Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.
Published on April 25, 2007 By COL Gene In Politics

I served 30 years as a member of first the Regular Army and then the Army Reserve. I met some of the most dedicated people in my life in the military. Almost to a person they accepted the tasks given them even when those tasks caused great hardship to them and their families. From everything I have read and scene on TV today, our military has never been more committed to protecting our great country.

That is what makes what we have done to them so hard to accept. We sent them into combat believing that their sacrifice was to:

Protect us from what they were told was a danger to our homeland from Iraq.

They were told their service in fighting the Iraq War would make America safer.

We told them we would take care of them if they were injured.

The horrible truth is we LIED. Anyone that supports Bush and Cheney has lied to them just like our two top leaders have done. Saddam was no danger to America and Bush had the intelligence and Pentagon estimate that showed he WAS NO DANGER to our country in 2002. The bottom line is that after over four years of fighting the efforts of our military has not made America safer but less safe. That is not because they did not perform admirably but because the mission they were sent on by Bush was one that was WRONG from the beginning and Bush was warned that attacking Iraq would create the horrible situation we see today. Bush failed to listen to the military planners as to the troop levels needed to secure Iraq and most of our dead and wounded are because Bush did not send the required manpower to secure Iraq and prevent the needless bloodshed we see every day in that Hell Hole! When our wounded return we fail to provide decent medical facilities like we say at Walter Reed and a VA system that is NOT capable of providing the long term services needed by our veterans.

George W. Bush and Dick Cheney have a lot on nerve appearing before the brave members of our military after the way they LIED to them as to WHY we attacked Iraq. They should be ashamed after the way they BOTH failed to serve their country during Vietnam.

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on Apr 25, 2007
You lie as a matter of course. You are a political hack.
on Apr 25, 2007
bill clinton

is the lier

he stated throughout his stay in office that he wouldn't use the military

he used the military more than any other pres. since ww2

he sent troops into combat zones unarmed

he said we were sorry when the cole was attacked

he attacked an aspiren factory

he made sure there wasn't enough flu shoots for this country

he had sex with that girl

he lied in court


his actions led to the 9/11 attack

an attack of that scale and planning required more than 8 months of planning and exicution
on Apr 25, 2007
No Bush and Cheney LIED and are responsible for the deaths of thousands of Americans to fight a war that was not justified and has not made America safer. He made the military believe they were helping make us safer and just the opposite is the result of our invasion of Iraq. We have MORE enemies that would be willing to attack us again because of our invasion of Iraq.

What ever lies Clinton told did not result in the death of our troops like the lies Bush and Cheney told!!!
on Apr 25, 2007
there are 10,000 reasons for the invasion of iraq and removal of sodom

that is the 10,000 babies that he used and killed for weapons testing
on Apr 25, 2007
What ever lies Clinton told did not result in the death of our troops like the lies Bush and Cheney told!!!

black hawk down the cole the embasies

on Apr 25, 2007
There are 10,000 reasons for the invasion of Iraq and removal of Saddam

That is the 10,000 babies that he used and killed for weapons testing

None of them endangered this country and were not the reason Bush gave for invading Iraq. As I said HE LIED!

black hawk down the cole the embasies Clinton did not cause any of them no more then Bush caused 9/11.

However invading a country that posed no danger to our country and causing millions more enemies for our country is what Bush accomplished! Not sending the troops needed to prevent the Civil War that is taking place in Iraq today are the fault of Bush! That is caused almost ALL the dead and injured we have sustained in this WAR. All after “MISSION ACCOMPLISHED”
on Apr 25, 2007
on Apr 25, 2007
of course clinton coused them by backing down and sending that black hawk in unarmed

we did not know about the concentration camps during world war 2 until we found the first one

A CIVIL WAR IS where two factions are trying to control the country

these two factions are just killing each other that makes them street gangs nothing better than that

i am sorry but since all muslims are enemies of the united states. i don't see how we could have made millions of more enemies in the middle east

there were 10s of thousands killed in one day at the battle of d-day
there were 100s killed at iwo jima

so your saying that those battles were lost right

how stupid can you be to only look at the number of died to decide if a battle has been won or lost

sadom had the same problem with the sunni and shia that we are having but he controled the press releases
on Apr 26, 2007
What ever lies Clinton told did not result in the death of our troops like the lies Bush and Cheney told!!!

That's BS and you KNOW it!
on Apr 26, 2007

Take your own advice and stop beating a dead horse. What I posted in this Blog is true even though you and others on this Blog Sight do not want to admit the truth!
on Apr 26, 2007

Show us what lies that Clinton told killed Americans.

The lies that Bush and Cheney told us about the danger posed by Saddam and his refusal to send the troops required to establish and maintain control in Iraq have KILLED over 3,000 troops and injured over 25,000 more! That is NOT BS it is the TRUTH.
on Apr 26, 2007

"We did not know about the concentration camps during world war 2 until we found the first one"

Although that has nothing to due with Iraq, documents have been released that show the U.S. was aware of the death camps during the WWII.

"I am sorry but since all Muslims are enemies of the United States. I don't see how we could have made millions of more enemies in the Middle East”

Better read our NIE. It says that the invasion of Iraq has enabled the radical Moslem factions to recruit many more people to the ranks of those that will do things like 9/11. Not all Moslems HATE the U.S. like those that caused 9/11. Our invasion and occupation of Iraq is causing the numbers that HATE us to increase and thus make us less safe. That is the conclusion of the 16 intelligence agencies of this country. We also see the radical Moslem groups operating in multiple locations. That is why the Bush argument that is we leave Iraq with al Qaeda in place puts us in danger. They are operating in Iraq with us in place with 160,000 troops. Even if we could eliminate the cells from operating in Iraq we still have multiple groups operating in other countries that could plan another 9/11 or worse. We are in the middle of a Civil War that developed BECAUSE we invaded Iraq, deposed Saddam and failed to send enough troops to prevent the factions from organizing and fighting for control of Iraq. The foreign elements are trying to make the fighting among the internal factions worse but the VAST majority of the fighting is between the three factions that each want control of Iraq. That is a Civil War no matter what Bush and Cheney claim!
on Apr 26, 2007
you had better reread everything again

the muslim hates everyone that is not muslim

the muslim is directed by his/her religion to either convert or kill everyone that is not muslim

also if you do not believe exactly like him/her then they are to kill you too

there are only two factions fighting in iraq sunni and shia the kurds are not involved


even our liberal press cannot lie that one away

our biggest threat right now is iran

they seem to be suppling weapons to al quida and the taliban

al quida in iraq are targeting the usa and not iraqies

the taliban in afghan. are targeting the usa and not afghans.

the sunni and the shia are targeting each other and not the usa

and i just read that the democrats in this country are now going to start blaming guilina the mayor of new york on 9/11 for that attack

there are no radical muslim groups or all muslims are radical take your pick

and i don't mean every individual i am sure that some are muslim in name only just like some christians are only christians in name only

al quida and iran are the threats to the usa right now

i will make it clear to you democrats and liberals and bush bashiers


the so called civil war is between the sunni and the shias being brought to you mostly by mr sadr

the insurgency war being fight by al quida, iran(suppling the weapons), and non iraqis
these people are the ones trying to stop democracy from taking hold in iraq

the usa and its allies are fighting the insurgency

we are also involved in the so called civil war to a lesser extent everyday

of course this is something that the idiots in washington don't want you to know

and mr sadr has decided to declare war on the occuping forces of the usa

if mr sadr wants us out of there all he has to do is stop the killing or the so called civil war

on Apr 26, 2007
Although that has nothing to due with Iraq, documents have been released that show the U.S. was aware of the death camps during the WWII.

they may have known about the camps but nothing could have prepared them for what reality was

on Apr 26, 2007

"The Muslim hates everyone that is not Muslim."

Hate is a strong word. The vast majority do not support attacks like 9/11. If the day comes what 1.2 Billion Moslems HATE all non Moslems enough to do things like 9/11, we and every other non Moslem Country had better arm to the teeth because we will be in WWIII which will make WWII look meek in comparison. Our invasion and occupation of Iraq has caused many more radical Moslems to be willing to attack us and that is why what we have done has made us LESS SAFE. That is the conclusion of the 16 Intel Agencies and it is what they said in the NIE!

“There are only two factions fighting in Iraq Sunni and Shea the Kurds are not involved”


That is not true. Both the Sunni and Shea want to control all but the Northern portion (Kurd area) and the oil wealth. The only reason the Kurds have been relatively calm is because the Sunni and Shea have allowed that area to be controlled by the Kurds including their oil wealth. If the day comes when either the Sunni or Shea try and exercise control over the north, the Kurds will be in the fight was well.

"al Qaeda and Iran are the threats to the USA right now"

I agree. Now look at the net result of our invasion of Iraq. We have enabled a government in Iraq to be created that is made up of the same faction that governs Iran. Iran and the new Iraqi government are moving closer together. As for al Qaeda they are operating in Iraq to a FAR GREATER degree then before our invasion. Because we did not send the troop levels into Iraq to prevent the entry and organization of the foreign terrorists, we have enabled them to operate in the new Iraq. Thus the Bush policy has destabilized Iraq, moved it closer to Iran and enabled al Qaeda to establish operational elements in Iraq. That has not made America safer!

"We are also involved in the so called civil war to a lesser extent everyday”

the events of the past month do not support that statement!

"they may have known about the camps but nothing could have prepared them for what reality was "

Top U.S. Officials had a good idea of the nature of the camps but the majority of Americans had no idea just how bad the situation was including our troops that liberated the camps!

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