Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.
CNN Just Reported We Now Have Another Enemy in Iraq!
Published on July 2, 2007 By COL Gene In Politics

CNN just reported that American Officials have confirmed Hezbollah forces from Lebanon are coming into Iraq and attacking U.S. Forces with the most sophisticated bombs that can destroy our best armor. Now we have the internal factions, al Qaeda and now Hezbollah to deal with in Iraq. The security situation continues to get worse every week and this turn of events is another sign that we are not controlling the violence.

We have spent over 4 years to train over 350,000 Iraqi Military and police and the violence from internal and external terrorists is getting worse. When will Bush accept that we can not end the violence without the Iraqi People taking control of their country!

Comments (Page 2)
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on Jul 03, 2007
We need to cut off unneeded spending for all the Bush trips. He can handle anything needed from the White House.


You have lost it.
on Jul 03, 2007
YOU ARE FULL OF BS!!!!! Cutting the funding for trips, dinners and other ceremonial events does not mean over throwing the U.S. Government

your statement was to defund him completely not trips dinners and other events.

on Jul 03, 2007

"your statement was to defund him completely not trips dinners and other events." SHOW WHERE I SAID THAT!

Getting back to the subject of this Blog-- the Bush policies are increasing the danger to the U.S. and now we have two major foreign terrorist groups operating in Iraq! Way to go George!
on Jul 04, 2007
It is hard to believe just how out of touch Bush is but every day he proves he lives in a different world from reality:

Bush Defends Military Buildup in Iraq
By DEB RIECHMANN (Associated Press Writer)
From Associated Press
July 04, 2007 9:20 AM EDT
MARTINSBURG, W.Va. - President Bush on Wednesday defended the U.S. military buildup in Iraq in a patriotic Fourth of July speech, saying victory will require "more patience, more courage and more sacrifice."

"However difficult the fight is in Iraq, we must win it," Bush said, telling members of the West Virginia Air National Guard that he admires the valor of America's fighting men and women but that now is no time to leave.

"We must succeed for our own sake. For the security of our citizens we must support our troops. We must support the Iraqi government and we must defeat al-Qaida in Iraq."

He defended the U.S.-led invasion in Iraq to a friendly audience that cheered the toppling of Saddam Hussein as well as Bush's decision in January to send 28,000 more U.S. troops to Iraq to try to tamp down on the violence and encourage the Iraqis to reach political agreements among Shiites, Sunnis and Kurds.
on Jul 04, 2007
It is hard to believe just how out of touch Bush is but every day he proves he lives in a different world from reality:

Something you are familiar with I see.  There is more to life than Bush, get on with your life.

on Jul 04, 2007
“Something you are familiar with I see. There is more to life than Bush, get on with your life.”

I have a LOT more in my life then Bush. That does not alter the fact that almost every day Bush does something else that shows just how bad a President he is and that we will be MUCH better off when he leaves office!
on Jul 04, 2007
I have a LOT more in my life then Bush. That does not alter the fact that almost every day Bush does something else that shows just how bad a President he is and that we will be MUCH better off when he leaves office!

Do you understand how obsessive you are with Bush?  Most of your opinions are based on an emotional hatred of Bush, and your far-left way of thinking.  As I have said, there is no point telling some that has an obsession with Bush anything other than what's in their own little world. 

on Jul 04, 2007
“Do you understand how obsessive you are with Bush? Most of your opinions are based on an emotional hatred of Bush, and your far-left way of thinking. As I have said, there is no point telling some that has an obsession with Bush anything other than what's in their own little world.”

My Focus on Bush is because of the amount of harm he has done to this country. He has screwed up just about every major issue facing this country and it will take decades to undue the harm he has done!

Bush is in the same place with the American People as Nixon after Watergate and if you do not grasp the significance of that you are just stupid!
on Jul 04, 2007
dictator gene

why don't you give us your opinion instead of the party line because everything i have ever seen you write on here has been party line

and the only thing Nixon did wrong was to end the Vietnam war without permission from the weapons makers.

they were using Vietnam to test new weapons. they didn't care whether we won or lost that war.

because the crime that Nixon committed wasn't a crime when he committed it.
on Jul 05, 2007
You support them by blaming them for Hezbollah getting in on the action.
on Jul 05, 2007
That does not alter the fact that almost every day Bush does something else that shows just how bad a President he is

for being such a bad president he has the democrats in Washington jumping to his tune.
on Jul 05, 2007

If you have any loved ones in Ira (sp). Know they are in danger. Know also that the best way to save them is to remove them from the field of danger.

If you support the troops, bring them home. away from danger.


Fucking duh.

Our freedom is under attack at home not abroad. (see: Patriot act)

Fucking duh.





on Jul 05, 2007
"why don't you give us your opinion instead of the party line because everything i have ever seen you write on here has been party line"

What I Post is MY Opinion predicated on the facts!

"and the only thing Nixon did wrong was to end the Vietnam war without permission from the weapons makers. " That PROVES you are an IDIOT!

"for being such a bad president he has the democrats in Washington jumping to his tune. " No the Democrats DO NOT have enough VOTES to pass what the Majority of Americans want. That will be corrected in November 2008!

"If you support the troops, bring them home. away from danger." We placed our troops into a war that was not justified and DID NOT provide the manpower NEEDED to WIN the Fight. That is NOT supporting our troops and is because of GWB!
on Jul 05, 2007
"If you support the troops, bring them home. away from danger." We placed our troops into a war that was not justified and DID NOT provide the manpower NEEDED to WIN the Fight. That is NOT supporting our troops and is because of GWB!

see i knew you supported a mass murderer. leave Saddam in power because he could control the people. but how did he control the people through murder. so by all means let us put a mass murderer back in power. and we must leave the Sudanese alone because they know how to control their people too.

What I Post is MY Opinion predicated on the facts!

what you post is the party line i have heard this from the demos in power.

on Jul 05, 2007
see i knew you supported a mass murderer. leave Saddam in power because he could control the people. but how did he control the people through murder. so by all means let us put a mass murderer back in power. and we must leave the Sudanese alone because they know how to control their people too.

It was NOT our responsibility to remove Saddam to liberate the Iraqi People. That was their job. Bush did not go to Congress and say he wanted to invade Iraq to liberate the Iraqi people. He and Cheney made the case that the USA was in danger from Saddam which was NOT true. If we liberated all people in the world that are under the rule of evil Dictators, we would be fighting Iraq Type Wars all over the world. The dictators in several countries in Africa, North Korea, China, Syria, Iran etc. The dictators in several African countries have killed many more people then Saddam ever killed. However the do not have oil!

You can not justify sending our military into Iraq to liberate the Iraqi People! That excuse was developed AFTER we could not locate WMD. If Bush had allowed the UN weapons Inspectors to finish their work, we would have learned the was NO WMD in Iraq.
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