Bush claims we can not control our illegal immigration without his guest worker program. The problem with that argument is that we currently have EIGHT guest worker programs.
These are the guest programs that are currently available:
H Visa 372,000 workers
E Visa 49,000
I Visa 15,500
L Visa 134,000
O Visa 12,600
P Visa 38,700
R Visa 12,000
NAFTA 5,600
WHY is Bush telling us we need yet another Guest Worker Program in order to control Immigration? The man lies through his teeth. Does he not know of all the existing plans? He needs to talk with the Dept. of State who supervises these eight guest worker programs which are being used to displace American Workers with lower paying foreign workers. The majority of these guest workers are employed by Indian companies.
The CBO has said the Bush plan will only stop an net of 13% of the illegal’s coming into the country and in 20 years we will have another 9 Million Illegal’s added to the 12 Plus million that currently exist.
The Heritage Foundation has estimated the 20 year cost to Social Security and Medicare at $2.6 Trillion Dollars.
Way to look out for American Workers Mr. President. I wonder which country Bush believes he is president of?