Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.
Published on January 24, 2007 By COL Gene In Politics

His state of the Union speech was very well written and Bush delivered it well. It was received in what appeared to be a subdued way. In fact the biggest response was to his comments about the first female Speaker of the House.

Mr. Bush highlighted many very important issues. Some of them he has acknowledged before like a need to solve the financial problems of Social Security and Medicare, energy independence, balance the budget, secure our border, improve public education and healthcare. Two issues that were new were global warming and higher mileage for cars to help reduce gas consumption.

Now President Bush needs to review the Constitution. Laws in our country are developed and passed by the Legislative Branch not the Executive Branch. It is time to see what solutions the new Congress passes to deal with these issues. If Bush is sincere about finding solutions to these issues he will accept what the Congress passes. If he insists on his Far Right my way only approach and veto’s anything that does not appeal to the conservatives, NOTHING will get done!

If nothing gets done because of Bush and GOP members of Congress, 2008 will be the time to insure that the changes we need come into being. I hope Bush and the GOP will not fight change and only time will tell.

As to Iraq, it was classic Bush—DO IT MY WAY- Stay the course. If in the next several months the situation in Iraq is not stabilized, Congress needs to consider removing Bush and Cheney from office via Impeachment! If that is not possible, the next President will be handed the Iraq war and a continuing problem!

Comments (Page 2)
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on Jan 25, 2007

"You stated that it is the Congress that makes the laws so how can the Congress be a rubber stamp of the President?"-- Over the past six years Bush proposed a change and the GOP in Congress created Bills and passed them into law which Bush signed into law. Tax Cuts, Iraq war, Prescription Drug plan with no funding, No Child left behind that was not funded, energy policy ( tax cuts to Big oil) that did not make us less dependent on Foreign Oil are some examples!
on Jan 25, 2007
Paladin 77

I have also supported past presidents WHEN their actions warranted SUPPORT. The president is responsible for Foreign Policy which is in total disarray. There is not one single area where his policies have make things more stable or reduced conflicts.

Middle -East, Iraq, Iraq, North Korea, Central America, Cuba, Lebanon and on and on. Please show me where the Bush Foreign policies have been a success?

As to domestic issues Bush himself spent 1/2 half of his State of the Union address on Domestic Policy. If as you claim that is NOT his responsibility to propose to Congress things that need to be done at home, WHY did he waste our time with 30 minutes of HOT AIR?
on Jan 25, 2007
He has not enforced our immigration laws and has not asked Congress for the border Guards HE SAID WERE NEEDED!

Congress did not approve the money for new agents what is he supposed to do. If the Congress rubber stamped the President we would have had the agents he asked for. How is that his fault?
He said in 2000 that our military (Army and Marines) were too small and has done nothing for 6 years to ask Congress for more troops.

On September 11 2001 Sec-Def had a Breakfast meeting with some members of Congress in the pentagon to restructure the military and to increse the number of troops in the military. Sec-Def went on record that we needed to be ready to deal with AQ. when asked when the next attack would come from them he could not say. This was taken as a way of scaring Congress into giving more money but the Congress was committed to a social security lock box and would not authorize any funds for more troops on some vague distant threat. Two hours later we were attacked and two days later Congress started pissing money it did not have to fight a war. Though your ignorance may be chosen or due to lack of research the result is still the same. The rubber stamp Congress did what the majority of the people wanted ignoring that we were at war with AQ. Keep in mind that Mr. Bush was in office only 9 months when we were attacked and his adminsitration was in the proess of of increasing the military, and the Congress still has not acted 6 years later. How is that the President's fault?

Bush DID NOT request in his budgets over the past 6 years the funding wor either the 10,000 new border guards OR the added military forces. How is that the fault of Congress? The President prepares the Budget Request to Congress!
on Jan 25, 2007
Paladin 77

He ignored the conflict in the Middle East and it has gotten worse over the past 6 years.

Again fine work of research on your part. Did you notice that Isreal and Lebanon have been in negotiations for the past 10 years and only Syria and Iran have been trying to break that up. It seems that it is not worse it is potentially getting better if the terrorist would stop muddying the waters. It seems your love of hate blinds you to all but the most hateful news around the world.

My answer:

Lebanon Another Bush Foreign Policy Failure

Bush helped form the new government in Lebanon as one of his new democracies that was to help stabilize the Moslem World. That new government was weak from the outset and Hezbollah was able to operate in the Sothern section of the country. That militant group is the avowed enemy of both Israel and the United States.

When the two Israeli soldiers were captured by Hezbollah, Israel invaded Lebanon and destroyed much of southern Lebanon. In addition to the destruction of the buildings and killing and displaced many Lebanese people, the Israeli invasion further weakened the Lebanese government. In addition, Hezbollah became more popular with many of the people of Lebanon.

Now fighting has broken out in Lebanon and there is a very real possibility that the government Bush said was so important could fall and further enhance to power of Hezbollah in Lebanon. That is a Lose, Lose, Lose outcome of the policy we have followed.

Bush should have told Israel they will not be allowed to invade Lebanon over the two Israeli Soldiers. We could have worked behind the screen to help free the two Israeli soldiers, who I believe are STILL BEING HELD captive.

What Bush did was allow Israel to destroy sections of Lebanon which set the stage for the fighting today in Lebanon. Every single aspect of the conflicts in the Middle-East and greater Moslem world has gotten worse since Bush took office. Here is a short list of the areas that have gotten worse over the past 6 years:

Development of a nuclear Iran

Civil war and instability in Iraq.

Fighting in Lebanon

Israeli/Palestinian conflict- Gaza and West Bank

Afghanistan and the reemergence of Al Qaeda and the Taliban

Relationship with Syria

There were problems before Bush became president in the above conflicts but never has every conflict turned as negative as it has during the past 6 years! The Bush policy in this region has been a TOTAL failure!
on Jan 25, 2007
"You are a political hater and a hack for the ignorant. You ignore facts that are obvious and cling to hate and any lie that fules your hate."

This site as a copy of the Arrest Record of GWB for DUI

Here is some of the above :

DUI, Drunk Driving Arrest Consequences
DUI-DWI Convictions Can Happen to Anyone, Even Our Leaders

By age 40, about 20% of all males in the USA have received a DUI conviction. Of course, some men have received MORE than their allotted share, such as Vice President Richard (Dick) Cheney. Here are copies of President Bush’s 1976 DUI in Maine, followed by Cheney’s DUI records of two back-to-back DUI's in Wyoming.

Canada Would Ban Bush — But There Are Loopholes By Rebecca Cooper (ABC News)

W A S H I N G T O N, Nov. 3 — Even if George W. Bush is elected president, he may need special permission to get into Canada because of his arrest for drunken driving.

The Republican candidate for president acknowledged for the first time on Thursday that he was arrested for driving under the influence on Labor Day weekend in 1976, near his family home in Kennebunkport, Maine.

According to Canada’s Criminal Code, Bush is deemed an “inadmissible” person, in violation of Section 19 (2) (a.1) of the Immigration Act of Canada.

In other words, he has committed a crime considered an indictable offense in Canada, and, because of that he is banned.
on Jan 25, 2007
Over the past six years Bush proposed a change and the GOP in Congress created Bills and passed them into law which Bush signed into law. Tax Cuts, Iraq war, Prescription Drug plan with no funding, No Child left behind that was not funded, energy policy ( tax cuts to Big oil) that did not make us less dependent on Foreign Oil are some examples!

col political hack,

To be a rubber stamp of the president it would mean that the GOP in Congress opposed the views of the president but passed them anyway. Did you ever considder that those people in Congress believed in those things as well as the president? What a surprise that the Republicans in Congress agree for the most part with the Republican President. Just like the Democrat Congress rubber stamped the Democrat President when he was in office. Come on col political hack, try looking at this with the eyes of reality. The platform of the Republican party is low taxes, and it suprises you that the Republicans in Congress agree with this. No child left behind was co-written by that right wing rubber stamp Senator Kennedy. The funding for all of this was set by Congress not the President, check the vots on each act and you will find Democrats voted for the laws as well. Does this mean that they are also the rubber stamp of the President? Twist the facts if you will political hack but the truth is the truth.

I have also supported past presidents WHEN their actions warranted SUPPORT. The president is responsible for Foreign Policy which is in total disarray. There is not one single area where his policies have make things more stable or reduced conflicts.

Political Hack is what this statement says. We are in a war with a lot of enemy factions, we have the Chinese that have been pushing this government since the first month of his presidency. Remember the intentional crashing of our recon plane forcing it to land in China. Russia provoking our enemies around the world to cause more instability. North Korea a problem child for 50 years is pushing and probing and threatinig our fiends in the area. oh yeah then there was 9/11 all that within the first 9 months of being in office. Our President build a colition of the willing to deal with some of the threats but not all. Diplomacy around the world to help in other areas. Covert operations to help with yet others. We had these enemies for decades before the problems were dumped in the current president's lap. Unlike the last president this one is acturally doing something about the problems so it will look bad compared to doing noting and not making an issue of the problems.

Middle -East, Iraq, Iraq, North Korea, Central America, Cuba, Lebanon and on and on. Please show me where the Bush Foreign policies have been a success?

Middle East is coming along nicely if you consider the fact that you have Syria and Iran kicking up dust every chance they get. North Korea has been a problem for 50 years and with the failure of the last administration leaving a nuclear mess that Mr. Bush has to clean up, he is doing the best he can with what he has. Central America is a problem with only two countries that just came to power in the last few years. It is being dealt with as it has always been taken care of. Quietly behind the scenes and if that fails then we will kill them. Cuba is a problem? Gee when did that happen? The only problem in the news on Cuba is Castro is dying of old age. Lebanon is not a problem at all. That nation wants peace with Israel and is quietly working on that goal till some idiot blabbed it into the press last week. The problem with Lebanon is Iran and Syria are both trying to make the government fold just like they are doing in Iraq for the same reasons. Peace in that area will mean they will be destroyed. You left out China that is now threatening our satelites with technology given to them by the Clinton administrion which they said would make China love us. Guess not. It seems that libreals support every nation that wants to kill us and when the conservatives do something it is called making a mess of international policy. See what liberal created that have to be cleaned up by conservatives.

As to domestic issues Bush himself spent 1/2 half of his State of the Union address on Domestic Policy. If as you claim that is NOT his responsibility to propose to Congress things that need to be done at home, WHY did he waste our time with 30 minutes of HOT AIR?

Because as the national leader he has to waste his breath setting the adgenda. It is called leadership. He is stating the direction he things is best for his nation.
on Jan 25, 2007

You are an ignorant, ill-informed drone of the worst President in the history of our country. It is people like you that have enabled Bush and Cheney to come to power.
on Jan 25, 2007

Middle East is coming along nicely if you consider the fact that you have Syria and Iran kicking up dust every chance they get. North Korea has been a problem for 50 years and with the failure of the last administration leaving a nuclear mess that Mr. Bush has to clean up, he is doing the best he can with what he has. Central America is a problem with only two countries that just came to power in the last few years. It is being dealt with as it has always been taken care of. Quietly behind the scenes and if that fails then we will kill them. Cuba is a problem?

on Jan 25, 2007
He has not enforced our immigration laws and has not asked Congress for the border Guards HE SAID WERE NEEDED!

Once again it is the Congress that sets the limits. Since the Democrats gridlocked Congress in order to show the Republicans don't get anything done you should blame the Democrats for not securing the boarders. Please tell me how the President did not enforce the laws.

Lebanon Another Bush Foreign Policy Failure

Political hack! Peace talks go on with the US covertly and you say it is a failure even though it is public record that Iran and Syria are the cause for the last two falir ups. You either did less than your usual due dilligence or you choose to ignore the facts, or you are lying through your tooth like always.

Bush helped form the new government in Lebanon as one of his new democracies that was to help stabilize the Moslem World. That new government was weak from the outset and Hezbollah was able to operate in the Sothern section of the country. That militant group is the avowed enemy of both Israel and the United States.

Lets ignore the fact that almost a third of the government are members of Hezbollah using the same tactics as the Democrat party. Laughing at your foolishness. Lebanon is in a mess but that is because Hezbollah is supported and funded by Iran and Syria our enemies. Our policy is to let these people make thier own choices as they grow as a nation. If we went in and made Lebanon, Iraq, and Afghanistan you would be screaming how we invaded these peaceful nations and forced our way of life on people that can't handle it. If we let them find their own way the president is a failure because these people won't do what we want. HACK

When the two Israeli soldiers were captured by Hezbollah, Israel invaded Lebanon and destroyed much of southern Lebanon. In addition to the destruction of the buildings and killing and displaced many Lebanese people, the Israeli invasion further weakened the Lebanese government. In addition, Hezbollah became more popular with many of the people of Lebanon.

All of this while at the same time Israel and Lebanon are having secret talks of peace. Yup your ignorance knows no bounds.

Bush should have told Israel they will not be allowed to invade Lebanon over the two Israeli Soldiers. We could have worked behind the screen to help free the two Israeli soldiers, who I believe are STILL BEING HELD captive.

Since you don't read the news or have any way of knowing that the peace talks have not stopped the whole time Israel invaded the south it looks like they had permission to do so from the government of Lebanon. They did not fight Israel during that time and the people that lived there supported the terrorist so they are fair targets. You hack.

What Bush did was allow Israel to destroy sections of Lebanon which set the stage for the fighting today in Lebanon. Every single aspect of the conflicts in the Middle-East and greater Moslem world has gotten worse since Bush took office. Here is a short list of the areas that have gotten worse over the past 6 years:

Hezbollah admits that during the last peace agreement they spent the last 6 years re-arming and digging in so they can attack again when they are stronger. This was all over the news at the time but you seemed to miss that while doing your research on the topic. Iran and Syria both have said they support the terrorist and every time Iran has problems in the UN there is a problem in Lebanon. Connect the dots you political hack.

Development of a nuclear Iran

Democrats said they won't back an invation of Iran so Iran knows it is safe unlike before when Mr. Bush said we would attack anyone that supports terror and they started working with us. Yes, political public statements caused the problem in Iraq.

Civil war and instability in Iraq.

Caused not by the locals but by Iran and Syria. Two countries the Democrats have made safe from attack giving them the freedom to act as they wish to with no fear from the only country that can stop them.

Fighting in Lebanon

So far what I see is another attempt to wipe out the government and install another terror state. Who supports this? Iran, Syria, and Democrats in Congress.

Afghanistan and the reemergence of Al Qaeda and the Taliban

Yup, we have not killed them all yet and they won't stop till they are dead so yes, they will keep trying unlike the liberals that try fail and quit.

Relationship with Syria

Yup, Syria is working with Iran to keep the area unstable and the Democrats in Congress won't let us fight the enemy because the failure of the president is more important than winning the war on terror. you silly political hack.

There were problems before Bush became president in the above conflicts but never has every conflict turned as negative as it has during the past 6 years! The Bush policy in this region has been a TOTAL failure!

I agree here. Lets get rid of the Democrats in Congress that aid the enemy and work toward our defeat.

DUI, Drunk Driving Arrest Consequences
DUI-DWI Convictions Can Happen to Anyone, Even Our Leaders

By age 40, about 20% of all males in the USA have received a DUI conviction. Of course, some men have received MORE than their allotted share, such as Vice President Richard (Dick) Cheney. Here are copies of President Bush’s 1976 DUI in Maine, followed by Cheney’s DUI records of two back-to-back DUI's in Wyoming.

Canada Would Ban Bush — But There Are Loopholes By Rebecca Cooper (ABC News)

The last time he took a drink was 30 years ago and you still call him a drunk. Mr. Clinton smoked dope 30 years ago is he still a pothead? Mr. Clinton lied in a court of law and was disbarred for it. By your standard he is a lier and should never be trusted. Senator Kennedy is a drunk and murdered a woman yet the Democrat party has never stopped supporting him does this mean the Democrats support drunken murderers? The last time Senator Kennedy took a drink was 9 years ago so he is still a drunk too by your standards. Why do the Democrats support one drunk and hate the other drunk? What does this have to do with his speech you political hack changing the subject again cause you are losing?

In other words, he has committed a crime considered an indictable offense in Canada, and, because of that he is banned.

Lucky for Mr. Bush he is allowed to go to Canada because of his status as the leader of our nation. It explains why the entire Kennedy family never goes to Canada. What does this have to do with his speech you political hack changing the subject again cause you are losing again?
on Jan 25, 2007
You are an ignorant, ill-informed drone of the worst President in the history of our country. It is people like you that have enabled Bush and Cheney to come to power.

No, I disagree with you. All I am doing is pointing out your lies, half truths, misquotes, and being a political hack.


Is that the best you can do? No misquoted facts to back up lies to help you feel good about supporting the enemy of our nation in order to put the President down?

You sir are a political hack and when the tables are turned on you, you don't like it. I don't really care which side of the political coin you are on as long as you are honest about it, and admit truths and facts when they are brought to your attention. Above you made a statemtnt that I partially agreed with and did so. Why? Because it is what honest people do. One day you might learn to be honest and deal with the facts as they come up instead of changeing the subject each and every time you lose an argument.
on Jan 25, 2007
Paladin 77

NOTHING I HAVE SAID IS A LIE! I provide the proof and you ignore it whenever it does not reflect well on Little George! You are not just in disagreement with me but every source I used. If you want to continue to be in denial so be it. You and your leader are the same in the regard! Proof is your statement that, "Middle East is coming along nicely” You must be on a different planet!!!
on Jan 25, 2007
No offense, but I don't see how either side could be totally sane and do this. You realize that you are just saying the same things over and over, and the other side is just saying "No!" and saying the same thing you disagreed with, right?

I could see it if you were arguing over some philosophical ideal that has no answer, or something you can prove quantitatively once and for all, but damn, this is like swiftboatvets meets the democratic underground in hell to argue for eternity.
on Jan 25, 2007

The issue is that those on this Web site who support Bush must ignore a mountain of contradictory data, events and opinion of the most knowledgeable people in this country to support this president. He is held in the same way as Nixon after Watergate and Cheney has the same rating as Agnue when he resigned in disgrace. Last night I watched Cheney in the interview with Wolf Blitzer on CNN. The one thing that Cheney does for Bush is makes him look better. I have NEVER scene a more despicable liar then the performance of Cheney last Night. He as arrogant as Bush and many times more nasty. The Fact that Bush chose Cheney and has continued to support him demonstrates the depth of GWB flaw in judgment.

I do not have a problem with people that do not agree with me. But when my statements are backed up by the unimpeachable sources I have used it is clear there is no rational basis for attacks that are made on me. I just ignore them as the rabid and uninformed babble of people who support a man I know will go down in history as one of the WORST presidents in our proud history! I know that the damage he has created will take decades to correct and will cause great harm to all of us including the fools that defend him!
on Jan 25, 2007
You know I have a position, but I wasn't really taking one there, Col. I have to just wonder, after YEARS of this, what do you get from it? Sometimes when I visit your blogs I feel like Dante visiting hell, seeing you guys pushing rocks for eternity.
on Jan 25, 2007
Proof is your statement that, "Middle East is coming along nicely” You must be on a different planet!!!

I can see where you get that. liberals rarely see the very far down the road. Looking at the long term you can see progress where as if you only look at the road in front of your feet all you see are the bumps and stones. Look at what has changed over the years. Lenanon was fully controlled by Syria and used as a staging area to attack Israel. Now the Government is actively trying to stop that from happening. You see riots and a civil war in Lebanon I see a weak government getting a backbone and standing up against the people that want nothing but war. You see eggs being broken I see an omlet being made. You are a political hack, I am a realist. You failed to take note that I agreed with you in part on the things you say that are not lies even though they make our President look bad. This is because facts are facts.

Col. I have to just wonder, after YEARS of this, what do you get from it? Sometimes when I visit your blogs I feel like Dante visiting hell, seeing you guys pushing rocks for eternity.

Yeah, I felt the same way then I noticed that when he makes his outlandish statements and no one responds he takes that as approval. I will let sanity take hold once again and ignore him from this point on. I will make my points and leave.
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