Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.
Published on March 9, 2007 By COL Gene In Politics

Every time George W. Bush visits a foreign country the people of that country protest and very often riot. We have had similar situations in the past but not to the extent and degree of the violence that greets Bush every time he travels.

The riots in Brazil and the unrest anticipated in Columbia, Mexico and possibly the other stops on the Bush trips are an imbursement to our country. Bush should stay home and use video-conferences to talk with other world leaders. I wonder what Bush 41 thinks when he sees how his son is hated thought the world and when he views the continuing violence in Iraq day after day caused by the policies of his son.

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on Mar 09, 2007

Oh No!  I just heard from Jimmy's locker partner that Janey said that our date was boring and I had B.O... I want to die!!!

Here is my nomination for ColGene's Theme Song...


High School Never Ends

Four years you think for sure
That's all you've got to endure
All the total dicks
All the stuck up chicks
So superficial, so immature
Then when you graduate
You take a look around and you say HEY WAIT
This is the same as where I just came from
I thought it was over
Aw that's just great

The whole damn world is just as obsessed
With who's the best dressed and who's having sex,
Who's got the money, who gets the honeys,
Who's kinda cute and who's just a mess
And you still don't have the right look
And you don't have the right friends
Nothing changes but the faces, the names, and the trends
High school never ends

Check out the popular kids
You'll never guess what Jessica did
How did Mary Kate lose all that weight
And Katie had a baby so I guess Tom's straight
And the only thing that matters
Is climbing up that social ladder
Still care about your hair and the car you drive
Doesn't matter if you're sixteen or thirty-five

Reese Witherspoon,
She's the prom queen
Bill Gates,
Captain of the chess team
COLGene, the clown
Brad Pitt, the quarterback
I've seen it all before
I want my money back

The whole damn world is just as obsessed
With who's the best dressed and who's having sex,
Who's in the clubs and who's on the drugs,
Who's throwing up before they digest
And you still don't have the right look
And you don't have the right friends
And you're still listen to the same shit you did back then
High school never ends

High school never ends

The whole damn world is just as obsessed
With who's the best dressed and who's having sex,
Who's got the money, who gets the honeys,
Who's kinda cute and who's just a mess
And I still don't have the right look
And I still have the same three friends
And I'm pretty much the same as I was back then
High school never ends

High school never ends

High school never ends

Here we go again

I guess you consider Fidel Castro a hero, since he is just so popular.

on Mar 09, 2007

All your BS does not alter the truth of this Blog! Just look at any news show or read any newspaper!

You Bush supporters are truly is some othe world!
on Mar 09, 2007

All your BS does not alter the truth of this Blog! Just look at any news show or read any newspaper!

You Bush supporters are truly is some othe world!

Give it up col......"nothing" EVER alters the truth of your blog. Even if it's shown to be wrong by others who are most certainly more intelligent than you (excluding myself). Now I can't speak for others but I put Brad in the "more intelligent" than you catagory. You couldn't match wits with him if he gave you a 49 point headstart in a 50 point game.

If us "Bushies" are on another world...then you Bush Bashers must be in another universe!
on Mar 09, 2007

All your BS does not alter the truth of this Blog!

Your "Bush Truth" is nothing but "Abel Lies".  You have been spewing doom and gloom for years now, yet none of it has actually happened.  I bet you even believe the polar bears are dying.

Just look at any news show or read any newspaper!

You mean the newspapers that told us that the miners were found alive?  Or do you mean the ones that told us about over 100 murders in the Superdome.  Oh, I know, you must mean the ones that told us that FEMA was to blame for Mayor Nagin and Governor Blanco failing to follow their city and state disaster protocols.  Or maybe you mean the newspapers that tell us that all our troops in Iraq are doing is dying and torturing innocent Iraqis.  Or maybe you're talking about the news shows that swear that Al Gore's Mock-You-Mentary is based on actual science.  Oh, now I know, you mean the news that said Scooter Libby had anything to do with the "outing" of Valarie Plame... Need I go on?

You Bush supporters are truly is some othe world!

I support Prs. Bush when I think he is right (Tax cuts that helped move the economy forward, the war on terror), but I don't support him when I think he's dead wrong (the border problem, illegal immigration).  You see, I have this organ in my head that anatomists call a Brain.  It helps me to make decisions based on available facts, not someone's last name, the letter that comes after their name, or completely ignorant arguments to back my point (such as "popularity").

on Mar 09, 2007

If you are saying the protests about Bush are not taking place as I SAID IN MY BLOG you are a liar pure and simple.
on Mar 09, 2007
Oh no, another countries low-lifes protest the President....wow that has never happened before. Nobody cares col, please understand that.
on Mar 09, 2007
Bush trips are an imbursement to our country

If you're being imbursed because of these trips and subsequent rioting, that's a good thing.

on Mar 09, 2007
Bush trips are an imbursement to our country.

You can't even write a simple sentence and yet expect anyone to take you seriously? Please explain exactly how Bush's trips are in any way providing any sort of imbursement to this country.

on Mar 09, 2007

Better than Leno.
on Mar 10, 2007
I hope you are looking at the news today. The riots and demonstrations against Bush are taking place in EVERY country Bush has or plans to visit. Bush is a disgrace to this great country. We have the WORST President in our history in office. ANYONE that continues to support him is either too embarrassed to acknowledge they were dumb enough to have supported him or are just as out of touch with the world as BUSH!
on Mar 11, 2007
Better than Leno.

Anything is better than Leno.
on Mar 11, 2007
I hope you are looking at the news today. The riots and demonstrations against Bush are taking place in EVERY country Bush has or plans to visit. Bush is a disgrace to this great country. We have the WORST President in our history in office. ANYONE that continues to support him is either too embarrassed to acknowledge they were dumb enough to have supported him or are just as out of touch with the world as BUSH!

So again with the attacks. I guess that must mean your position doesn't have a leg to stand on?
on Mar 11, 2007
Hmmm I wasn't aware that people in Latin America dictated U.S. leaders. Perhaps we should consult with Castro before voting in 2008?
on Mar 11, 2007
You go run for president of Venezuela, Gene. I'll vote for ya.
on Mar 12, 2007
The protests in Columbia were major and Bush left there early and spent the night in Guatemala where he was also met by protestors. The protests are against Bush more then America as people who were interviewed have said. Bush should STAY HOME-- Some Spending Cuts for you Conservatives.
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