Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.
Published on January 24, 2007 By COL Gene In Politics

His state of the Union speech was very well written and Bush delivered it well. It was received in what appeared to be a subdued way. In fact the biggest response was to his comments about the first female Speaker of the House.

Mr. Bush highlighted many very important issues. Some of them he has acknowledged before like a need to solve the financial problems of Social Security and Medicare, energy independence, balance the budget, secure our border, improve public education and healthcare. Two issues that were new were global warming and higher mileage for cars to help reduce gas consumption.

Now President Bush needs to review the Constitution. Laws in our country are developed and passed by the Legislative Branch not the Executive Branch. It is time to see what solutions the new Congress passes to deal with these issues. If Bush is sincere about finding solutions to these issues he will accept what the Congress passes. If he insists on his Far Right my way only approach and veto’s anything that does not appeal to the conservatives, NOTHING will get done!

If nothing gets done because of Bush and GOP members of Congress, 2008 will be the time to insure that the changes we need come into being. I hope Bush and the GOP will not fight change and only time will tell.

As to Iraq, it was classic Bush—DO IT MY WAY- Stay the course. If in the next several months the situation in Iraq is not stabilized, Congress needs to consider removing Bush and Cheney from office via Impeachment! If that is not possible, the next President will be handed the Iraq war and a continuing problem!

Comments (Page 3)
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on Jan 25, 2007

Given the revelations of what Bush has and is doing to our country, I have had an unending series of results to document. I point these out as well as ways to deal with the issues that are NOT being delta with under the policies we have been following to move forward. We need to understand how the policies that have been tried have worked or not worked to deal with the important issues that face us. I believe we can improve and in some cases solve difficult issues like energy independence. I also know what we have been doing is not achieving that end. That is also the case with many other goals.

I also believe we must shift our policies to spread the benefits and NOT to concentrate them to the benefit of just one economic group as we have been doing! Bush and the GOP have tried to make it look as if the benefits were spread to the various economic sectors, but such is not the case. The clever way the Bush tax cuts were made to look inviting to the middle income taxpayers in year one gave way to the true objective of giving the vast majority of the money to the wealthy that do not need the tax cuts. The mistake of granting the tax cuts to people that do not need them was clearly pointed out by the two wealthiest men in the World when they wrote to Bush and said not to cut taxes for the wealthy BECAUSE THEY DID NEED THE MONEY AND OUR COUNTRY HAD MORE URGENT NEEDS FOR THAT MONEY! That was Gates and Buffet.
on Jan 25, 2007
yeah, that's basically what I was describing there. Instead of Sisyphus pushing a rock, though, he's standing behind a podium in a room full of people throwing tomatoes at him.
on Jan 25, 2007
do not have a problem with people that do not agree with me. But when my statements are backed up by the unimpeachable sources I have used it is clear there is no rational basis for attacks that are made on me.

Because we have proved you wrong many times col, and you can never admit it.  Your "data" has been broken down many times, just as when you link to dailykos or quote nostradomus.
on Jan 25, 2007
You have a right to vote for laws that benefit business. The problem is in November 2006 the majority voted for a change. They did not want more of the Bush/GOP policies. Some laws that help Business do not help the majority of people some do not. For example the tax cuts to BIG OIL.

Yeah, it's sad we spent 40 years fighting the cold war only to start legislating socialism less than two decades after the Berlin Wall came down.
on Jan 25, 2007
"Yeah, it's sad we spent 40 years fighting the cold war only to start legislating socialism less than two decades after the Berlin Wall came down."

And that's if you don't count our long, slow slide into socialism as beginning with Roosevelt, or Johnson's "Great Society".
on Jan 26, 2007

You are not proving ME wrong-- You are saying those that are the most knowledgeable do not know what they are talking about. That is just not true. You have not disputed the facts I have used to document the points I have made and just saying that you have proven me wrong means nothing.


It has nothing to do with "Legislative socialism” It has to do with how our citizens are being impacted by certain actions of Big Business. I have used Oil as an example just because they are an example where REAL competition has been overwhelmed by consolidation and the power of these companies. They control Supply to increase their profits and in so doing adversely impact every person and business that uses oil-- Everyone. There is nothing wrong with Oil companies increasing prices to offset the higher price they pay for crude Oil. However, they have increased prices far beyond that and the proof is the obscene increase in their profits. When we see the top executives receiving compensation that is not reasonable, that money is being paid by all of us to over compensate a few. Look at what a handful of greedy people did to Enron and the tens of thousands who worked and invested in that company that lost EVERYTHING. In too many cases the actions of large companies is adverse to the welfare of the general population of our country. I come down on the side of reasonable actions by business that does not cause harm to the majority to benefit the FEW!

In the 1950’s CEO’s made 40-50 times what the average worker made. Today that has jumped to 450-500 times what the average worker makes. That is not reasonable and most of us are paying for that excess in CEO compensation! This is just another example of what I am talking about!
on Jan 26, 2007
" It has to do with how our citizens are being impacted by certain actions of Big Business."

Then put up or shut up and explain how, without socialist pressure, you can fix the problem. How, exactly, can you manage the salaries of the CEOs, in such a way that the money gets back to the workers, without being socialist? Sure, you'd tax the hell out of them, but that money ends up in Congressmen's freezers, not in the hands of workers.

You're good at pointing out problems, but you know that any solution you provide with be something Hugo Chavez would praise you for.
on Jan 26, 2007
In the 1950’s CEO’s made 40-50 times what the average worker made. Today that has jumped to 450-500 times what the average worker makes. That is not reasonable and most of us are paying for that excess in CEO compensation! This is just another example of what I am talking about!

Do you want income redistribution?  A CEO makes 400 times what a worker does, like Baker said what are you going to do about it?

on Jan 28, 2007

That is why the wealthy can afford a little higher taxes to help pay for the spending like the $180 Billion Bush wants to spend on the wars.
on Jan 28, 2007
like the $180 Billion Bush wants to spend on the wars.

I find it hard to believe that you honestly think that Mr. Bush wants to be at war. War is a horrible thing but a necessary thing. Our nation was attacked by a group of people that declared war on us 6 years before Mr. Bush took office. We are still playing catch up because no one did anything about it prior to his election. Your distortion or outright ignorance of the facts has colored your view. I don’t care that you hate the man. I did not like the previous President but facts are facts. We are at war and you seem to think it is more important to berate the man responsible for winning it rather than providing constructive criticism. Did he make mistakes? Yes! Did the opposition party provide helpful answers or suggestions on how to win the war? NO! You say you were an officer in the Army, remember this saying? Lead, Follow or get the hell out of the way! All I see is people like you getting in the way. Wars cost money. The nation was in an 11 billion dollar deficit for WWII because winning is all that matters. The Manhattan project cost 2 billion dollars. Stop giving aid to the enemy with your ignorance please.
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