Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.
Published on March 17, 2007 By COL Gene In Politics

If I had a dollar for every time I heard a Republican complain about INCREASED Federal Spending I would be a multi-millionaire. I looked at the changes in the federal budget over the past 6 years. Guess what? Interest on the debt is the biggest increase in federal spending followed by the Iraq War. The increased federal Spending on interest is about $150 Billion per year since 2000 and the increase in spending on the Iraq war is about $125 Billion per year.

Every time a Republican complains about increased federal spending they need to look in the mirror and say I am the cause of the increased spending over the past 6 years. What is worse is that the increase in the interest will continue and will not end until we repay the debt. That can not even begin because Bush will hand the next president a federal budget that is hundreds of Billions out of balance. Unlike the BALANCED budget GWB got when he took office. GOOD WORK all you Republicans that supported Bush and the GOP members of Congress!!!!!!!

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on Mar 17, 2007
I guess there is not argument with this Blog!
on Mar 17, 2007
If I had a dime for every time you have been caught lying, misrepresenting another’s statements, or claiming facts of a statement that later turn out to be wrong I could buy the state of Texas by buy the land one parcel at a time.

Lowering federal spending is not a republican agenda as you try to suggest. It is a conservative agenda. Ignorance looks good on you only because you wrap yourself in it so well. Mr. Bush is not a conservative, neither was his father. This is the reason he is having so much trouble keeping the party under control.
You as a political hack should know and understand this but you either choose to be ignorant or refuse to learn the facts before posting an article like this one. Reducing spending, reducing federal control over business, reducing federal control over our lives, finding the perfect balance between government and citizen is simple to a conservative, for every 100k of population there should be one civilian federal employee. Moderates believe that the government should grow as necessary and liberals think that all citizens should be federal employees or in a union and stupid liberals believe that all citizens should be both a federal employee and in a union and preferably a member of the Soviet Union.
Mr. Bush is a moderate republican who has more in common with moderate democrats than conservative republicans or democrats.
You would know this if you spend a little time in research and less time trying to prove to yourself that Mr. Bush is like you.
on Mar 17, 2007

Well the Congress which passed the Bush tax cuts, budgets and the Iraq war is controlled by the GOP which in turn is controlled by the conservatives. Then please explain how a Congress controlled by so called conservatives added $3 Trillion in debt and has increased spending per year on interest by $150 Billion and the Iraq war by $125 Billion?

You have NEVER shown ANYTHING I have posted was not true. All you have to do to validate the increase in the Interest and Iraq war cost is look at the budget in 2000 and compare it with the 2007 budget!
on Mar 17, 2007
controlled by the GOP which in turn is controlled by the conservatives. Then please explain how a Congress controlled by so called conservatives added $3 Trillion in debt and has increased spending per year on interest by $150 Billion and the Iraq war by $125 Billion?

Because the GOP is not controlled by the conservatives if it were then they would have own the elections in 2006. To show their displeasure they stayed away from the polls and let the Democrats win. Wars cost money when the nation choose to go to war it was with the idea of wining the war. Unlike the democrats the desire of the Republicans protect and defend the nation. It seems the desire of the Democrats is to win elections without a care of the ramifications. The same strategy used when Mr. Nixon was president causing 20 years of nations distrusting us, lost of respect around the world and the deaths of thousands of American servicemen in Vietnam and it looks like they are going to repeat the strategy again. For local politics this is fine but to play this game on the international stage is most dangerous. In every war money is spent to win. In every war this nation spent more money than it had to win. Only in Vietnam did we lose everything we had gained internationally and domestically over the past 50 years. It took Ronald Reagan to start rebuilding the trust of the world leaders. It was once believed that if America set its mind on achieving something it would reach that goal no matter what got in the way. we went to the moon, protected Europe in two world wars and the cold war against all odds. The world believed that we as a nation my by hard and cold when crossed but helpful when asked for any assistance. Since the Soviets took over Russia in the early 20th century they had failed to feed their people in any 3 consecutive years out of the 70 they were in control yet the US sold them grain every year no matter how bad relations were with them. While at the same time we battled them on every other front. We can do anything we set our minds to because we are America. The only thing we can’t do is win against ourselves. President Lincoln said that a nation divided against its self can not stand. Our petty political arguments of left and right is great domestically but internationally it hurts the nation not just the president which is why we have always had the policy of politics stopping at the waters edge. Except on two occasions the first in Vietnam and the second happening now. as I pointed out the first time we had serious and long ranging problems and the second is shaping up to do the same only worse. Thanks for thinking that winning in politics is better than keeping us safe at home. Shortsightedness has been the shortcoming of the democratic party You can’t win in the arena of ideas so you try to win by destroying the nation. You call the President an idiot, a dunce, a frat boy, a party guy. I understand the strategy behind the thinking is once your people are in charge you will fix it and make everything right again. The problem is that it doesn’t work. The last time it was tried the American people were demoralized and believed that we were losers, the military was ripped to pieces and useless when the Democrat President needed them. The CIA was destroyed and even now is unable to do what it was supposed to do, you know like stop the terrorist before they strike. The FBI was castrated and just as useless because everyone on your side wants to defend your rights that have not been bent on the chance that they might be. So it is proven that your way of doing things does not work and will only weaken our position around the world. While devastating the American people at home.
Spend the money and win then we can cut the deficit after like we did in every war we have ever had.

You have NEVER shown ANYTHING I have posted was not true.

I and others have proven you wrong on almost every article you have written. You choose to ignore the facts when presented to you and failed to reesearch anything that was presented you just repeat your line over and over and when you can't refute the facts you just stop posting to that article and write another restating the same crap in the last one. That is proof that you print lies without having to dredge up all the articles you have written and the people that refuted them.
on Mar 18, 2007

First, the American people are demoralized and bitterly divided as a result of GWB.

Second, you did not address the issue of this Blog- In 2000, 2002 and 2004 the conservatives elected a GOP President and a GOP controlled Congress. That Congress and president is responsible for the largest increase in federal spending on Interest, the Iraq war and Increased Pork. How then can the GOP, who was put into power by conservatives, be responsible for an unprecedented increase in government spending when they claim this is the action that are the most opposed to? There actions were repeated year after year over the past 6 years and that has continually increased spending on Interest, the Iraq war and Pork projects. The uses of earmarks begin to expend the FIRST year the GOP took over the control of Congress in 1994. It reached a peak in 2006. You are the one that does not do their research!
on Mar 18, 2007
First, the American people are demoralized and bitterly divided as a result of GWB.

The American people have been bombarded by negative press for 4 years and it was not until 2006 did it start to take hold. Disloyal idiots who run around screaming that we are losing long before there was any evidence of the fact then pointing to every misstep as proof we are losing. The abu grab screw up was portrayed as systematic abuse from the top down in order to pin the problem on GWB. Funny how no one seems to remember that by the time the press discovered the problem the people involved had been arrested for three months and got their exclusive breaking news from the PAO in a press release. Funny how it was covered up according to the press. So yes, Americans are demoralized just as I explained in the last post how the Democrat party did the same thing in Vietnam and how successful that was for the nation.
I see you are proud of your part in helping America lose another war it was winning.

Second, you did not address the issue of this Blog- In 2000, 2002 and 2004 the conservatives elected a GOP President and a GOP controlled Congress.

Then you need to learn to read. Republicans are not conservatives. Just like democrats are not liberal the moderate wing of the Republican Party is what is running the party and has been since GHWB took power. Since the democrats are leaning so far to the left that your party only has one conservative democrat it is hard to pass conservative legislation. That is the answer to your question. I figure I have to tell you so you won’t miss it again.

on Mar 18, 2007
<---has never voted for a single GOP congressman or President, yet is accused of being Republican. Go figure.
on Mar 18, 2007

As a Republican for over 40 years and as a member of the local Republican Committee there were several principals that Republicans were committed to. One was restraint on government spending. Second was a BALANCED BUDGET. Third was NO NATION BUILDING. The GOP during the past 6 years has turned its back on all three of these principals. I have copied the point of this Blog for you to understand:

Every time a Republican complains about increased federal spending they need to look in the mirror and say I am the cause of the increased spending over the past 6 years.
on Mar 18, 2007
If I had a dollar for every time I've heard a Democrat talk about raising taxes without cutting spending I guess I'd be a millionaire too.

You really are a great humor writer. I love satire.
on Mar 18, 2007

The Republicans have been in control for the past 6 years and took a balanced budget given to them by Clinton and turned it into a huge deficit. You better read the two articles I posted from the Comptroller General and see what he has to say about BUSH!

Bush and the GOP controlled Congress added more spending then ANY Democrat in modern history! $150 Billion in Interest. $125 Billion for Iraq war. Record high PORK and Earmarks. HYPOCRISY - That is what Republicans complaining about the free spending liberals are!
on Mar 18, 2007
Every time a Republican complains about increased federal spending they need to look in the mirror and say I am the cause of the increased spending over the past 6 years.

Once again you have ignored what I wrote to advance your blind beliefs. Conservatives want to limit government and cut wasteful spending. We are in a war so cutting spending is going to take a back seat to winning the war. the democrats now in power will not authorize the war money unless they get these necessary and much needed items. A sugar museum, a spinach research project, and tons of other pork. This is not to say that the republicans are pure as the driven snow, it is the politics of buying votes. It works for democrats because liberals want hand outs and not earn anything. Republicans made the mistake of trying to do the same thing and they were rejected by the grass roots GOP giving the power back to the democrats. Conservatives want limited government but politicians are committed to re-election. Because they ignored the people that put them in office they were removed from office. Don’t make the mistake that it means that the population embraces the Democratic Party’s way of thinking. Conservatives want and believe in limited government and when a republican says that is what he believes he will be elected and when he fails to do as desired he will be removed. On your side of the fence it is expected that your people will lie to get elected and left in power to fester and retard the growth of the nation for political gain.

col Gene, notice I use col in lower case because you have failed to act like a Colonel in the U.S. military and more like a political hack. I do the same with col John Glen former Senator. He was a politician that sold out for political gain. the same with General Zini who gave up the ideals of the military for political gain. Both are Marines I am ashamed to say. My father was a Marine on Iwo Jima during WWII and I have a deep and abiding respect and love for the Marine Corps. I also am a Marine, disabled and longing to be with my brothers and sisters in harms way. I don't pick on you because you were in the Army but because you are a political hack. you would rather lose a war to hurt the twice majority elected leader of our nation than demand we win the war. When Mr. Clinton was elected I had voted against him twice but supported him on all international afairs, no pun intended, not because I thought he was right but because the world need to see we are united as a nation and a people. Too bad you want to go back to the doom and gloom that helped destroy the nation for Vietnam. The Gulf war was "another Vietnam" from your side of the isle. when that failed this war on terror in Afghanistan was "another Vietnam" and the continuing battle in Iraq which is still part of the war on terror is "another Vietnam" your side of the the isle loves to lose. Bosnia was not a nother Vietnam because it was started by Mr. Clinton yet we are still mired down there 10 years later and 6 years after he left office.
on Mar 18, 2007
Please name any group of Democrats that have ever advocated cutting spending.

You seem to forget that the balanced budget under the Clinton administration was accomplished by a Republican majority congress.
on Mar 18, 2007
Please name any group of Democrats that have ever advocated cutting spending.

Congressman Murtha wants to cut spending so does Speaker Pelosi, and majority leader Reed. The spending they want to cut is for our troops while they want to spend money for a sugar museum, and spnich research.
on Mar 18, 2007
As a Republican for over 40 years and as a member of the local Republican Committee there were several principals that Republicans were committed to. One was restraint on government spending. Second was a BALANCED BUDGET. Third was NO NATION BUILDING. The GOP during the past 6 years has turned its back on all three of these principals. I have copied the point of this Blog for you to understand:

See, Col, when you make salient points like this I agree with you. We're agreed on not liking the course the GOP is taking, it is the solutions where we disagree.

I complain about big government Republicans, though, and advocate for smaller government. You complain about big government Republicans and advocate for bigger government. I honestly don't understand it.
on Mar 19, 2007
Hypocrisy is telling us about "big spending republicans" and then telling us welfare and entitlement programs are necessary.

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