Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.

Again last night the GOP Presidential candidates fell all over themselves trying to prove they are GOOD CONSERVATIVES. Why do they not understand they are not trying to lead the GOP but the nation? Anyone that looks at what the MAJORITY of Americans want from their government will see that the majority DO NOT want a Conservative Agenda.

We need candidates from BOTH parties that have an agenda that draws from all sides and support policies that are CENTRIST. As a moderate Republican I do not see a candidate that I like in either party! What we are faced with are BAD choices not a leader that represents consensus or someone that unites the country.

Comments (Page 5)
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on May 18, 2007
WHY would anyone blame the Democrats when they were not in power or responsible for the current policies that have failed to meet our needs and which the majority does not support?

Why would you blame Repbulicans for problems that have been happening for years?  Answer.....because you are a one-sided democrat.

And stop speaking for what the "majority" wants, because you don't know what the majority wants.  They don't want high taxes or a nanny state like you constantly scream.

on May 18, 2007
The Democrats had 40 years to fix these they did fix Social Security that resolved the funding for over 30 years.

the democrats are the ones who stole from these programs in the first place for pork

i am only 43 years old and they have been yelling social security and medi care/caid fixing since i was 10.

that is 33 years the republicans and 6 of those years. so tell me again who broke it

The GOP during the past 6 years have solved NOTHING and added new problems like Iraq!

now who was it that bombed iraq to stall his own impeachment. I can't recall would someone remind me.

and who said that we were sorry that our big destroyer that was at anchor got in the way of al quidas sucide boat. I got this from the speach he gave at the time.

and who sent rockets into afghanistan and warned al quida that they were coming.

and who bombed an aspiran factor.

and who gave orders that a downed us navy pilot not be saved.

i just can't remember the name i know some people think was the president. i think he was an idiot

on May 18, 2007
the majority of the people in this country just want to be left alone so they can go to work and go home and go out and have fun. they don't care about you, the democrats, the republicans, or the government.

that is why they are called the SILENT MAJORITY
on May 18, 2007
WHY would anyone blame the Democrats when they were not in power or responsible for the current policies that have failed to meet our needs and which the majority does not support?

They were in charge for 40 years and did not fix anything, in the six years the republicans were in power they reformed welfare a creation of the democrats that did not help the nation but hurt it. Don't bring up the fact that Mr. Clinton signed it into law he vetoed it twice and when the polls showed he was losing favor over it he then signed it. Welfare was almost fifty years old by then. At least the republicans were fixing democrat mistakes. If we had as long in power as the democrats we would have fixed all their mistakes but we ran out of time.
on May 18, 2007
"Why would you blame Republicans for problems that have been happening for years? Answer.....because you are a one-sided democrat." WRONG!!!!!

Some issues that need solutions like: enforcing our laws, finding solutions to paying for Social Security, Energy independence , Border protection, health care, Education have gotten worse. Medicare that was a problem was saddled with a new entitlement with no money to pay for it. Bush and the GOP controlled Congress took a balanced annual budget and turned it into a disaster. Invaded Iraq and now we are in a no win Civil War that has tied down much of our Army and Marines. If that is what you wanted from the GOP and Bush you have LOST YOUR MIND!
on May 18, 2007
The GOP and Bush have OUTSPENT the democrats and have MORE pork and Earmarks then we ever had when the democrats were in control. In addition Bush and the GOP put it all into NEW debt which we are paying interest on every year. Bush added $200 BILLION DOLLARS PER YEAR in interest! How is that for added spending? That trumps ANYTHING the democrats did in the past! Add what Reagan did to the debt and the interest Reagan and Bush added is $400 BILLION DOLLARS to the Federal spending! That added spending will continue until we repay that debt. Since 1981 the added debt the Republicans gave us with their Supply Side Economic has caused Trillions of dollars of interest. DO NOT TELL ME ABOUT THE DEMOCRATS!
on May 18, 2007
Congress took a balanced annual budget and turned it into a disaster.

that so called balanced annual budget was only balanced once and that was the first year of clinton

and in order to do that he had to pass the highest tax hike in the history of this country

and listening to the senate yesterday the democrats want to repeat history

now we are in a no win Civil War that has tied down much of our Army and Marines.

i never know that 150,000 was a majority of 1 million
on May 19, 2007
First, the GOP has been in charge for 6 years with control of the White House. The issues people do not like were NOT enacted by Democrats but by Republicans. So the things people do not like are not due to any failure of the Democrats. The fact is that because Bush has the veto power and the Democrats do not have a Veto proof Congress they are limited as to what they can change. If a Democrat is elected President in 2008, that will all change so long as the Democrats retain control of both houses of Congress

I don't want to hear it from you, ignutz! Especially since the democratic lead congress has a LOWER approval rating than the republican one did. It's called 29% (D) versus 37% (R)

The GOP and Bush have OUTSPENT the democrats and have MORE pork and Earmarks then we ever had when the democrats were in control. In addition Bush and the GOP put it all into NEW debt which we are paying interest on every year. Bush added $200 BILLION DOLLARS PER YEAR in interest! How is that for added spending? That trumps ANYTHING the democrats did in the past! Add what Reagan did to the debt and the interest Reagan and Bush added is $400 BILLION DOLLARS to the Federal spending! That added spending will continue until we repay that debt. Since 1981 the added debt the Republicans gave us with their Supply Side Economic has caused Trillions of dollars of interest. DO NOT TELL ME ABOUT THE DEMOCRATS!

Yet the DEMOCRATS want to saddle the US tax payers with an "extra" 1.2 TRILLION dollar debt due to their tremendously STUPID immagration plan.
on May 19, 2007

"that so called balanced annual budget was only balanced once and that was the first year of Clinton."

No that was the LAST year of Clinton and Bush the very first year he was in office had a deficit. It took 19 Years after Reagan and his tax cuts and spending spree to balance the budget in 2000 and Bush blew that in his first year and ever year there after. He will turn over a budget in substantial deficit to the next president!

now we are in a no win Civil War that has tied down much of our Army and Marines.

“I never know that 150,000 was a majority of 1 million”

The Army is about 1/2 million and for every one deployed in combat you need two more -- one recovering from combat and one getting ready to deploy. Thus at 160,000 the vast majority of the Army and Marines are tied up with Iraq!

on May 19, 2007


Yet the DEMOCRATS want to saddle the US tax payers with an "extra" 1.2 TRILLION dollar debt due to their tremendously STUPID immigration plan. That is the BUSH plan you PUTZ!

Bush will added over $4 Trillion and between him and Reagan they SADDLED America with over $7 Trillion Dollars in debt and ADDED $400 Billion in interest to the annual budget spending. That is MORE that ALL the Democrats including FDR and Johnson! As you say Polls do not show people dislike Democrats more then the GOP in congress. The policies people do not support are NOT Democrat policies but GOP policies! The president people do not support is Bush. If you want to look at polls look at the polls that show Clinton is far more popular then Bush! Clinton is at about 65%. GWB is in the low 30’s.
on May 19, 2007
here is your so called balanced budget

Clinton's budget also proposes roughly $25 billion in "loophole closers" -- otherwise known as tax increases -- including eliminating tax breaks enjoyed by banks, real estate investment trusts and multinational corporations.

The new Clinton budget also envisions raising more than $65 billion over the next 10 years through a national tobacco settlement; that translates into roughly a $1.50-a-pack increase in cigarette taxes.

(i don't smoke but i don't think cigarettes went up 1.50 in 1999)

The whole budget is based on the tobacco settlement and ... I think it is fair to say when you talk to people on the (Capitol) Hill that the tobacco settlement is dead," Richard May, a former House Budget Committee staff director, told The Associated Press.


Clinton's 2000 Budget is a Phony We shall tax and tax, and spend and spend, and elect and elect," said Harry Hopkins, President Franklin Roosevelt's closest adviser, in 1938. The same words could have been said by Bill Clinton today. His fiscal year 2000 budget is possibly the most political one ever put forward, transparently insincere, and filled with numbers that do not stand up to close scrutiny.

Clinton's budget is filled with so many initiatives that one cannot possibly take them seriously as genuine statements of administration priorities. Indeed, his main one -- reserving most of the budget surplus for Social Security -- is so poorly thought through that even budget experts cannot figure out how it is supposed to work.

In addition, one cannot take many of the budget projections at face value.

The idea that we can seriously count on a federal budget surplus of $393.1 billion in fiscal year 2009 simply cannot be believed -- we cannot even forecast current year surpluses accurately, let alone those a decade out.

Moreover, the revenue figures appear to be low-balled in order to forestall calls for tax cuts.

This budget assumes revenues will fall as a share of the gross domestic product in future years, but previous forecasts underestimated revenues (see figure).
There is no reason to believe the federal government will take a smaller share of GDP, absent the sort of major tax cut Clinton opposes.

Source: Bruce Bartlett, senior fellow, National Center for Policy Analysis, February 8, 1999.

For more on Balanced Budget Plan http://www.ncpa.org/pd/budget/budget-2.html
on May 19, 2007
" His fiscal year 2000 budget is possibly the most political one ever put forward, transparently insincere, and filled with numbers that do not stand up to close scrutiny."

Any Budget is Just That a PLAN. The Bottom line is that ACTUAL results in FY 2000 showed that the Fed took in about the same amount as it spent NOT including the Surplus from Social Security and Medicare which have nothing to do with the general fund budget-- They are separate entitlements funded by separate taxes and for the benefit of people who have retired.

I also do not believe the tax increases proposed by Clinton were passed. I believe the last tax increase that was passed intro law was Bush by 41 (Read my Lips).

The facts that most on this Blog site do not want to acknowledge is that Reagan did the CUT TAXES ( with the help of a Democratically controlled Congress), increases spending which resulted in Huge increased deficits and increases in the Interest we all must pay each year. It took from 1981 to 2000 to bring the revenue and expenses into line. That was accomplished by drastic cuts in military spending by Bush 41 and Clinton (which Reagan increases) and the Bush 41 tax increase. It took all of Bush 41 and 7 years of Clinton to reverse what Reagan did in 1981.

In 2001 Bush 43 did the VERY same thing as Reagan-- Cut taxes and increased spending (with the help of a GOP controlled Congress), and produced the same result as when Reagan used the same fiscal policy. The Deficit has gone from $900 Billion in 1980 to OVER 9 Trillion and by Jan 2009 the Deficit will be about $10 Trillion which is an increase of $9 Trillion Dollars. That requires the American tax payer to pay EVERY YEAR more then $400 Billion of added interest on the added debt. 40% of the interest on the debt held outside the Social Security and Medicare Trust Funds is held by foreign investors and when we pay that interest to foreign investors the money leaves the U.S. Economy.

This is the very same thing that happens when foreign workers come to our country and send much of what they earn to their families outside the U.S. Many also fail to pay taxes on those earnings. It is the same thing that is taking place when the tax cuts to the wealthy is used to expand their business that users non U.S. Labor and equipment. We are not only digging ourselves into debt but too much of our money is being sent outside the U.S. and thus DOES NOT help spending and demand in the U.S. The fiscal policy we are following would bankrupt any entity and will do the same thing to this country. That is what the Comptroller general has been saying. Republicans want to spend and add it to the National debt. Democrats want to increase social spending and increases taxes. I want to CUT non essential spending (Pork) not existing programs that help people that need help, collect more taxes via better enforcement and restore the pre 2001 tax rates on the top 10%.
on May 19, 2007
The Fiscal policy of the GOP is CHARGE and SPEND

The Fiscal policy of the Democrats is TAX and SPEND.

Of these two fiscal policies the Tax and Spend is far better then the Charge and Spend. The reason is very basic. Under Democrats we “pay as we go” which requires paying for our programs ONE TIME. The GOP spends as well (and at a higher level then Democrats) but because they refuse to “pay as you go” and change the added spending, we pay OVER and OVER and OVER. We are still paying for the increased spending Reagan started.
on May 19, 2007

Yet the DEMOCRATS want to saddle the US tax payers with an "extra" 1.2 TRILLION dollar debt due to their tremendously STUPID immigration plan. That is the BUSH plan you PUTZ!

YOU'RE the PUTZ, you ignorant old fool! It "may be" GW's plan, but the GOP isn't buying into it. But the DEMOCRATS are trying to ramrod it through congress. I'll tell you this much. "If" they manage to push it through, then you can count on democrats losing seats next time around. The American people are fead up with this immigration crap!

also do not believe the tax increases proposed by Clinton were passed. I believe the last tax increase that was passed intro law was Bush by 41 (Read my Lips).

No thanks they look to much like your butt.

As you say Polls do not show people dislike Democrats more then the GOP in congress.

Maybe you should go look at my figures again. Either that or take a high school refresher course on sentence structure. The polls (which you so love to quote) plainly show that America is MORE fed up with the democratic congress than they ever were with us silly old republicans.
on May 19, 2007
Any Budget is Just That a PLAN. The Bottom line is that ACTUAL results in FY 2000 showed that the Fed took in about the same amount as it spent NOT including the Surplus from Social Security and Medicare which have nothing to do with the general fund budget-- They are separate entitlements funded by separate taxes and for the benefit of people who have retired.

these two entitlements have their money put in the general fund along with all of the other taxes
Of these two fiscal policies the Tax and Spend is far better then the Charge and Spend. The reason is very basic. Under Democrats we “pay as we go” which requires paying for our programs ONE TIME. The GOP spends as well (and at a higher level then Democrats) but because they refuse to “pay as you go” and change the added spending, we pay OVER and OVER and OVER. We are still paying for the increased spending Reagan started.

ok gene your so much into taxes it is time for you to put your money where your mouth is and start giving all of your money to the government. let those idiots in washington tell you how to spend your money. that is exactly what the democrats want to do.

why becouse the older people in florida were too stupid to know who they were voting for.

and according to you america was to stupid to know who they were voting for in the last 6 years. becouse they didn't vote your way.

so from now on i will not consider you to be a democrat. you are a puppet dictator and a communist. and i do believe that sean is right there beside you becouse he keeps agreeing with you.

and not only are you a communist and a dictator but you are also a hypocret. becouse your not willing to give up YOUR MONEY for the good of the country

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