Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.

Of the 2008 presidential candidates who were in Congress in 2002, only Biden read the NIE before voting to allow Bush to take this country to War in Iraq! Edwards, Clinton, McCain and Brownback all admitted they cast the most important vote that any member of Congress can make without reading the most complete assessment of the reasons to attack another country—The National Intelligence Estimate. As former Governor Gilmore said, Members of Congress “ought to read at least that kind of material” It is still not clear if Congress was also provided the 2002 assessment from the Pentagon that concluded that Saddam was not capable of conducting ANY military operations outside Iraq. It is also not clear who was provided the intelligence from the CIA that concluded that Saddam would most likely only use any WMD he did have within Iraq and had no potential for using such weapons outside Iraq.

What is clear is we had a President and Vice President that cherry picked the intelligence which supported the argument to attack Iraq and buried anything that documented reasons not to invade Iraq. We had a President that ignored the advice of the most senior diplomats who warned to attack Iraq would destabilize the country, get the U.S. bogged down in a civil war and cause significant hatred among the Moslems thought the world. We had a Congress that did not read the NIE but relied on briefings that can distort or ignore information essential to make an informed decision.

We sent our brave young military into war and the responsible elected officials failed the most basic responsibility necessary to make the choice. There is NO more important decision of Congress and the president then to take our country to war. We took the MOST awesome step any country can take without understanding the REAL nature of the threat. We have a President and a Congress that has failed their MOST BASIC responsibility to our country and it’s military!

Comments (Page 3)
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on Jun 13, 2007
Listen up Mr. Flip-flop, you can get you information from God himself but your words will never be credible because time and time again you have referred to sources that later you will criticize because they actually said something good about Bush.

Listen to how fooling you sound, "You can get your information from GOD himself but your words will never be credible” The issue is I sight credible sources. What you said that if my source was GOD and it was critical of Bush you would NOT believe it. YOU ARE JUST a walking Zombie like the others that follow the IDIOT we have in the White House. I looked at "You Tube" and clicked of a collection of the statements made by Bush over the past 7 years. You should try it some time-- HE IS AN IMBASISMENT-- The man is NUTS and STUPID! All who continue to support him with the clear evidence of just how inept he and his Administration have been are just as lame as GWB!
on Jun 13, 2007
Listen to how fooling you sound, "You can get your information from GOD himself but your words will never be credible” The issue is I sight credible sources. What you said that if my source was GOD and it was critical of Bush you would NOT believe it. YOU ARE JUST a walking Zombie like the others that follow the IDIOT we have in the White House. I looked at "You Tube" and clicked of a collection of the statements made by Bush over the past 7 years. You should try it some time-- HE IS AN IMBASISMENT-- The man is NUTS and STUPID! All who continue to support him with the clear evidence of just how inept he and his Administration have been are just as lame as GWB!

You really are stupid aren't you? You didn't get the point, as usual. Not even sure why I bother. It is not about how credible the source is, it's about how credible you are. You, no one here believes you because you criticize the same sources you claim to be credible when they say something good about Bush. You constantly claim that the Gov't is corrupt because of Bush yet you use the same Gov't agencies you claim to be corrupt and say they are credible. You can't have it both ways to suit your agenda Col.

I am no zombie, the only one here who is set on one thing and one thing only is you. You should look at your own articles and realize that it is you and only you who's hypnotized by your hatred and anger towards Bush. get a life, there is more to this country than Bush. It's no wonder why this country is all screwy, instead of using your time to actually make a difference, you are here crying about it all day long.
on Jun 13, 2007
“You really are stupid aren't you? You didn't get the point, as usual. Not even sure why I bother. It is not about how credible the source is, it's about how credible you are.”

Hay you MORAN, if I sight a source and you say you will not believe me you are saying you do not believe the source I used. I do not have First Hand information as you do not have but when I sight reliable sources that you then reject, YOU ARE JUST DUMB!!!!!!!! How can you not understand that you are not rejecting me but the source I sighted!
on Jun 14, 2007
Hay you MORAN, if I sight a source and you say you will not believe me you are saying you do not believe the source I used. I do not have First Hand information as you do not have but when I sight reliable sources that you then reject, YOU ARE JUST DUMB!!!!!!!! How can you not understand that you are not rejecting me but the source I sighted!

I'm a moran? You can't even spell if your life depended on it. It's moron and hey, not moran and hay. And another thing, just because you want to believe the source does not make it wrong or debatable. How dare you call me dumb just because I refuse to believe a source that you yourself have said they are wrong before? You do it all the time. How many time have people on this site taken the same source you use to bitch about Bush and used your own proof against you only for you to ay it's a lie? Island Dog has done it to you several times. You only read what suits your agenda but when the same source says something good about Bush you say they are lying. You're a bullshitter, you can't even keep track of your own talking points. You make Kerry's flip-flopping look like a joke. You contradict yourself so often you probably forget your nickname and password once in a while around here.
on Jun 14, 2007

What is posted in my Blog is correct. The Senators have admitted they DID not read the NIE. If you look at the sources I use to deny they are correct is just another ploy to refuse to admit the truth. Look at these articles from two newspapers and the Pentagon about the lack of progress in Iraq:

Pentagon: Iraqi Violence Still Rising
By ROBERT BURNS (AP Military Writer)
From Associated Press
June 13, 2007 9:16 PM EDT
WASHINGTON - Violence in Iraq, as measured by casualties among troops and civilians, has edged higher despite the U.S.-led security push in Baghdad, the Pentagon told Congress on Wednesday.

In its required quarterly report on security, political and economic developments in Iraq, covering the February-May period, the Pentagon also raised questions about Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki's ability to fulfill a pledge made in January to prohibit political interference in security operations and to allow no safe havens for sectarian militias.

This time the source is the AP:

General: Iraqi Forces Fall Far Short
By ROBERT BURNS (AP Military Writer)
From Associated Press
June 13, 2007 3:29 PM EDT
WASHINGTON - Most Iraqi military units arriving in Baghdad for an American-led security crackdown have only 75 percent of their assigned soldiers, a senior Army general said Wednesday.

About one in six Iraqi policemen trained by U.S. forces has been killed or wounded, has deserted or has just disappeared.

The slow development of Iraqi security forces - and continued sectarian violence - raise doubts about when Iraq will be able to stand on its own and what the consequences of an early U.S. troop withdrawal would be.

On the front page of the Philadelphia Inquirer is the reprint of the story by Damien Cave of the NYT that reports “Virtually no benchmark laws have been passed, and with U.S. Reports due in September, little is expected". This is a confirmation of the Los Angles Times article I sighted in this Blog. The Iraqi Government is simply NOT moving forward to reach a solution of the political issues in Iraq. ALL three factions are not cooperating according to this NYT article and it is clear that Maliki is totally ineffective as the leader of Iraq! This is a LOST cause for the United States and it is time to FORCE the withdrawal of U.S. Forces from Iraq. The time has come to turn the future of Iraq over to the people of Iraq!
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