Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.

Again last night the GOP Presidential candidates fell all over themselves trying to prove they are GOOD CONSERVATIVES. Why do they not understand they are not trying to lead the GOP but the nation? Anyone that looks at what the MAJORITY of Americans want from their government will see that the majority DO NOT want a Conservative Agenda.

We need candidates from BOTH parties that have an agenda that draws from all sides and support policies that are CENTRIST. As a moderate Republican I do not see a candidate that I like in either party! What we are faced with are BAD choices not a leader that represents consensus or someone that unites the country.

Comments (Page 4)
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on May 17, 2007
clinton was a bad president becouse he was a bad president

Compared with GWB he was OUTSTANDING!!!!!!!
on May 17, 2007
That the Majority of Americans are NOT Conservatives and we should not be adopting policies that just provide what the Conservatives want. We should not have the courts packed with conservative judges. We need a BALANCE!

Here you go speaking for Americans again.  What proof do you have of this? 

I doubt if courts were packed with liberal judges you wouldn't be complaining.  Why don't you admit your bias toward conservatives and finally be honest with yourself?

on May 17, 2007
“How can bush be the worst president when that honor right now goes to BILL CLINTON and if Hillary gets voted in, she will be?”

Sorry but that dishonor goes to James Earl Carter Jr. his inept actions caused the rise to power of the enemies we have now.

The lies that Clinton told did not KILL American Troops.

When we attacked AQ during Mr. Clintons watch he made us feel safe, well he made you feel safe, when he ran down our stockpile of missiles and did not spend the money to replace them so his budget would look good was a lie that hurt the nation, causing Mr. Bush to hold off on attacks while new ones were being manufactured hurt us, and slowed down our response to terror. we were down to fifty missiles not enough to put more than three submarines into opperation when Mr. Clinton left office. Those lack of missiles caused us to have to put more boots on the ground and to hold off on some operations. Sure no US soldiers died while Mr. Clinton was on duty, well except the troops in Somilia that were attacked by AQ. Oh was that a bunch of lies he told. what about the lies he told of Saddam having weapons of Mass distruction? His nuclear capability? How we were in danger from Iraq? I guess those lies don't count because he was in your party.

That the Majority of Americans are NOT Conservatives

If what you say is true then how come the last two landslide elections were to elect conservatives and when there was no conservative we had a simple majority or less to determine the winner. The last democrat landslide was for LBJ. This goes with my point I tried to make with Sean, that Mr. Bush is not a conservative. Senator Lieberman is more conservative than Mr. Bush. Unlike you dear Gene I am not an ideologue that will lie, cheat, and steal for his party.
I am a conservative and will vote for a conservative it does not matter what party they belong to. The reason the democrats have the majority in Congress is because in the last election the democrats acted more conservative than the republicans. That is what got them elected. None of this batch of newly elected democrats ran saying they were going to cut funding to the troops, or end the war by running away, once they were elected then they said they had a mandate to do these stupid things they could not get elected if they said before the election. Now that they have shown themselves to be liars I have a hard time believing they will be reelected in the same numbers.
on May 17, 2007
clinton was a bad president becouse he was a bad president

Compared with GWB he was OUTSTANDING!!!!!!!

well that shows you how smart you really are
on May 17, 2007

clinton was a bad president becouse he was a bad president

Compared with GWB he was OUTSTANDING!!!!!!!

well that shows you how smart you really are

And col gutless...I see you were to chicken to quote on my blog. You brought it back here instead.
on May 17, 2007

You are full of BS
on May 18, 2007
It is however true
on May 18, 2007
In a stunning move, House Democrats today revealed they will attempt to rewrite House rules that have gone unchanged since 1822 in order to make it possible to increase taxes and government spending without having to vote and be held accountable.  House Republican Leader John Boehner (R-OH) today vowed Republicans will use every available means to fight this unprecedented change.


on May 18, 2007
It is however true

Highly doubtful. Especially since "you're' the one who has refused debate on my blog. So the one here full of BS is you. What the matter...no snappy comeback on why the democratic congress has a lower rating then the republicans? I can tell you why in 2 words, "THEY'RE LOSERS"! Just like you. You were the kind of officer that the enlisted men refered to as "ZERO'S"!

And col gutless...I see you were to chicken to quote on my blog. You brought it back here instead.

Every word is true. No BS here. Refute it, "If" you can with FACTS not fiction.
on May 18, 2007
WoW, good comeback. (not)

on May 18, 2007
In a stunning move, House Democrats today revealed they will attempt to rewrite House rules that have gone unchanged since 1822 in order to make it possible to increase taxes and government spending without having to vote and be held accountable. House Republican Leader John Boehner (R-OH) today vowed Republicans will use every available means to fight this unprecedented change.

so now they want to by step the president all together with tax increases

this would also insure that they can raise taxes even if they loss the house again

they want to be able to say that we need a tax increase and get it without the people knowing about it

lets see the col. said that the democrats were not going to raise taxes and then he said they wouldn't raise taxes on the middle class.

and now they want to be able to sneak a tax increase in under our noses

NOW LETS SEE WHO SAID THAT THE DEMOCRATS WANTED TO RAISE TAXES ON THE RICH and insure ranaway inflation. i can't seem to recall who said that. can anyone help me out here
on May 18, 2007
Highly doubtful. Especially since "you're' the one who has refused debate on my Blog. So the one here full of BS is you. What the matter...no snappy comeback on why the democratic congress has a lower rating then the republicans? I can tell you why in 2 words, "THEY'RE LOSERS"! Just like you. You were the kind of officer that the enlisted men referred to as "ZERO'S"!

First, the GOP has been in charge for 6 years with control of the White House. The issues people do not like were NOT enacted by Democrats but by Republicans. So the things people do not like are not due to any failure of the Democrats. The fact is that because Bush has the veto power and the Democrats do not have a Veto proof Congress they are limited as to what they can change. If a Democrat is elected President in 2008, that will all change so long as the Democrats retain control of both houses of Congress.

Iraq, Immigration, Energy, Education, Budget, Trade, lack of health care, Social Security, Medicare etc. are ALL the issues the majority of Americans are not happy with. Guess WHAT they are all the policies of the GOP or a lack of any viable solution to issues (Social Security & Medicare)! Thus, people may not be happy with congress but the real problem is with the GOP policies.
on May 18, 2007
It's hillarious how col you go to any lengths not to blame democrats for failures.  You are completely one-sided and it still shows.

on May 18, 2007
Guess WHAT they are all the policies of the GOP or a lack of any viable solution to issues (Social Security & Medicare)!

the rebublicans had 6 years to fix these

the democrats had 40 years to fix these

so now who do we blame why the ones who have had the least amount of time of course
on May 18, 2007
Reply By: Island Dog Posted: Friday, May 18, 2007
"It's hilarious how col you go to any lengths not to blame democrats for failures."

WHY would anyone blame the Democrats when they were not in power or responsible for the current policies that have failed to meet our needs and which the majority does not support?

The Democrats had 40 years to fix these they did fix Social Security that resolved the funding for over 30 years. They did balance the budget (2000). Did they solve all our problems HELL NO. The GOP during the past 6 years have solved NOTHING and added new problems like Iraq!
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