Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.

Bush claims we can not control our illegal immigration without his guest worker program. The problem with that argument is that we currently have EIGHT guest worker programs.

These are the guest programs that are currently available:

H Visa 372,000 workers
E Visa 49,000
I Visa 15,500
L Visa 134,000
O Visa 12,600
P Visa 38,700
R Visa 12,000
NAFTA 5,600

WHY is Bush telling us we need yet another Guest Worker Program in order to control Immigration? The man lies through his teeth. Does he not know of all the existing plans? He needs to talk with the Dept. of State who supervises these eight guest worker programs which are being used to displace American Workers with lower paying foreign workers. The majority of these guest workers are employed by Indian companies.

The CBO has said the Bush plan will only stop an net of 13% of the illegal’s coming into the country and in 20 years we will have another 9 Million Illegal’s added to the 12 Plus million that currently exist.

The Heritage Foundation has estimated the 20 year cost to Social Security and Medicare at $2.6 Trillion Dollars.

Way to look out for American Workers Mr. President. I wonder which country Bush believes he is president of?

Comments (Page 1)
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on Jun 28, 2007
Kinda late on this subject Col, we have been burning this up for a while now. You have Bush all wrong though. He is not stupid in the sense of not knowing that there are 8 other existing programs, he is only concerned with passing something that he and his buddies can benefit from. And since he has already figured out that the average American is dumb enough to swollow anything the Gov't says, he is praying on that ignorance to benefit financially.

BTW, I am agreeing with you in case you didn't notice.
on Jun 28, 2007
(God, I'm going to HATE myself in the morning).

Although this HAS been done before, it can't be repeated enough. This is one area where we're in total agreement, Col (That hurt to say!)

On the lighter side, is it any coincidence that the letters from the Visas and NAFTA can be arranged to spell out "Heil Porn"? Adding a "Z" would only screw up the anagram ("Heil Pornz"? Doesn't work!)
on Jun 28, 2007

Thanks. I do not believe the Bush plan will get through the House if it does make its way through the Senate. This will be another unresolved issue for the next President and Congress elected in November 2008.
on Jun 28, 2007


I hope the pain did not last long!
on Jun 28, 2007

Thanks. I do not believe the Bush plan will get through the House if it does make its way through the Senate. This will be another unresolved issue for the next President and Congress elected in November 2008.

You should however point out that Congress with Master Pelosi in command has not done any better. Their approval ratings are giving Bush's approval ratings a run for their money. They too have failed to get any real legislation done, not to mention the Senate either.
on Jun 28, 2007
“Their approval ratings are giving Bush's approval ratings a run for their money. They too have failed to get any real legislation done, not to mention the Senate either.”

You are correct. However things that the majority want done have been prevented by the fact that the Democrats can not override a Bush Veto and they can not force cloture in the Senate because of the GOP. The average person reacts to the fact that what they want and thought would take place when they elected democrats in November can not happen so long as we have a President that will not allow the will of the people to be enacted into law.

The Democrats have a perfect argument for November 2008 to both elect a Democrat as President and to increase the number of Democrats in the Congress so legislation that people support can be enacted
on Jun 28, 2007
why is anyone blaming bush for a democrat bill

the current bill was written by the democrats not bush

bush may support it but it was written by Kennedy
on Jun 28, 2007
The Democrats have a perfect argument for November 2008 to both elect a Democrat as President and to increase the number of Democrats in the Congress so legislation that people support can be enacted

Completely hilarious.  Col is the number one person around here who tells us the government needs balance and not complete control of the branches of government.....unless they are democrats.....LMAO!!!!  You are doing nothing but advocating for complete democratic control, and making excuses for their inability to get anything done.

What makes you think democrats will enact the "will of the people" nonsense you keep repeating?  You might as well put a big democrat hat on, because that is exactly who you are campaigning for here.

on Jun 28, 2007
Reply By: danielost Posted: Thursday, June 28, 2007
“why is anyone blaming bush for a democrat bill

the current bill was written by the democrats not bush

Bush may support it but it was written by Kennedy”

Because it was Bush who caused this bill to come up again after it was defeated the first time. He is doing everything he can to get it passed. I also condemn any Democrats that support this bill and have said so to my Senators-- One a GOP member and the other a Democrat!
on Jun 28, 2007
The issue in this Blog is NOT who wrote the bill but the fact that what Bush is claiming about the need for a Guest Worker Programs is a LIE! WE HAVE 8 GUEST WORKER PROGRAMS!
on Jun 28, 2007
why is anyone blaming bush for a democrat bill

the current bill was written by the democrats not bush

bush may support it but it was written by Kennedy

on Jun 28, 2007
"Completely hilarious. Col is the number one person around here who tells us the government needs balance and not complete control of the branches of government.....unless they are democrats.....LMAO!!!! You are doing nothing but advocating for complete democratic control, and making excuses for their inability to get anything done."

That is the only way what the majority want can get done given the unwillingness of the President and GOP members of Congress to cooperate. I think control of both the Congress and White House should only continue so long as the will of the majority is upheld. If the Democrats do what the GOP did then they should loose control of both branches of the government.
on Jun 28, 2007
That is the only way what the majority want can get done given the unwillingness of the President and GOP members of Congress to cooperate. I think control of both the Congress and White House should only continue so long as the will of the majority is upheld. If the Democrats do what the GOP did then they should loose control of both branches of the government.

Keep grasping at straws col.  You assume the majority "wants" what libreal democrats have to offer, and you know what they say about assuming things.  In countless posts you have done nothing but complain about the GOP controlling the majority, and that it wasn't right.  However, now you are not only hoping for a democrat as President, but a complete democratic majority including enough seats to override vetoes.  You sir, are full of it.

Democrats and their leaders have worse ratings than the President, and you, being the democratic apologist blames the republicans.  Too funny I must say.  The "will" of the people is decided in elections, not what polls say or what you assume to believe.  Stop telling everyone this nonsense about what the "majority" wants.

on Jun 28, 2007
"In countless posts you have done nothing but complain about the GOP controlling the majority, and that it wasn't right.”

I have documented that what the GOP and Bush have done DO NOT MEET WHAT MOST AMERICANS WANT. Immigration, Changing Social Security, Iraq War, border protection, trade policy and loss of American jobs and high gas prices. ALL these issues are because of Bush and the GOP and NOT one of these issues is supported by the majority.

Democrats and their leaders have worse ratings than the President, and you, being the democratic apologist blames the republicans. Bush and the GOP have BLOCKED the changes Democrats tried to make which are what Americans want!

Wait until November 2008 and see what happens!!!!!!
on Jun 28, 2007

most democrat americans
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