Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.

Bush claims we can not control our illegal immigration without his guest worker program. The problem with that argument is that we currently have EIGHT guest worker programs.

These are the guest programs that are currently available:

H Visa 372,000 workers
E Visa 49,000
I Visa 15,500
L Visa 134,000
O Visa 12,600
P Visa 38,700
R Visa 12,000
NAFTA 5,600

WHY is Bush telling us we need yet another Guest Worker Program in order to control Immigration? The man lies through his teeth. Does he not know of all the existing plans? He needs to talk with the Dept. of State who supervises these eight guest worker programs which are being used to displace American Workers with lower paying foreign workers. The majority of these guest workers are employed by Indian companies.

The CBO has said the Bush plan will only stop an net of 13% of the illegal’s coming into the country and in 20 years we will have another 9 Million Illegal’s added to the 12 Plus million that currently exist.

The Heritage Foundation has estimated the 20 year cost to Social Security and Medicare at $2.6 Trillion Dollars.

Way to look out for American Workers Mr. President. I wonder which country Bush believes he is president of?

Comments (Page 3)
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on Jun 29, 2007

33 Dems voted FOR this stupid bill 15 voted AGAINST.
12 Reps voted FOR this stupid bill and 37 voted AGAINST.

This suggests that the majority of the Dems supported this bill and the majority of the Reps voted against.
on Jun 29, 2007
Bush didn't Lie about a need for a guest worker program. Just because there are other programs already, apparently they don't fill the market. I'm all for a guest worker program, but I don't agree with this particular bill. I think all guest worker programs should recruit from the US embassies, and only legal immigrants should be able to apply from the US.

Some people say that Americans will do these jobs, if the pay was better. Well, I know people who can't remember the last time an American even applied for jobs they offer... and they start at $10/hr for unskilled labor.
on Jul 01, 2007
33 Dems voted FOR this stupid bill 15 voted AGAINST.
12 Reps voted FOR this stupid bill and 37 voted AGAINST.

This suggests that the majority of the Dems supported this bill and the majority of the Reps voted against. I agree.l But what I was resonding to was this:

"you forgot to say that all or almost all of the democrats voted for this bill "
on Jul 01, 2007

Reply By: ParaTed2k Posted: Friday, June 29, 2007
Bush didn't Lie about a need for a guest worker program. Just because there are other programs already, apparently they don't fill the market.

Where do you get “Apparently don't fill the market” with 4.7% of our people unemployed? It could be at the below living wage wages some companies want to pay but I do not see the evidence that the existing 8 Guest worker programs are not meeting the NEEDS. They may not be meeting the WANTS of companies that want to pay lower wages!
on Jul 01, 2007
33 out of 51

yea your right that is a minority of demos voting for this bill

12 out of 49 again your right this is a majority of republicans voting for this bill

i suggest you go back to elementary school and learn how to add subtract multiply and divide
on Jul 01, 2007

I guess you can not read:

"you forgot to say that all or almost all of the democrats voted for this bill " Almost all democrats DID NOT support the Bush Bill. Majority and ALL are NOT the same!
on Jul 01, 2007
Where do you get “Apparently don't fill the market” with 4.7% of our people unemployed? It could be at the below living wage wages some companies want to pay but I do not see the evidence that the existing 8 Guest worker programs are not meeting the NEEDS. They may not be meeting the WANTS of companies that want to pay lower wages!

I never said it met the "needs", I said it doesn't fill the market. Business isn't about meeting "needs", business is about the market. The job market is no different than any other market. There might be 8 guest worker programs, but obviously they don't fill the market for unskilled labor because there are still so many jobs left unfilled.
on Jul 01, 2007
"Business isn't about meeting "needs", business is about the market."

Here is the problem-- Some Business wants to use workers that break the laws by illegally entering the U.S. and they are also breaking the laws by employing these illegals. They do so to cut costs and increase their profits. That is not meeting the market. Meeting the market is employing workers legally and paying them a wage agreeable to both the worker and employer. What is going on is that these employers that use this illegal labor increase their profits and the taxpayers pay the cost of these illegal’s by higher costs for educating their children, health care, and then these illegal workers send much of their earnings home and the money leaves our country to the determent of our economy. If these employers hired legal workers that paid taxes and the workers spent the money they earn in the U.S. we would be far better off. The only people making out are the illegal workers and the greedy companies that put higher profits ahead of obeying the laws of this country! Bush and the GOP have turned their heads by not enforcing the laws that exist. WE DO NOT need new laws just enforce the existing laws! We need enough Border guards to STOP more illegal’s from coming into the U.S. We need to go after employers that break the law by employing these illegals! If we punished the employers they would stop hiring these illegal workers and they would stop coming into the country if they could not find work!
on Jul 01, 2007
"you forgot to say that all or almost all of the democrats voted for this bill " Almost all democrats DID NOT support the Bush Bill. Majority and ALL are NOT the same!

more than 50% is almost all

after all you keep saying the samething when you start spouting all americans want this or that. when it is usually less the half

51- 33= 18 see that is more than double that said yes to what said no

so again i suggest you go back to school and this time don't look up dresses
on Jul 01, 2007
“so again i suggest you go back to school and this time don't look up dresses.”

You said ALL or Almost ALL. That is NOT CORRECT. The issue is that Bush LIED again about the need for another Guest Worker Program. Bush is getting no ware on Immigration, Iraq, Energy, Health care, Border security, Social Security. His is as ineffective a President as we have ever had in office! Congress should cut his budget and just provide for his pay and security. Same thing for Draft Dodger Dick. No more trips, dinners or any other activities. Bush should contemplate just how negative a legacy he will leave as President! Cheney should see if he can get his old job back and work as a civilian contractor in Iraq after we leave!
on Jul 01, 2007
the percentage was about 66% and according to you that is all

and the number of republicans that voted for it was about 33% which according to you is a majority
on Jul 01, 2007
Congress should cut his budget and just provide for his pay and security. Same thing for Draft Dodger Dick.

so what your saying is that they should remove him from office without being charged with anything and he hasn't been.

and who do you propose should run the government for the next 1.5 years that idiot in charge of the house. that is called a coup. so what you want is for the federal government to be overthrown.

i think there would be a revolt if she tried to do that.
on Jul 01, 2007
so what your saying is that they should remove him from office without being charged with anything and he hasn't been. If we allow Bush to HIDE what he has none he will never be held accountable!

For failing to abide by the FISA Act

For failure to deal with the energy problem.

For Killing 3,600 Americans in Iraq.

For wounding over 25,000 Americans in Iraq.

For increasing the number of terrorists that hate us.

For adding almost $4 Trillion to the National Debt.

For failure to enforce immigration laws and protect our border and ports.

For lying to the American People.

For the way he mishandled Katrina Help.

For a trade policy that is shipping American Jobs to other countries.

For the incompetent people he appointed to high office.

The list goes on and on. There are more reasons to get rid of Bush then ANY president in our history!
on Jul 01, 2007
For failure to deal with the energy problem.

For Killing 3,600 Americans in Iraq.

For wounding over 25,000 Americans in Iraq.

For increasing the number of terrorists that hate us.

For adding almost $4 Trillion to the National Debt.

For failure to enforce immigration laws and protect our border and ports.

For lying to the American People.

For the way he mishandled Katrina Help.

non of these are crimes assuming that you assign all blame on him.

For a trade policy that is shipping American Jobs to other countries.

this is happening because of taxes

For failure to enforce immigration laws and protect our border and ports.

NO president since the illegal alien act was started (which is when they started minimum wage in this country) has ever enforced these laws

For increasing the number of terrorists that hate us.

before he took office 1 billion terrorists hated us and today 1 billion terrorists hate us looks like the same number to me.

For the way he mishandled Katrina Help.

those people stuck in new Orleans during Katrina were stuck there because the major wouldn't use the buses available to get them out of there. further the major turned down Amtrak's offer get its trains down there and pull them out of there.

and even further bush told the major and the Governor three days before the storm hit to get everyone out of the city. at which time the major had the drivers for those buses.

For failing to abide by the FISA Act

i looked up this act but i refuse to read that much lawerlez
on Jul 02, 2007
33 Dems voted FOR this stupid bill 15 voted AGAINST.
12 Reps voted FOR this stupid bill and 37 voted AGAINST.

This suggests that the majority of the Dems supported this bill and the majority of the Reps voted against. I agree.l But what I was resounding to was this:

"you forgot to say that all or almost all of the democrats voted for this bill "

I don't know....33 for 15 against, that sounds like almost all of the democrats supported it to me.

Sorry, but you're an idiot who can't even do simple math. Is Alzheimers catching up to you?
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