Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.
Published on March 9, 2007 By COL Gene In Politics

Every time George W. Bush visits a foreign country the people of that country protest and very often riot. We have had similar situations in the past but not to the extent and degree of the violence that greets Bush every time he travels.

The riots in Brazil and the unrest anticipated in Columbia, Mexico and possibly the other stops on the Bush trips are an imbursement to our country. Bush should stay home and use video-conferences to talk with other world leaders. I wonder what Bush 41 thinks when he sees how his son is hated thought the world and when he views the continuing violence in Iraq day after day caused by the policies of his son.

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on Mar 22, 2007

The Fiscal problems that Mr. Walker is criticizing are those of GWB. It was GWB that insisted on the Tax Cuts and it is the Spending of GWB that was approved by CONGRESS. The position taken by the DNC is that we can not continue with the deficits which are what both the Controller General and the Fed Chairman have said. However the policies of GWB have produced increasing annual deficits. There is no double standard. The results, as well as the advice of the Fed Chairman and the Comptroller General are critical of the fiscal policy we are following which is the policy of GWB and the GOP controlled Congress. We had a BALANCED Budget when GWB took over. His policies immediately changed that into a continuing and growing deficit. This is Bush Record:

2001 $133 Billion deficit; 2002 $421 Billion deficit; 2003 $555 Billion deficit; 2004 $596 Billion deficit; in 2005 $554 Billion deficit; 2006 $574 Billion deficit and in the first 5 months of 2007 $262 Billion deficit.

For "all" your doom and gloom over the deficit you keep forgetting one thing...

So balanced budget aside we had a deficit when Clinton took over, we had one when he left office and we "still" have one. Grow UP, will you!
on Mar 22, 2007

Yes that is true. It is the size that is the problem. Before Reagan the debt even after WWII, Korea and Vietnam was less then one trillion. Now it is $9 Trillion heading to $10 Trillion. Bush in 6 years added $3 Trillion and will have added $4 trillion by the end of his term. The interest went from $ 60 Billion in 1979 to almost $500 Billion now.

This is what the Comptroller General Thinks of george and his policies: "There is a crisis, and it's George W. Bush's misplaced priorities, fiscal mismanagement, expensive wars, and tax cuts for the rich. Bush will talk tomorrow night about how he's on track to halve the deficit - but its lies, smoke and mirrors."Donald Trump was also on CNN and said GWB was the WORST President in our history!
on Mar 22, 2007
"Donald Trump was also on CNN and said GWB was the WORST President in our history!

on Mar 23, 2007

As you said even a stopped Clock is correct two times a day. This time Trump was right! Trump was a lot more successful in Business then Bush who ran the companies he headed into the ground!
on Mar 23, 2007
As you said even a stopped Clock is correct two times a day. This time Trump was right! Trump was a lot more successful in Business then Bush who ran the companies he headed into the ground!

Col, keep parading around something Donald Trump claims.  It's just hillarious.

on Mar 23, 2007

Yes that is true. It is the size that is the problem. Before Reagan the debt even after WWII, Korea and Vietnam was less then one trillion. Now it is $9 Trillion heading to $10 Trillion. Bush in 6 years added $3 Trillion and will have added $4 trillion by the end of his term. The interest went from $ 60 Billion in 1979 to almost $500 Billion now

Ever heard the word "inflation"? It happens to "everything. And btw...your info is wrong. If you look at the link I posted, the deficit was 60% higher during WWII than it is now.

This is what the Comptroller General Thinks of george and his policies: "There is a crisis, and it's George W. Bush's misplaced priorities, fiscal mismanagement, expensive wars, and tax cuts for the rich. Bush will talk tomorrow night about how he's on track to halve the deficit - but its lies, smoke and mirrors."Donald Trump was also on CNN and said GWB was the WORST President in our history!

I could care less what Walker thinks. As far as I'm concerned he's a Clinton apointee and has an axe to grind with the current administration.
on Mar 23, 2007
Island Dog

How about the Comptroller General comments:

"There is a crisis, and it's George W. Bush's misplaced priorities, fiscal mismanagement, expensive wars, and tax cuts for the rich. Bush will talk tomorrow night about how he's on track to halve the deficit - but its lies, smoke and mirrors
on Mar 23, 2007

The Comptroller general is a millioin times more competent then you. He also has the 3,000 staff members of the GAO which is the most knowledgeable and non partisan agency in government!
on Mar 23, 2007

The Comptroller general is a million times more competent then you. He also has the 3,000 staff members of the GAO which is the most knowledgeable and non partisan agency in government!

I never claimed to be more competent than him, you idiot! "If" I were, then "I'd" be comptroller general and not him. And while his 3000 "staff" members may very well be non-partsan... WALKER speaks for them and the "entire" GAO. And I believe he is most definitely partisan!
on Mar 23, 2007

Just because he tells it like it is and that shows the weakness of the Bush policies that partisan! I do not thing SO
on Mar 23, 2007
Just because he tells it like it is and that shows the weakness of the Bush policies that partisan! I do not thing SO

He's partisan because he uses democratic rhetoric like "tax cuts for the rich".  If he doesn't realize tax cuts were for everyone who pays taxes, then maybe he's not as confident as you think he is.

on Mar 24, 2007

You do not get it. He does not use Democtatic rhetoric. He is telling it like it is. The issue is that the government is spending more then it is taxing. That is creating a level of debt that jeopardizes the future. It will require the huge interest payments at the same time we will be faced with the Boomer retirement issues. If we did not have the debt or if were at the level it was in 1980, we would have the resources to deal with Social Security and Medicare.

Today the democrats are supporting a MORE responsible fiscal policy then the GOP.
on Mar 24, 2007
Today the democrats are supporting a MORE responsible fiscal policy then the GOP.

on Mar 24, 2007
He does not use Democtatic rhetoric. He is telling it like it is.

Col, the phrae "tax cuts for the rich" is a democratic talking point that has been around for years.  No matter how many times it has been shown to be incorrect people like you still use it like it means something.

Today the democrats are supporting a MORE responsible fiscal policy then the GOP.


Yeah, like the billions in pork they added on to their latest bill.  Democrats are the party of entitlements and welfare, and with them in charge we won't get anything but more of it.

on Mar 25, 2007

“PROVE IT!” -- The new policy that new spending must be offset with cuts or new revenue. Limitation of earmarks and the requirement for earmark sponsors to be made public. Discussions to limit making tax cuts permanent to those that help middle income taxpayers.

Before someone points to the house Bill for the Iraq War spending let me say I oppose any funding issues not directly related to funding the war and would strip all those things not related to the war from the bill. However if Bush had included the cost of the war in the regular defense appropriation he would not need of this supplemental. If it were up to me I would retain the war restrictions and if Bush were to veto the bill then HE is the one that is preventing the funding in Iraq not Congress. The bill contains all the money Bush claims he needs and gives the President time so see if his surge will establish security in Iraq. The timelines are sufficient to effect a safe and orderly withdrawal from the civil war in Iraq!
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