Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.

Again last night the GOP Presidential candidates fell all over themselves trying to prove they are GOOD CONSERVATIVES. Why do they not understand they are not trying to lead the GOP but the nation? Anyone that looks at what the MAJORITY of Americans want from their government will see that the majority DO NOT want a Conservative Agenda.

We need candidates from BOTH parties that have an agenda that draws from all sides and support policies that are CENTRIST. As a moderate Republican I do not see a candidate that I like in either party! What we are faced with are BAD choices not a leader that represents consensus or someone that unites the country.

Comments (Page 1)
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on May 16, 2007
It's been a while since I post on one of your corny articles. Looks like things haven't changed. You want proof of your obsession? Here it is:

Your title:
Majority of Americans ARE NOT Conservatives!

Your own words:
We need candidates from BOTH parties that have an agenda that draws from all sides and support policies that are CENTRIST.

Now, you couldn't write an article that said Anyone that looks at what the MAJORITY of Americans want from their government will see that the majority DO NOT want a Liberals "or" Conservatives agenda. You claim you want Centrist ideals yet you only point to Conservatives and completely ignored the Democratic debates that have taken place before. Typical, it's a miracle you managed to keep Bush's name out of this article.

People want someone who will work for them, who will make decisions that will benefit the American people not themselves or their party. At this point neither the Democrats or the Republicans have anyone that could accomplish any of this. The Democrats have proven that their intentions, after taking over Congress and having almost complete control of the Senate, that what they really wanted was to contradict Bush at every turn. Compromise is not in either of their vocabularies. This Gov't we have today is in more of a civil war than Iraq is. They are nothing but a bunch of selfish bastards (The Bush Administration, Congress and the Senate) who only care about their own personal gain and power and are not really fighting for the American people.
on May 16, 2007
We need candidates from BOTH parties that have an agenda that draws from all sides and support policies that are CENTRIST. That is what I said BOTH PARTIES. My Blog was about the GOP debate and the fact they were ALL trying to show they were Conservatives. If I had written about the democrat debate I would have used LIBERAL in place of Conservative. My point is correct. A President DOES NOT JUST represent either the Liberals or Conservatives BUT ALL Americans. You can not lead ALL Americans by catering to the wishes of only a minority of our population.

A good example is the claim that is if a Democrat is elected in 2008 YOUR TAXES WILL GO UP. That is a LIE. What Democrats have said is they would increases income taxes on the upper income Americans. Senator Edwards was the most specific-- He would increase taxes on people making ABOVE $200,000 per year to help balance the budget. That means that 90% of Americans WOULD NOT see their taxes go up if a democrat were elected President.
on May 16, 2007
The first part of this "article" that is not true is the fact that you are not a moderate republican. Your ideas and policies are more aligned with the far left in this country. Let's assume for a second you are correct. Now I don't follow your obsessive articles much anymore, but have you complained about the democratic candidates in the same manner? I see that you have stated that a democratic takes the White House in '08, which as of now would mean complete democratic control. Now I remember you complaining that republicans shouldn't have all the power and it should be "divided", so obviously you don't seem to have that same view when it involves democrats. I also see you don't complain about the democrats who are appeasing their liberal base. Why is it always republicans and conservatives with you? Because you are a democratic supporter I believe. You seriously have no understanding of politics.
on May 16, 2007
We need candidates from BOTH parties that have an agenda that draws from all sides and support policies that are CENTRIST. That is what I said BOTH PARTIES. My Blog was about the GOP debate and the fact they were ALL trying to show they were Conservatives. If I had written about the democrat debate I would have used LIBERAL in place of Conservative. My point is correct.

You know, no matter how hard I try I just can't resist saying it. You are stupid.You could have written about both debates with the same point but nooooo, you only picked the GOP debate.

A President DOES NOT JUST represent either the Liberals or Conservatives BUT ALL Americans. You can not lead ALL Americans by catering to the wishes of only a minority of our population.

Again, you are stupid. Just because there are more people leaning towards one issue does not make that issue the right one. If we can't even pick a good President what makes you think the American people know what they want? You can't have your cake and eat it too Col. Bush was voted, not once, but twice. If you think he was a bad choice than you think most Americans are stupid. And if they are stupid then how can you trust they know what they want when they could not even pick a good President? The average American does not know what's good for them. They are so lazy voter turn out almost equals Bush's ratings. All they want is more money and less work.

You're crazy if you think the solution to our problems is a Democratic President. And you know what, Island Dog is right. First you say that One single party should not have so much power in our Gov't the way the Republicans had it for many years, now you're being a hypocrit by wanting a Democratic President when both Congress and the Senate are under Democratic control. If you can't follow you're own line of thinking how can I trust you know what's best for this country.

You seriously have no understanding of politics.

I second that. And I thought I was ignorant to politics.
on May 16, 2007
He would increase taxes on people making ABOVE $200,000 per year to help balance the budget.

again and again you can not raise taxes on the rich without it affecting everyone

becouse all the rich will do is increase their wages to cover the tax increase

and when a business expense goes up so do prices

why are you so stupid you cannot see this

why do you think the CEOS of companies are making millions a year

it is to cover their taxes and pay the minimum wage increases for their home staff ie maids, cooks, gardaners, and whatever else i didn't mention. and yes i know that some or all of these do not get minimum wages.

you raise taxes prices go up

you raise minimum wages prices go up and people get fired. so who benefits from a minimum wage increase the idiots in washington. becouse it makes them look like they care.

A good example is the claim that is if a Democrat is elected in 2008 YOUR TAXES WILL GO UP. That is a LIE.

taxes will not go up in 2008 becouse it is against the law bushes tax cuts stay in effect until 2010(i think). which means a democrat president would have to come up with an override vote in the house and senate.(again i think)
on May 16, 2007

I believe we need to BALANCE the Budget and not take part in Nation Building which were are two of the foundations of being a republican. I do not support NEW social Programs but insist we fully fund existing programs like Medicare, Social Security and Medicaid. I agree marriage is between a male and female and I do not believe abortion should be an after the fact birth control. These beliefs are in line with the OLD Republican beliefs. Today it is more important to impose our political will in Iraq and cut taxes even if that means operating at a deficit. The prime directive for the conservatives is DO NOT INCREASE ANYONE’S TAXES especially the wealthy.

“Again, you are stupid. Just because there are more people leaning towards one issue does not make that issue the right one.”

YOU ARE STUPID. This is a country where the MAJORITY rules. It is not a dictatorship or a monarchy. What the MAJORITY want is what the policy should reflect.
on May 16, 2007
He would increase taxes on people making ABOVE $200,000 per year to help balance the budget.

you cant balance the budget with tax and spend policies

and do you know why it is 200,000 a year

becouse most if not all of the reps and senaters make just under 200,000 a year.

that is what they get payed for being reps. and senaters

on May 16, 2007
“again and again you can not raise taxes on the rich without it affecting everyone.”

That is BS. The wealthy will continue to invest because that is the only way they can expand their business and make more money. The impact of increasing taxes on the wealthy and balancing the budget will have a FAR greater positive impact then to continue the current fiscal policy!

The point I was making is that the GOP LIES when they claim if the Democrats are elected everyone that pays taxes will pay more. ONLY the upper income taxpayers will be impacted by what the democrats are proposing!
on May 16, 2007
I believe we need to BALANCE the Budget and not take part in Nation Building which were are two of the foundations of being a republican.

Everyone wants a balanced budget col, only liberals like yourself want to increase taxes on successful Americans and Americans business which we have shown will not balance the budget.  The thing we need to elminate is the useless entitlement programs, and the ones democrats are proposing. 

How do you think they are going to pay for their universal healthcare col, taxing the rich just won't cut it?  You are not for more "new social programs", but what do you think democrats are already running on?  Many democrats want to extend our social services to illegal aliens too, creating a whole new welfare class, I mean democratic voters.

The point I was making is that the GOP LIES when they claim if the Democrats are elected everyone that pays taxes will pay more. ONLY the upper income taxpayers will be impacted by what the democrats are proposing!

You didn't answer the question (as usual).  Why don't you hold the democrats the same as republicans?  You are not fair, and you are certainly not moderate.

on May 16, 2007
but insist we fully fund existing programs like Medicare, Social Security and Medicaid

raise taxes and spend it

YOU ARE STUPID. This is a country where the MAJORITY rules.

this country is where the majority don't vote or say anything

The prime directive for the conservatives is DO NOT INCREASE ANYONE’S TAXES especially the wealthy.

lets see only the wealthy pay taxes anywayts so when tax cuts come in whose is going to be cut.

The wealthy will continue to invest because that is the only way they can expand their business and make more money.

i never said that they would stop investing i said that they would increase their wages if taxes go up. TO PAY FOR THE TAX INCREASE but they have to increase prices to cover the taxes that the price increase will in act. this is called inflation.

i also said that when minimum wages are forced up by the government that prices will go up. and this is also called inflation.

you see if you raise mimimum wages then the companies that only pay minimum will have to increase their prices to pay it and/or fire people. the companies that use those companies will have thier business expense go up and have to raise their prices to cover the new expense.

you said you owned some companies, and you say you take business classes. and if you cannot or will not see what i am saying that makes you pretty stupid. becouse i never took any business classes just accounting classes.


congress was controlled by the democrats for 40 years and democrats controlled the house, senate and the president for 2 years but they didn't do anything to cut spending just increased taxes
on May 16, 2007
“He would increase taxes on people making ABOVE $200,000 per year to help balance the budget.

You can’t balance the budget with tax and spend policies”

Yes the added revenue from increasing taxes for people earning above $200,000 would add to the federal revenue and along with spending cuts and better enforcement would balance the budget and begin repaying the debt.

People making above $200,000 got the Bulk of the Bush tax cuts (70% per the 2005 data) and are the people that can afford to pay more without causing them financial problems. It will also have the least impact on demand and spending.

The issue of the wealthy padding their expenses is addressed with better enforcement. Legitimate and justified expenses are being deducted and some are already trying to deduct expenses that are not legal.

on May 16, 2007
"As a moderate Republican I do not see a candidate that I like in either party!"
{quote from the body of colgene}

SNORTTTTTTTTTTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GIGGLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!





OH OH OH OH OH !!!!!
on May 16, 2007

"The majority of people in this country (and the world) are STUPID. I'd rather be governed by a few smart people than an entire shit load of morons."

IF YOU BELIEVE the Bush administration is made up of SMART PEOPLE, you are living in a dream world. Most of his appointee's, like Bush, are morons and incompetent. They prove that every day with the revelations of just how inept they are at doing their jobs. There has been far too much political payback and not enough attention to the ability to do the job to which they were appointed. Bush had a few smart political operatives that got him elected like Rove & Myers. His best appointees like Powell and O'Neil did not last and we end up with incompetent and or corrupt individuals lead by GWB who brought NOTHING in terms of ability or achievements to the office of President!!!!!!
on May 16, 2007
“Congress was controlled by the democrats for 40 years and democrats controlled the house, senate and the president for 2 years but they didn't do anything to cut spending just increased taxes”

It took 20 years to balance the budget after Reagan and then Bush returned to a deficit the first year in office. We have NEVER had more Pork, Earmarks and political patronage then during the past 6 years under Bush and the GOP controlled Congress.
on May 16, 2007
Yes the added revenue from increasing taxes for people earning above $200,000 would add to the federal revenue and along with spending cuts and better enforcement would balance the budget and begin repaying the debt.

I wrote about Edward before of how he wants to use that tax increase to pay for government healthcare.  Once again, tax and social spend liberals have no grasp of reality.

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