they will be there after we are done, unless we get rid of the whole ideal completely. But we are humans and that can not be done. But I like better to try than to site down and do nothing about it.

Another sad attempt to blame Bush for a war stated by another country. You really are a sick idiotic madman.
on Jul 25, 2006
Charles & IslandDpg

Yes the people of Lebanon are those Bush claims are the foundation of the democracy that Bush claims is the solution. That is the same democracy that Israel is destroying. We stand by and fail to support a cease Fire and provide Israel the bombs to destroy Lebanon.

The point is both The United States and Israel are creating more new enemies every day and we stand alone with the reminder of the world saying Israel went TOO far in destroying much of Lebanon. Our actions are driving the people of Lebanon and the Palestine’s into the camp of the terrorist groups. Some Foreign Policy and it is the Foreign Policy Bush has created!
on Jul 25, 2006
The United States and Israel are creating more new enemies every day and we stand alone with the reminder of the world saying Israel went TOO far in destroying much of Lebanon. Our actions are driving the people of Lebanon and the Palestine’s into the camp of the terrorist groups. Some Foreign Policy and it is the Foreign Policy Bush has created

Is that all you worry about col. We create new enemies by being free, we create new enemies by not fighting the terrorists and showing our weakness. Bush has nothing to do with this conflict unless he is the one firing rockets into Israel. I'm sure you can find some way to blame him for that though.

You are just making excuses for terrorists as usual. What a sad individual.
on Jul 25, 2006
Yes the people of Lebanon are those Bush claims are the foundation of the democracy that Bush claims is the solution. That is the same democracy that Israel is destroying.

Actually, this is one time when I will talk bad about Bush. I never have and never will believe that any of these people actually want anything to do with us, I don't believe they like us a bit. Bush knows this as well but he will say good things for PR purposes (for those who don't understand he lied about it). These people never liked us or Israel for that matter and they never will. So in a sense Israel is not destroying anything cause that democracy , the one that we want anyways, never really existed. Lebanon is just another Palestine.

We stand by and fail to support a cease Fire and provide Israel the bombs to destroy Lebanon.

You make it sound like we are giving them something they didn't already have. How exactly are we suppose to tell them what to do with the weapons we sell to them? BTW, you had no problem with France and Germany giving Iraq weapons, why complain now?

The point is both The United States and Israel are creating more new enemies every day and we stand alone with the reminder of the world saying Israel went TOO far in destroying much of Lebanon. Our actions are driving the people of Lebanon and the Palestine’s into the camp of the terrorist groups. Some Foreign Policy and it is the Foreign Policy Bush has created!

Again you can't make something into something it already is. If these people decide to side with terrorist than as far as I'm concerned they were terrorist before they even knew they were. Last time I checked, the American people did not turn to terrorism after having 3 planes flown into buildings full of innocent people.

Get a clue for once in your life, it's not about fighting for your lives. I would give the real innocent people of Lebanon the right to fight back if they being killed for no reason. But when they accept terrorism as a way of life, reguardless if they just let them hide the weapons in their house, or cheer every time a terrorist kills others, or even live next to one and they know it and do nothing about it, they are terrorist as well, to me.

I avoid crime driven areas, I avoid bad neighbors, I avoid anything that would put my life in danger as much as possible and when I can't avoid them, I try to do something about it. Why can't they do the same? I'm sorry but there is no excuse for any of it.
on Jul 25, 2006
He'll require a very large bus.
on Jul 25, 2006
He'll require a very large bus.

But he'll be able to use the car pool lane.
on Jul 25, 2006

If you are correct about how the people of Lebanon and most likely Iraq feel about the United States, then the fact that we have sacrificed American Lives, American injuries and American Dollars was a DAM STUPID POLICY. WHO GAVE US THAT POLICY?

The entire argument that Bush made about how the spreading Democracy was the way to end terrorism and the threat to us was BS!

Look at how the violence in Iraq is escalating. The war in Lebanon and Gaza has taken the spotlight off Iraq but the violence is getting worse all the time. All the BS about well after the new government and the new officials were in place the situation would improve. Iraq is falling apart and even the oil revenue that was to pay the bills has declined because they can not control the sectarian violence. Now Bush is moving our troops around to try and deal with the fighting in Baghdad. It is like moving the deck chairs on the Titanic!
on Jul 25, 2006
Gloom and doom col. I see once again you ignore what was posted to you. You sir, are a joke.
on Jul 25, 2006
I knew he couldn't resist blaming this on Bush too.
on Jul 25, 2006

You would not know the truth if you stood two feet from it!
on Jul 25, 2006
You would not know the truth if you stood two feet from it!

I'm not the one constantly being proved wrong, that is you. How many times have you ignored posts that directly show you are wrong?

Just look at how ridiculous this whole post is. You are blaming Bush for the terrorist actions of Hezbollah. You just invent bs to blame Bush. What sad and pathetic life.
on Jul 25, 2006
Germany is a democracy. Germany is an ally.

COL Gene, there are so many errors in your logic, it is hard to know where to start.

We bombed the stuffing out of Germany during WWII. Germany got new leadership. See above.

Japan is a democracy. Japan is an ally.

We nuked them during WWII. Tojo no longer rules Japan.

Italy is...am I being repetitive?

We can't drive the people of Lebanon and Palestine into "into the camp of the terrorist groups." Those terrorist camps are already within their countries.

There are an estimated 15,000 missles in Lebanon. Anywhere from a half-dozen to a dozen are fired against civilian targets in Isreal every day. That isn't in retaliation against Israel's invasion; it was going on before. Would you agree that that is unacceptable? Were it you being fired at on a daily basis, after politely asking the terrorists to stop and their refusal, what would you do?
on Jul 25, 2006
There are an estimated 15,000 missles in Lebanon. Anywhere from a half-dozen to a dozen are fired against civilian targets in Isreal every day. That isn't in retaliation against Israel's invasion; it was going on before. Would you agree that that is unacceptable? Were it you being fired at on a daily basis, after politely asking the terrorists to stop and their refusal, what would you do?

But Larry, I thought it was the lot of the Jewish people to suffer atrocities without the luxury of retaliation. The precedent was set with Nebuchadnezzar's sacking of Jerusalem and the trend has continued undaunted until present day. Why spoil the Col's view of Jewish destiny?
on Jul 25, 2006

You would not know the truth if you stood two feet from it!

And YOU wouldn't know it, if it bit you in the butt!
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