Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.

Bush claims without his Comprehensive Immigration Law he can not secure the border. That is just another Bush LIE. He has the authority to control the border but has failed to act even after 9/11. We have laws to punish employers that hire Illegal’s but Bush does not enforce the laws. We must first STOP people from entering our country illegally and we need to punish employers from hiring illegals.

What Bush wants is to reward people who have broken our laws and the cost of his comprehensive immigration bill to Social Security and Medicare has been estimated by the Heritage Foundation at over $2.5 Trillion dollars. Bush runs around telling us that Social Security is in trouble and then proposes adding yet another obligation by giving 12 Million illegal’s access to those benefits. He is 43 out of 43 and the WORST excuse for a President in our countries history!

Comments (Page 1)
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on Jun 07, 2007
we have border guards in prison for shooting illegals in self defense and your going to blame the whole mess on bush

something that has been going for over 30 years your going to blame on bush who has been in office for 7 years

as i said before dictator col. gene just use this line

it is bushes fault the democrats didn't vote for war

that is all you have to say becouse that is all your point ever is
on Jun 07, 2007

What Bush wants is to reward people who have broken our laws and the cost of his comprehensive immigration bill to Social Security and Medicare has been estimated by the Heritage Foundation at over $2.5 Trillion dollars. Bush runs around telling us that Social Security is in trouble and then proposes adding yet another obligation by giving 12 Million illegal’s access to those benefits. He is 43 out of 43 and the WORST excuse for a President in our countries history!

You obviously don't read or comprehend much do you? Let me fill you in....His immigration bill DIED in the senate!
on Jun 07, 2007
He is 43 out of 43 and the WORST excuse for a President in our countries history!

i would say 42 our of 42

clinton wasn't a president except in name

on Jun 08, 2007
Another useless anti-Bush article. Do you seriously have some kind of obsession?
on Jun 08, 2007
Reply By: danielost Posted: Thursday, June 07, 2007
We have border guards in prison for shooting illegal’s in self defense and your going to blame the whole mess on bush

It is the BUSH Dept of Justice that prosecuted the two border guards. YES BUSH is the person responsible to protect our country. THAT IS HIS FIRST JOB. WE DO NOT need more laws. We need to fund and hire the required Border Guards, Build the fence and until all that is done we need to bring home our National Guard ands use them to guard the border WITH the authority to STOP and SHOOT if necessary to STOP illegal’s from entering the country. ALL those functions are under the direct control of BUSH. IT is BUSH that is pushing what he calls Comprehensive Immigration that will ADD $2.5 TRILLION DOLLARS we do not have to Social Security and Medicare. WHY?????
on Jun 08, 2007

Reply By: Island Dog Posted: Friday, June 08, 2007
Another useless anti-Bush article. Do you seriously have some kind of obsession?

on Jun 08, 2007

Reply By: danielost Posted: Thursday, June 07, 2007
He is 43 out of 43 and the WORST excuse for a President in our countries history!

i would say 42 our of 42

clinton wasn't a president except in name

Clinton was a FAR better President then GWB!
on Jun 08, 2007
It is the BUSH Dept of Justice that prosecuted the two border guards.

no it was the local DA who i believe is a democrat

Clinton was a FAR better President then GWB!

the only way you can argue that Clinton was batter than bush at anything is the fact that he didn't do anything

he rode the coat tails of Reagan

and he apologized to every terrorists in the world every time THEY ATTACKED US

and the only time he attacked Saddam it was to distract from his impeachment

he is anti military yet he used the military in more operations than any other president since world war 2. which makes him a hypocrite

bush may or may not have attacked Saddam on false pretenses but at least he is leading the country not taking polls

and only an idiot such as yourself wouldn't be able to know where Iran all of a sudden got the ability to build nukes.

before the war they were 10 years or longer from a nuke. after the war they were 3 to 5 years from one. before the war Saddam was 3 to 5 years from a nuke.

Syrian terrorists have been using chemical weapons that Syria didn't have before the war now i wonder where they got those weapons. oh wait i don't have to wonder one of Saddam's generals stated that he give the chemos to Syria

now just go back to that one line i gave you dictator col gene. everyone knows it is coming
on Jun 08, 2007
No it was the local DA who I believe is a democrat

WRONG. They were prosecuted by the U.S. Attorney who is part of the dept of justice. Also Bush could have pardoned them!

The only way you can argue that Clinton was batter than bush at anything is the fact that he didn't do anything

Doing nothing is far better then what Bush Did!!!!!!!

Bush may or may not have attacked Saddam on false pretenses but at least he is leading the country not taking polls.

Leading in the WRONG Direction.

The issue is the immigration Bill Bush supports-- IT IS JUST BAD FOR OUR COUNTRY!
on Jun 08, 2007

Never said I agreed with the bill co, but will you admit you have an obsession with Bush?

on Jun 08, 2007
Doing nothing is far better then what Bush Did!!!!!!!

if he had pardoned them the press and the demos would have hit the roof just like when he fired all of those federal das

just like they would have done if he had shot down any of those planes on 9/11

Also Bush could have pardoned them!

doing nothing is never better than doing something
on Jun 08, 2007
Never said I agreed with the bill co, but will you admit you have an obsession with Bush?

I have NEVER watched a President destroy just about every thing he touched. EVERY thing I have posted is true and the results of the past 6 1/2 years attest to the fact that GWB is taking our country in the wrong direction. The man has not handled a single major issue in a way that helped resolve the issue and all that he has done has only benefited a very small segment of our population. It does not matter if you look at his failure to enforce our laws. His inability to work with other countries. His lack of attention to the Israeli/Palestine issue, health care, the environment, Social Security, Medicare, ineffective energy policy, trade and the export of American Jobs and The IRAQ WAR! LOOK at what he did to the deficit-- ADDED $4 Trillion dollars to the National Debt. It is hard to believe one person could so completely screw up just about everything he touched. His appointments have proven weak; Corruption is at an all time high. Pork barrel spending makes the Democrats look good. Department after Department that report to him are unable to function. Look at his response to Katrina. Now he supports an immigration policy that would give 12 Million people who broke our laws access to Social Security and Medicare adding another $2.5 Trillion to the obligations of there programs. HOW does he propose to pay for that added cost? I guess another tax cut to the wealthy will provide the added money to pay for these 12 Million people Bush wants to grant benefits.

If you can ignore these things you are part of the reason Bush was able to get away with destroying so much of our country. We Had a Congress controlled by the GOP that allowed Bush to what ever he wanted and supported his ineffective policies by passing laws that implemented these policies.

When Congress did not give him what he wanted he would attach Signing Statements to bills in an effort to alter the laws Congress passed. That is simply WRONG! He ignored the FISA law and most likely violated the constitution. He lied about the Danger Saddam posed to our country and started a war that was unjust and that has made us less safe. His refusal to listen to the professional military on HOW to fight the Iraq War during the occupation phase has resulted in over 3,000 dead and 25,000 injured. These deaths and injuries would NOT have happened if he had headed the advice of the military and sent enough troops to prevent the violence that is killing our troops and destroying Iraq!

My attention to Bush is due to the results he and his policies have caused.
on Jun 09, 2007
dictator col. gene

why are you being so stupid.

Clinton had all of those same problems and he did nothing. except raise taxes on everyone. highest tax hike in the history of the USA 5 days after he took office.
but even that wasn't good enough he had to collect more taxes from the year before.

then he gets the line item veto and just starts vetoing things without reading them.

and every time we were attacked he was there to say that we were sorry we got in the way of the terrorists.

Saddam implied that he was a danger to the USA or have you forgotten the three cargo ships that could have had missiles on them that disappeared close enough to the USA to launch. and did you forget that the Iraq government said that if we attacked them they would use those weapons that we can't find. so if Saddam fooled us then he fooled the rest of the Iraqi government too

and then you keep blaming bush for problems that are at least 40 years old and coused by the democrats.
on Jun 09, 2007
tell oh stupid head one thing that clinton did for the country good or bad

becouse all i remember him doing was to his benefit
on Jun 09, 2007
His inability to work with other countries. His lack of attention to the Israeli/Palestine issue, health care, the environment, Social Security, Medicare, ineffective energy policy, trade and the export of American Jobs and The IRAQ WAR!

There is so much there that is just false, but I'm not wasting any time with someone who has a complete obsession and will NEVER look at anything but "hate Bush". 

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