Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.

Again last night the GOP Presidential candidates fell all over themselves trying to prove they are GOOD CONSERVATIVES. Why do they not understand they are not trying to lead the GOP but the nation? Anyone that looks at what the MAJORITY of Americans want from their government will see that the majority DO NOT want a Conservative Agenda.

We need candidates from BOTH parties that have an agenda that draws from all sides and support policies that are CENTRIST. As a moderate Republican I do not see a candidate that I like in either party! What we are faced with are BAD choices not a leader that represents consensus or someone that unites the country.

Comments (Page 2)
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on May 16, 2007
I said I support higher taxes to BALANCE the budget. My reference to Edwards was not about his health care proposals but his statement that identified the higher tax on the upper income taxpayers. The GOP lies when it says that democrats would increase taxes on the average person. The ONLY group they advocate increasing taxed for are the wealthy who can afford to pay a little more and are the people who are getting the majority of the Bush Tax Cuts!
on May 16, 2007
The GOP lies when it says that democrats would increase taxes on the average person. The ONLY group they advocate increasing taxed for are the wealthy who can afford to pay a little more and are the people who are getting the majority of the Bush Tax Cuts!

They want to take tax cuts away, that is a tax increase on every person who pays taxes.  You can do you pro-democrat spin all you want, but as usual, you are wrong.

This whole post like the 999,000 others is once again about taxing people who are successful even though your nonsense has been shot down everytime. 

on May 16, 2007
“They want to take tax cuts away, that is a tax increase on every person who pays taxes. You can do you pro-democrat spin all you want, but as usual, you are wrong.”

That is a LIE. The democrats that have made statements about taxes said they would ONLY increase taxes on the upper income taxpayers like the statement Sen. Edward Made. This is like the Mushroom clouds from the non existent nuclear weapons in Iraq!

SHOW ME where the Democrats have proposed increasing taxes on Middle Income tax Payers?
on May 16, 2007
SHOW ME where the Democrats have proposed increasing taxes on Middle Income tax Payers?

Democrats have proposed taking away the Bush tax cuts, some like Hillary says it's for the greater *socialist* good.  Removing the tax cuts that I (middle income class) received would mean a tax increase on......and lets say this together......the middle income tax payers.

Col, your nonsense about taxes have been debunked 50 times over, but you still continue the cut and paste rhetoric of the democratic party.  It's really old.

Regardless, it's been show to you (as usual) countless times how increasing taxes on successful Americans will hurt other Americans, but you refuse to understand this basic concept.

Keep praising democrats and calling yourself a republican, I for one, can't stop laughing.

on May 16, 2007
I am relieved to see such intelligent debate occurring on this site.

"You're stupid!" "No, I'm not! You are!" "Nuh uh!" "Yuh huh!"
on May 16, 2007
The GOP lies when it says that democrats would increase taxes on the average person. The ONLY group they advocate increasing taxed for are the wealthy who can afford to pay a little more and are the people who are getting the majority of the Bush Tax Cuts!

Democrats said they would work with Bush if they won the House and the Senate. So far I have yet to see any "working together" situations between them. Nothing but trying to trump Bush from every corner for personal party gain. Neither Bush or the Democrats have been able to accomplish much because they are too busy trying to screw each other. So if you want to point fingers as to who's a liar, you may want to use all 10 fingers in your hands and point at both parties.
on May 16, 2007
Senator Edwards was the most specific-- He would increase taxes on people making ABOVE $200,000 per year to help balance the budget.

Hey little Gene,
Have not read any new drivel from you lately, glad to see you are still alive! I also see you have been drinking from the fountain of stupid again. I know you say you are a high school graduate and that you were a colonel in the U. S. Army and that you went to war college, it is a pity that all of that schooling has gone to waste. Try looking up history in the news. The last time what Mr. Edwards idea was used the Democrat Congress came up with the alternative minimum tax. This was to punish the filthy rich that were not paying their fair share of taxes. Anyone that made more than 100,000 a year was double taxed. No one could complain about it because it was a tax on the rich but years later because of the stupid tax cuts from Mr. Reagan and Mr. Bush the middle class is paying the AMT. Now Mr. Edwards wants to do it again because making new laws that won't work looks better than fixing the old laws that did not work. Why not raise the AMT to 200k instead of making a third tax that people will have to pay? In short your great idea is a rehash of a failed idea of the liberals that seem to hate people making money or being a success.
on May 16, 2007
Here's something to chew on.

So according to you the rich people are the ones in control of the country right now. According to reports the rich people pay most of the taxes while poor people get to keep every penny they make, I should know cause I get all my money back every year plus some extra money the Gov't gives.

It has been proven that when a company is forced to pay more for things like materials, taxes or wages, they always find ways to make up for that money they will be losing. Usually they pass the cost down to the consumer. Just look at the gas prices. If we raise taxes on the rich, more than what they already pay, where do you think they will pass on this cost too?

You may think you are doing this country a favor by making those who earn more pay more but in reality the cost will be passed on to the consumers who spend their money on the products rich people sell, mainly the middle and lower class. So while we may not pay these taxes we will pay higher prices to pay for the higher tax rates given to rich people. And in the end a Gov't who badly spends money will not just change overnight and start spending wisely. You're fooling yourself if you believe this.
on May 16, 2007
I am relieved to see such intelligent debate occurring on this site.

"You're stupid!" "No, I'm not! You are!" "Nuh uh!" "Yuh huh!"

Hey, you were smart enough to notice it didn't you? Of course you didn't comment at all on the article itself so you must be the smartest guy on the site.
on May 16, 2007
you have to forgive the col. he was a military officer

you know one of those who did exactly what he was told no matter what

so now he is a civilian democrat and the party is saying we have to raise taxes on the rich

so that is what he is pushing for

i know he said he owned some businesses once and by what i have read on here from him. we all know why he still doesn't have them anymore. his costs kept going up and he refused to raise his prices to stay in business.
on May 16, 2007

I don't know if the majority of Americans are conservatives.

But I DO know that the majority of Americans aren't parasitic far-left socialists like Gene.

on May 16, 2007

remember the col. wants you to give me money becouse he doesn't make enough to do so

this is too proof his point that the rich don't care about anyone but themselves or something like that
on May 16, 2007
“Col, your nonsense about taxes have been debunked 50 times over, but you still continue the cut and paste rhetoric of the democratic party.”

Not so. The Comptroller General has documented that we are only getting $.50 on the $1.00 back in added revenue from growth. The tax cuts are COSTING us money and adding to the deficit. I still want you to show me where the democrats have proposed to increase taxes on middle in come taxpayers. What they are saying to restore the rates to the pre 2001 levels for the top 10%. GOOD IDEA and that would NOT be opposed by the vast Majority of Americans!
on May 16, 2007

Reply By: Draginol Posted: Wednesday, May 16, 2007
I don't know if the majority of Americans are conservatives.

But I DO know that the majority of Americans aren't parasitic far-left socialists like Gene.

If you believe I am a socialist you do not understand the meaning of the word socialist!
on May 16, 2007

The only problem with the AMT is the point at which it takes effect. The GOP could have fixed that in two minutes during the past 6 years. Increasing the point where the AMT is effective and indexing that amount by cost of living in the future would solve the problem. You do not have the brain power to breath on your own!
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