Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.

The price of gas is not something that can be ignored. The explanation from Big Oil is just not acceptable. They claim the spring maintenance is the reason for the highest gas prices ever in this Country. At the same time oil company profits continue to set new records.

With the obscene profits oil companies have received they have not built ANY new refineries in 20 years to deal with the supply issue they claim is why prices are high. It is time to simply tax away the increasing profits and use that tax revenue to build refineries, seek alternate energy and begin forcing solutions that BIG OIL will not resolve. All they want is to pay huge salaries to their top executives and make the stockholders happy while destroying every person and business in this country. The increase in gas prices is FAR worse then any tax increase because it is harms ALL Americans and ALL American Business. For any of the conservatives that wail against tax increases, it is time to stop the rape by Big Oil!

Comments (Page 1)
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on May 08, 2007
They claim the spring maintenance is the reason for the highest gas prices ever in this Country.

you'd think they'd be plannin ahead after all these years.

if oil were a truly competitive marketplace, instead of the corrupt, price fixing industry it has shown itself to be (and i don't need a court of law to tell me what is clear, that big oil doesn't really compete against one another...gas stations might, but oil companies don't) i would let it be...but year after year of this crap and the innocent denials from the industry is getting a bit nauseating.

but unfortunately, in the end, all that will happen is a couple of gas sation independent owners will go down, "abu gihrab" style.
on May 08, 2007
It is time for Congress to act and it may take until after the 2008 election for a change!
on May 08, 2007
Why are you complaining again?

Here is a little data from California...

January 1999

January 2007


Crude oil costs are more than five times what they were eight years ago. Over half of the crude this country consumes comes from foreign sources. Big oil might be making record profits but the other half of the oil we consume is costing us just as much (and BTW you ignore again a previous point by Brad that their profit margins are really weak at something like 11%).

I know it hurts to go to the pump but the simple fact is that it costs more to drill for oil. I am not going to rehash all of the things I said before but you blame the execs for lining their pockets without a shred of proof. I can tell you, from experience, that that money works its way all the way down the pipeline. We are loosing an employee a month to other companies and they are leaving for as little as $15k more a year (most for double that). I am talking about accountants, regulatory people, well site supervisors ... you know the average Joe who works paycheck to paycheck.

So exactly who is claiming spring maintenance? Is this yet another of your inflammatory articles that has no basis in fact at all? Tune in again to the tired rantings of another idiot with an internet connection and a hatred for anybody who made better choices in life than him.
on May 08, 2007
The state and federal governments already get more per gallon than the oil companies.  If anyone is guilty of gouging, it's our own elected officials. 
on May 08, 2007
This is so ridiculous as usual.
With the obscene profits oil companies have received they have not built ANY new refineries in 20 years to deal with the supply issue they claim is why prices are high
. Oil companies can't just buy a patch of land and build a refinery. Do you understand who puts up the most obstacles when it comes to building new, cleaner refineries?
The increase in gas prices is FAR worse then any tax increase because it is harms ALL Americans and ALL American Business. For any of the conservatives that wail against tax increases, it is time to stop the rape by Big Oil!
Right col. Because taxing "big oil" as lefties put it, is going to reduce gas prices. Once more all you have done is made a clueless case for tax increases for someone else.
on May 08, 2007
Why are you complaining again?

lol,,,this is what i said...i can't speak for the col. ....

but unfortunately, in the end, all that will happen is a couple of gas sation independent owners will go down, "abu gihrab" style.

and here you are flaunting a bunch of gas station data. this isn't about them. this isn't about scapegoating some small business for chargin a dime more than the place down the street.

this is about the collusion of the industry from the top. an "old boys club" way of beating the system.
on May 08, 2007
Oil companies can't just buy a patch of land and build a refinery. Do you understand who puts up the most obstacles when it comes to building new, cleaner refineries?

oil companies put up 1/2 assed efforts to show that they are trying...as soon as anyone voices an opposition, they throw up their hands and act helpless...big whoop.

and for the record, i'm not so sure about a tax, per se...but we can do better than the way we have let big oil run amock. and again, it isn't about the local 7-11 hittin me for an extra dime a gallon.
on May 08, 2007
Just John

If the Oil companies were to just increasing their retail prices to cover their added cost (Crude, Refining etc) their profits will not be skyrocketing. The increase in the retail cost is impacting every facet of the economy. Small Business, low and middle income workers and it is also increasing the end cost of anything that requires energy to produce which is just about everything. The Oil companies control supplies and manipulate that supply to drive up profits. This is a major economic problem and if it goes on too long and the price continues to increase, the effects will be substantial! Increasing oil prices is far worse then any tax increase. You would scream about a tax increase but make excuses for the unwarranted increase in gas prices.
on May 08, 2007
The state and federal governments already get more per gallon than the oil companies. If anyone is guilty of gouging, it's our own elected officials. This has NOTHING to do with the increase in gas prices
on May 08, 2007
The Oil companies control supplies

half of those supplies are controlled by opec

you know the aribs and venzualy

half of which are open and/or hidden enemies of the united states
on May 08, 2007
Just John

From you chart--Look at Refinery Cost and PROFIT 1999 was about $.28 in Feb 2007 $.75. No matter what BS you spew, the profits BIG OIL is showing would not be increasing like they are if they were just increasing prices to cover higher COSTS!
on May 08, 2007
PROFIT 1999 was about $.28 in Feb 2007 $.75

and what is that 75 cents paying for

this is only the profit from the oil not the company profit

this is like complaining about the prices at the movies for candy and drinks and popcorn

we all know you can get the same stuff for half the price

but the theatries are only trying to stay open specifically the $1 theaters becouse their only profits come from those three things
on May 08, 2007

What is this? Summer Re-runs? We had this conversation before and it's as if Gene simply chose to ignore it.

Using loaded language like "obscene profits" doesn't make it so.

If I make $300 billion and $30 billion is profit, that's only a 10% margin which is hardly "obscene".

on May 08, 2007
I'd like to know who the philosopher demigod is gonna be who is going to decide how much money you make is too much. Odd... you know I don't recall seeing the Col commenting on the profit margin of, oh, say Microsoft. What about the great diamond cartel that controls the profit on rocks that otherwise would be mediocre in price?

Why oil, Col? Could it be an extension of your hatred for Bush? Don't try to say it is because it is a resource people "need", because people could cut their consumption by tons if they so chose, saving themselves the extra money. Allowing the market to determine price is a cornerstone of economic freedom.

Goes to show the people who oppose those they consider dictatorial are usually just as dictatorial themselves...
on May 08, 2007
I'd like to know who the philosopher demigod is gonna be who is going to decide how much money you make is too much.

again,,,can't speak for the col,,, but i look at it as more of an issue that this industry is anti-competitive. and no baker, i don't have all the answers there, but it does irk me. everytime i look at that industry there is a lot of happenstance that always seems to end up meaning they make more money. and the sob stories from the industry really don't impress me or give me much confidence.

that's all i'm sayin,,,i'm not trying to dictate anything to anyone. i just think a closer look might be in order.
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