Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.
Published on January 24, 2007 By COL Gene In Politics

His state of the Union speech was very well written and Bush delivered it well. It was received in what appeared to be a subdued way. In fact the biggest response was to his comments about the first female Speaker of the House.

Mr. Bush highlighted many very important issues. Some of them he has acknowledged before like a need to solve the financial problems of Social Security and Medicare, energy independence, balance the budget, secure our border, improve public education and healthcare. Two issues that were new were global warming and higher mileage for cars to help reduce gas consumption.

Now President Bush needs to review the Constitution. Laws in our country are developed and passed by the Legislative Branch not the Executive Branch. It is time to see what solutions the new Congress passes to deal with these issues. If Bush is sincere about finding solutions to these issues he will accept what the Congress passes. If he insists on his Far Right my way only approach and veto’s anything that does not appeal to the conservatives, NOTHING will get done!

If nothing gets done because of Bush and GOP members of Congress, 2008 will be the time to insure that the changes we need come into being. I hope Bush and the GOP will not fight change and only time will tell.

As to Iraq, it was classic Bush—DO IT MY WAY- Stay the course. If in the next several months the situation in Iraq is not stabilized, Congress needs to consider removing Bush and Cheney from office via Impeachment! If that is not possible, the next President will be handed the Iraq war and a continuing problem!

Comments (Page 1)
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on Jan 24, 2007
Holy Crap! You just complimented Bush!....History in the making...somebody write this down!

on Jan 24, 2007
Interesting to see Hillary sitting directly behind Obama!
on Jan 24, 2007
Now President Bush needs to review the Constitution. Laws in our country are developed and passed by the Legislative Branch not the Executive Branch. It is time to see what solutions the new Congress passes to deal with these issues. If Bush is sincere about finding solutions to these issues he will accept what the Congress passes. If he insists on his Far Right my way only approach and veto’s anything that does not appeal to the conservatives, NOTHING will get done!
Interesting how you take this approach now, but not when the GOP was in control. Are you saying Bush should blindly accept whatever the democrat controlled Congress passes? Seems to me you are giving democrats a pass (as usual), and setting up the blame on Bush (as usual).
f nothing gets done because of Bush and GOP members of Congress, 2008 will be the time to insure that the changes we need come into being. I hope Bush and the GOP will not fight change and only time will tell.
The problem is your definition of change is not good for America or American business, unless you are in one of Pelosi's districts of course.
on Jan 24, 2007

Some of what is good for the American Family may not be designed to help business. The last I looked People vote not Business (I guess Business does vote via lobbing).

The approach I am taking is what the Constitution has established. It is Congress that enacts laws not the Executive. The Veto was intended to be used not to legislate but when something was so off course that the executive had some control. If however Bush uses the Veto to prevent laws that the majority want via their elected legislature, then we have a problem. What the conservatives must learn is that they are NOT the majority. The majority is far more centrist and we have had far too much legislation that favors Business and the wealthy. The voters in November 2006 made it clear what Bush and the GOP were doing was NOT in agreement with what the majority of voters wanted. It is time for a change and if Bush and the GOP prevent that change from taking place the voters can insure change by electing a Democrat as President and further consolidate power in Congress!
on Jan 24, 2007
Col please..... What you are basically saying is that Bush should not veto anything democrats propose because.....they are democrats. Interesting how you change your views when democrats have power.
on Jan 24, 2007
Some of what is good for the American Family may not be designed to help business. The last I looked People vote not Business (I guess Business does vote via lobbing).

I vote, too, and I like laws that help business. Why? I like to work, i like to eat, and I like to sit on my ass on my comfortable sofa watching meaningless random graphics parade across my television screen.

I work for a business. Without them, I'd be unemployed. I drive my car, which was made by a business, filled with gasoline, which was refined by a business, to a store (business) to buy the hohos, DVD player, TV, DVD's, and mass quantities of beer. I like business. Business, not religion, is the opiate of the masses!

Laws that hurt businesses hurt people. Laws that help businesses help people. it's just that simple, folks!
on Jan 24, 2007

Bush should not VETO bills passed by Congress just because they do not fit the conservative agenda. If they benefit the majority and were passed by congress they should become LAW! Bush should use his Veto just as often as during his first 6 years! If the voters wanted to continue the bush/GOP policies they would not have voted the way they did in November 2006!
on Jan 24, 2007

You have a right to vote for laws that benefit business. The problem is in November 2006 the majority voted for a change. They did not want more of the Bush/GOP policies. Some laws that help Business do not help the majority of people some do not. For example the tax cuts to BIG OIL.
on Jan 24, 2007
Now President Bush needs to review the Constitution. Laws in our country are developed and passed by the Legislative Branch not the Executive Branch. It is time to see what solutions the new Congress passes to deal with these issues. If Bush is sincere about finding solutions to these issues he will accept what the Congress passes. If he insists on his Far Right my way only approach and veto’s anything that does not appeal to the conservatives, NOTHING will get done!

col for as long as I have been reading your supposedly informed and well researched tripe you have been beating up the President for not doing this or not doing that. Now that the Democrats are in power you finally see what I have been telling you for months. The legislature makes the laws not the President. Troop strengths are set by Congress not the President. All the President can do is ask it is up to the Congress to make it law. Congress can make or amend any laws they wish without the President requesting the changes. Can’t raise troop levels because the Democrats in Congress made it clear they were going to fight that unless it came with a draft.
The money for hurricane Katrina victims was requested by the President, Congress spends the money. Congress chooses where the money is spent.

All the things you blamed on the President sits in the lap of a do nothing Congress because the Democrats choose to hold things up as much as possible.
Now you wish to say that the President should not stop the Congress from doing stupid things they plan to do with their new leader. So it is clear that you will blame Mr. Bush for the failings of the Democrats.

If nothing gets done because of Bush and GOP members of Congress, 2008 will be the time to insure that the changes we need come into being. I hope Bush and the GOP will not fight change and only time will tell.

Nothing got done for 6 years because of the Democrats but now it is a bad thing if nothing gets done, and in both cases it is the Presidents fault. You are so full of crap your eyes are borwn.

As to Iraq, it was classic Bush—DO IT MY WAY- Stay the course. If in the next several months the situation in Iraq is not stabilized, Congress needs to consider removing Bush and Cheney from office via Impeachment! If that is not possible, the next President will be handed the Iraq war and a continuing problem!

It seems you have it backwards as usual. If it is not done the Democrats way then nothing gets done, or as little as possible. You sir are a political hack, a hypocrite with no moral or secular compass. You sir are a hateful man deserving only the most base respect. You are not interested in the prosperity of our nation but the installation of your political views even when it is plain to see that some of those views will do more harm to our nation than help. You sir are a disgusting person of low repute. You sir are dishonest. I have given you every chance to show some honesty but this last article proved you to be unworthy of consideration.
on Jan 24, 2007
I didn't care for the speech. It was annoying to hear him claim that we are "rallying the world" against extremism. He made several statements like that just smacked of propaganda.

For the most part, though, he was honest, and no one can blame him for trying to show optimism. In the end I think a lot of us would have been a lot more happy with an angry Bush, condemning the politics that stayed his hands for so long, and letting us know that he's ceasing to give a damn about world perception and is now intent on WINNING. This "mellow greetings and salutations" attitude doesn't impress his base, and doesn't fool the opposition.

This whole climate of non-partisan fake bull is sickening to me. I wanted Bush to stand there and say "No way in hell that woman behind me is getting any bills off of my desk without a veto on them". This uplifting, inspirational crap is the problem, not the solution. It creates the environment wherein we halfass everything we do.
on Jan 24, 2007

A lot of things got done during the past 6 years. The problem is that the results of all those things have not improved the lot of our country. The difference during the past 6 years and now is that the Congress was a RUBBER STAMP for what Bush suggested. With the exception of private accounts for Social Security and his so called comprehensive immigration policy Congress passed what Bush wanted.

You have got the brown eyes. All you can do is support an arrogant man that has caused more harm for the people of this country especially our brave military. Nothing that needed solutions has been made better during the past 6 years.

He has created a huge deficit and it was his tax and spending policies that Congress approved.

His prescription Drug Plan was passed with no funding and it is making the financial problems of Medicare worse.

He took us into a Civil war that has made us LESS not More safe. Again a war Bush insisted on and congress approved.

He tells us that we must become less dependent on foreign oil and has done NOTHING over the past 6 years to achieve that goal.

He has not enforced our immigration laws and has not asked Congress for the border Guards HE SAID WERE NEEDED!

He said in 2000 that our military (Army and Marines) were too small and has done nothing for 6 years to ask Congress for more troops.

This man is a TOTAL FAILURE.

He ignored the conflict in the Middle East and it has gotten worse over the past 6 years.

He was a Drunk, Failed to obey his orders in the military, had two failed business ventures, he had No foreign policy experience and was not a good student. Bush unlike his father, brought NOTHING of value to the Presidency. He is a perfect example of a man that accomplished almost nothing beyond politics and has accomplished nothing of value. Every door was opened for him by his Father and his Father’s contacts. On his own merit George W. Bush accomplished almost NOTHING!
on Jan 24, 2007
What a dramatic exaggeration.  This is way beyond an obsession.
on Jan 24, 2007
A lot of things got done during the past 6 years. The problem is that the results of all those things have not improved the lot of our country. The difference during the past 6 years and now is that the Congress was a RUBBER STAMP for what Bush suggested. With the exception of private accounts for Social Security and his so called comprehensive immigration policy Congress passed what Bush wanted.

You stated that it is the Congress that makes the laws so how can the Congress be a rubber stamp of the President? He let the law makers make the laws and not once has he Vetoed them. It looks like he was the rubber stamp of the Congress. Did he make recomendations to COngress? Yes, and the Congress did not do everything he asked. Being the honorable man he is he did not fight the Congress he let them do thier jobs and he did his.

You have got the brown eyes. All you can do is support an arrogant man that has caused more harm for the people of this country especially our brave military. Nothing that needed solutions has been made better during the past 6 years.

I support my President, just as I have supported all the other Presidents in my adult life. I liked some and disliked others but I never stopped supporting my president. Our president is the leader of our nation. When Mr. Clinton did things I disapproved of I still supported him on international affairs because it is the sole responsibility of the President of the United States to handle international dealings. Domestic issues are the responsibility of our Congress. The spending of money is the responsibility of our Congress. The President writes the budget but the Congress allocates the money to be spent on those budget items. The Democrats had enough people in Congress to make changes if they wanted to as evidenced by all the earmarks in the budget, they were not all made by Republicans. If Congress did not like the armor they paid for then they should have allocated money to buy more and better armor.They did not and no one from Congress screamed that our military did not have the armor the military needed because they failed to give the military the money. Instead we heard that the Sec-Def did not have enough armor for the troops. So this new Congress has a lot to do if they really want to win the war on terror and spend the money wisely. Will they?

He has created a huge deficit and it was his tax and spending policies that Congress approved.

True, just like during WWII. The idea is to win the war and then deal with the funding because if we lose the war the money won't matter. After WWII it took us less than 10 years to dig our way out of the hole. We are in a fight for our very lives and you don't seem to notice our enemy wants us dead as a nation.

His prescription Drug Plan was passed with no funding and it is making the financial problems of Medicare worse.

Political hack! How can he make it worse when SS and Medicare both were supposed to be broke by 2005 according to that estreme right wing Bush supporter the Clinton administration figures. Correction the funds were to become insolvent in 2005 and broke by 2011. Now we are looking at it might become insolvent by 2012. How does that sound worse?

He took us into a Civil war that has made us LESS not More safe. Again a war Bush insisted on and congress approved.

Mr. Bush had all the authorization he needed to go to war in both Afganistan and Iraq but the Democrats in Congress demanded he ask for their votes to be on record which he did and they approved it all. The Congress wanted to be a full partner in the war on terror. The minute things started to look bad they started to scream "Bush lied" he tricked us into voting for the war. These same Congresspeople were on record saying that we had to get rid of Saddam. They want us to forget that these statements were made during the Clinton adminsistion. So how did Mr. Bush lie to them when he was Governer of Texas? There is no real civil war in Iraq. Not yet, but if we leave it will first become a war with Iran and Iraq then we will give them support like we did the last time then when that is over we will have a civil war that will wipe out a quarter of the nation and we will be mistrusted and hated for decades. What you call a civil war is really a battle between three factions that want to keep Iraq destabalized. Iran, AQ, and locals that are out of power that want it without earning it. We have to stay there for no other reason than to keep the word of our nation. We failed to keep our word in Vietnam and that damaged us for decades, we were a nation that could not be trusted. This is our first chance to clean off that slate and gain the confidence of the world again.

He has not enforced our immigration laws and has not asked Congress for the border Guards HE SAID WERE NEEDED!

Congress did not approve the money for new agents what is he supposed to do. If the Congress rubber stamped the President we would have had the agents he asked for. How is that his fault?

He said in 2000 that our military (Army and Marines) were too small and has done nothing for 6 years to ask Congress for more troops.

On September 11 2001 Sec-Def had a Breakfast meeting with some members of Congress in the pentagon to restructure the military and to increse the number of troops in the military. Sec-Def went on record that we needed to be ready to deal with AQ. when asked when the next attack would come from them he could not say. This was taken as a way of scaring Congress into giving more money but the Congress was committed to a social security lock box and would not authorize any funds for more troops on some vague distant threat. Two hours later we were attacked and two days later Congress started pissing money it did not have to fight a war. Though your ignorance may be chosen or due to lack of research the result is still the same. The rubber stamp Congress did what the majority of the people wanted ignoring that we were at war with AQ. Keep in mind that Mr. Bush was in office only 9 months when we were attacked and his adminsitration was in the proess of of increasing the military, and the Congress still has not acted 6 years later. How is that the President's fault?

He ignored the conflict in the Middle East and it has gotten worse over the past 6 years.

Again fine work of research on your part. Did you notice that Isreal and Lebanon have been in negotiations for the past 10 years and only Syria and Iran have been trying to break that up. It seems that it is not worse it is potentially getting better if the terrorist would stop muddying the waters. It seems your love of hate blinds you to all but the most hateful news around the world.

He was a Drunk, Failed to obey his orders in the military, had two failed business ventures, he had No foreign policy experience and was not a good student. Bush unlike his father, brought NOTHING of value to the Presidency. He is a perfect example of a man that accomplished almost nothing beyond politics and has accomplished nothing of value. Every door was opened for him by his Father and his Father’s contacts. On his own merit George W. Bush accomplished almost NOTHING!

You are a political hater and a hack for the ignorant. You ignore facts that are obvious and cling to hate and any lie that fules your hate. After the attack on 9/11 the liberals wanted to talk to bin Laden and make deals with him because his hate of America was our fault. This foolishnes finally stopped when bin Laden was seen on TV discussing the work up to the attacks and how he wants us all dead. Then it did not matter that we were the cause, they finally understood that no matter what we were all going to die if we allowed this nut to stay in power. By then it was too late. All the people in AQ training camps had already scattered around the world. The only camps still active were in Iraq.
on Jan 25, 2007
As I have pointed out in my blog, President Bush has cleverly coopted the Democratic agenda and thereby reasserted his political relevance, at least for the time being.
on Jan 25, 2007
As I have pointed out in my blog, President Bush has cleverly coopted the Democratic agenda and thereby reasserted his political relevance, at least for the time being.

So you think the president is clever! What a nice thing to say.
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