Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.
Published on April 13, 2007 By COL Gene In Politics

George W. Bush is again threatening to Veto a new bill that would allow Federal Funding of Stem Cell Research. He argues that we can not destroy human life. What the President does not seem to get is the frozen stem cells that are left over from in-vitro fertilization will be destroyed as medical waste. The choice is not between life and destruction of these cells. The choice is destruction by incineration as medical waste or destruction to seek cures for disease. The Bush answer will destroy these cells with NO benefit to anyone and if he prevents their use in federally funded research they will not become human life and will ultimately be destroyed. WHY does Bush not understand this simple fact?

Comments (Page 4)
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on Apr 19, 2007
Name one disease stem cells have cured.
on Apr 19, 2007
Stem cells don't really cure disease, they have the potential for regeneration. If we can figure out how to stimulate the growth of a certain type of cell from stem cells, then we'll be good to go.

Federal funding could definately help, any money could help. However, I'm not interested in stem cell research...it bores me.

on Apr 20, 2007
It is time to allow this funding and I hope Congress will override a Bush VETO!
on Apr 20, 2007

It is time to allow this funding and I hope Congress will override a Bush VETO!

Ain't gonna happen

A Public Law may be enacted over a President's veto, when Congress is successful in its attempt to override the President's veto. Upon reconsideration and debate, the President's veto may be overridden by a two-thirds vote in the chamber of origin of the bill (a quorum must be present). If the President's veto is not overridden, the bill does not become law.

The democrats do NOT control 2/3rd's of EITHER the House of Reps or the Senate. And there aren't enough republicans that will cross the line.
on Apr 20, 2007
col. Gean said:

It is time to allow this funding and I hope Congress will override a Bush VETO!

That is your wish. Why not spend the money on adult stem cell usage. We have been doing it for years.

Moderateman said:
Name one disease stem cells have cured.

Adult stem cells have cured a host of diseases. Bone marrow transplants are adult stem cells. OOPS! This is why I have been saying spend the money on someting that works until it has been exhausted. Cures for cancer from adult stem cells.
on Apr 20, 2007

It is time to allow this funding and I hope Congress will override a Bush VETO!

It's amazing how Gene doesn't worry about the deficit when it comes to social programs.

on Apr 21, 2007

You just ignore that if stem cell research were to find a cure for just ONE major illness it would save Billions in Medicare and Medicaid costs. Look at the research using stem cells as an investment! Just think of how much more you and the rich can pile up so you can try and take it with you by saving the cost to treat diseases that might be cured! I would be happy for all the people that would avoid the suffering a major disease causes such as my wife’s cancer and my late step-sons diabetes.
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