Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.
Published on March 9, 2007 By COL Gene In Politics

Every time George W. Bush visits a foreign country the people of that country protest and very often riot. We have had similar situations in the past but not to the extent and degree of the violence that greets Bush every time he travels.

The riots in Brazil and the unrest anticipated in Columbia, Mexico and possibly the other stops on the Bush trips are an imbursement to our country. Bush should stay home and use video-conferences to talk with other world leaders. I wonder what Bush 41 thinks when he sees how his son is hated thought the world and when he views the continuing violence in Iraq day after day caused by the policies of his son.

Comments (Page 2)
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on Mar 13, 2007
Once again....so what.  Thugs and low-lifes protest and col thinks we should care what they think.  Amazing.

on Mar 13, 2007
Island Dog

Who cares what the people in other countries think about our President. We know he is an arrogant IDIOT and do not need others to tell us that!
on Mar 13, 2007

Who cares what the people in other countries think about our President. We know he is an arrogant IDIOT and do not need others to tell us that!

You seem to care since you take the time to write about the subject....again.  Don't confuse "we" with "you" and the far left because that is who you are speaking for here. 
on Mar 14, 2007
Island Dog

I guess that 30% that support what Bush is doing must all be on this Blog Site! Look at how inept this administration is. The Attorney General and the White House using politics to fire the U.S. Attorneys. The Gay issue. Libby and the outing of Mrs. Wilson. Walter Reed and the medical care issue. These issues are just during the past several weeks.
on Mar 14, 2007
Walter Reed

I'd drop this one if I were you. I myself have proven you wrong on this. I refer you to this thread:

on Mar 14, 2007

I guess that 30% that support what Bush is doing must all be on this Blog Site! Look at how inept this administration is. The Attorney General and the White House using politics to fire the U.S. Attorneys. The Gay issue. Libby and the outing of Mrs. Wilson. Walter Reed and the medical care issue. These issues are just during the past several weeks.

I assume you get your 30% number from the usual biased media polls, so we will just ignore that for now.  As far as your other rhetoric goes, most of it has already been debunked before, but that doesn't stop you from repeating it.

on Mar 14, 2007

As usual you are WRONG. I was aware that a new facility was to be prepared the problem is that will not be available until 2011. Since we need the services NOW, Bush should have made sure that the current facilities were properly maintained until the new facilities were able to meet the need. I think you will also learn from the new commission that this is not just a problem at Walter Reed but at other active military facilities and it is surely true of the VA. If the most recent data about the mental problem caused by the Iraq War are true, The VA will not be able to come even close to dealing with the over 100,000 that may be in need of prolonged treatment. If we go to non government facilities which is probably what should be done, the COST is going to sky rocket. When we add the long term medical cost, disability retirement, equipment replacement to the costs we have identified, the Iraq war will cause our country financial problems for decades. Add the fact that the entire cost so far has been borrowed and WE MUST PAY INTEREST ON THAT MONEY AND AT SOME POINT REPAY THAT ADDED DEBT! Just the interest on the war cost so far is about $25 Billion every year! If we continue to put all the cost on the tab, the added interest from just the Iraq War will be about $50 Billion EVERY YEAR until we pay off the Trillion Dollar cost that will most likely be the total cost of the Bush War! I hope you are happy about paying all the added taxes that Bush has caused!
on Mar 14, 2007
Gene, if you are such a scummy little fart that you are willing to ignore the DECADES that the entire Military and VA hospital system has been far below acceptable standards you are a bigger liar than I thought.

Why is it that you are willing to pompously spew crap about Prs. Bush, all the while knowing that the same problems existed long before even Bush Sr. was sworn into office?

This so-called "scandal" is nothing but a bunch of infantile Congressional Democrats mugging for the press. Some of them have been in office for 30+ years and have had all sorts of opportunities to do something, but chose not to.

They do it for the press, why do you do it?
on Mar 14, 2007
As usual you are WRONG. I was aware that a new facility was to be prepared the problem is that will not be available until 2011. Since we need the services NOW, Bush should have made sure that the current facilities were properly maintained until the new facilities were able to meet the need

And as per usual YOU'RE wrong! The final "closure" date for Walter Reed is 2011. Just because that's when WRH closes does NOT mean that Betheda won't be ready before that. As a matter of FACT Betheda will be on line "before" WRH closes! You can't have a gradual transfer without "new facilities" being ready.

The transfer of services from the existing to the new facilities will be gradual to allow for continuity of care for the thousands of service members, retirees and family members that depend upon Walter Reed AMC. The final closure of the current WRAMC facility has been set for September 2011.

And I just love the way you change course when your arguement is weak. We were talking about WRH...NOT the VA and NOT the deficit.

And about the VA? ParaTed2K is entirely correct.

Why is it that you are willing to pompously spew crap about Prs. Bush, all the while knowing that the same problems existed long before even Bush Sr. was sworn into office?

This so-called "scandal" is nothing but a bunch of infantile Congressional Democrats mugging for the press. Some of them have been in office for 30+ years and have had all sorts of opportunities to do something, but chose not to.

The VA was in deep ca-ca when I left the service in 1981. I heard no one back then talking about fixing it.
on Mar 14, 2007

I have supported improvements in the VA for a long time. The issue now is that the Bush invasion of Iraq has added a totally different dimension to the need for both active and non active duty medical care. Bush has not provided or asked congress for the resources for medical care that the war he insisted on fighting has caused. The day we went to war we should have also been requesting the resources those causalities would require. As the war dragged on and it became clear we were not going to end this conflict in the near term, WHY did the President not request the added resources for this medical care? Why did Bush not request the increase in the active military that his war created? Why has he not requested the funding to replace all the National Guard and reserve equipment that this war has destroyed?

Yes we would need even more money to properly fund the Medical care and other unfunded military needs like the equipment that has been destroyed. If Bush continues to refuse to increase taxes to pay for these added costs the deficit will continue to get worse. If we had not Invaded Iraq, we would be 1/2 Trillion dollars ahead in the battle of the budget and be no worse off from a security standpoint!

on Mar 14, 2007
Where do any of you supporters of the Iraq war think the money to pay for this war should come from?

Every war in modern times was paid for by an increase in taxes to pay the added cost of war. Bush must think the Tooth Fairy is coming to leave a trillion dollars under his pillow to pay the cost of a war that did not have to be fought. We were NOT attacked. There was no threat of an Attack. This was an elective preemptive war. Every one who supports Bush and this war should be surcharged to pay the added cost of the war they insist was needed!!!!!
on Mar 14, 2007
Every war in modern times was paid for by an increase in taxes to pay the added cost of war. Bush must think the Tooth Fairy is coming to leave a trillion dollars under his pillow to pay the cost of a war that did not have to be fought. We were NOT attacked. There was no threat of an Attack

There was threats from Iraq, democrats told us so.  You keep repeating the same nonsense over and over even though you can't back any of it up.

Let's increase taxes, but across the board with no class warfare involved.  I bet you don't go for that.

on Mar 14, 2007
I have supported improvements in the VA for a long time. The issue now is that the Bush invasion of Iraq has added a totally different dimension to the need for both active and non active duty medical care.

You don't support crap but your own ignorance. You act like trauma and psychological problems are something new, invented by Prs. Bush just in time for the war in Iraq. You act like no troops ever get hurt and soldiers don't suffer the trauma of watching their buddies get killed unless there is a war on.

Let me awaken your lifelong slumber. Guess what, during the Clinton administration there were more troop deaths than there have been coming home from Iraq and Afganistan. During the Clinton Administration Walter Reed was getting patients from accidents and terrorist attacks. They offered substandard treatment then just as they are now.

The human body doesn't differentiate between wartime trauma and peacetime trauma. Trauma is trauma, and no bloated bureacracy can or will ever handle trauma to the standard required. It's not the workload, the doctors, nurses, techs or other staffmembers. It's not even the budget. It's the fact that bloated bureacracies DON'T WORK...

and here you are childishly demanding the head of Prs. Bush while at the same time defending the bloated bureaucracy that is actually the problem.

You are pathetic!
on Mar 14, 2007
Island Dog

The reason I do not support tax increases for middle income workers is that tax increases on them will negatively impact their ability to live especially those in the middle and lower section of the middle income. The effect of increasing taxes on the wealthy is that they pay it from their Surplus and it will not have a negative impact on their lives!

As to the danger from Iraq, I said were not attacked and there was no danger of being attacked. That was confirmed by the Pentagon Assessment that Saddam had no offensive military capability and that assessment was just before we invaded. The ease with which we destroyed the Iraqi military and deposed Saddam proves the correctness of the Pentagon estimate of Saddam’s military power. Thus we invaded a country that was NO DANGER to the United States!!! What we did succeed is to uncork the sectarian violence and allowed a Civil War to erupt in Iraq! We also have provided al Qaeda the ability to begin operating in western Iraq.
on Mar 14, 2007
Para Ted 2K

“The human body doesn't differentiate between wartime trauma and peacetime trauma. Trauma is trauma,”

Are you saying the Iraq war has not created MORE troops with physical and mental injuries? How many troops were injured during the Clinton administration?

You are such an idiot. The issue is that we started a war that has resulted in over 25,000 injuries and as many as 100,000 mental problems and have not provided the medical capability to deal with the injuries this war has created! WHY?
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