Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.
CNN Just Reported We Now Have Another Enemy in Iraq!
Published on July 2, 2007 By COL Gene In Politics

CNN just reported that American Officials have confirmed Hezbollah forces from Lebanon are coming into Iraq and attacking U.S. Forces with the most sophisticated bombs that can destroy our best armor. Now we have the internal factions, al Qaeda and now Hezbollah to deal with in Iraq. The security situation continues to get worse every week and this turn of events is another sign that we are not controlling the violence.

We have spent over 4 years to train over 350,000 Iraqi Military and police and the violence from internal and external terrorists is getting worse. When will Bush accept that we can not end the violence without the Iraqi People taking control of their country!

Comments (Page 1)
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on Jul 02, 2007
Yep, if we pull out all of those terrorists will just pack up and go home.
on Jul 03, 2007
IRAN and SYRIA and SAUDI ARABIA cannot allow a true democracy to take hold in IRAQ

because these leaders have been telling their people that they are to stupid to know how to make their own decisions

so get used to the fact that the groups controlled be these countries will be involved in Iraq whether we are there or not.

so dictator gene just go back to saying it is bushes fault and the democrats didn't vote for war.
on Jul 03, 2007

Reply By: MasonM Posted: Monday, July 02, 2007
"Yep, if we pull out all of those terrorists will just pack up and go home.”

Hell they are operating in Iraq WITH 160,000 U.S. Troops and 350,000 Iraqi Troops we trained. Our remaining in Iraq will not prevent them from operating. Bush has enabled them to move into Iraq and set up operations when he invaded without the troops needed to prevent them from setting up operations. NOTHING Bush has none in Iraq has worked. He enabled the election of a government that is like the government in Iran. That same government is totally incapable of preventing the violence in Iraq. He has enabled foreign terrorists GROUPS to establish operations in Iraq like in Afghanistan. He has stimulated the recruitment of radical terrorists all over the world that are willing to attack the U.S. and other western countries. If anyone believes the world wide threat is lower, look at England and Scotland. That same thing can happen in the U.S. Bush has screwed up everything he has touched!

Reply By: danielost Posted: Tuesday, July 03, 2007
IRAN and SYRIA and SAUDI ARABIA cannot allow a true democracy to take hold in IRAQ

because these leaders have been telling their people that they are to stupid to know how to make their own decisions

so get used to the fact that the groups controlled be these countries will be involved in Iraq whether we are there or not.

You have just proven that the most basic principal of the Bush policy in Iraq and that entire area of establishing Democracies that will spread and control the violence is pure BS! As I have said, NOTHING Bush has done in Iraq and the entire Moslem world has been effective in controlling the hate and violence. In fact what he has done has made the situation MUCH WORSE!
on Jul 03, 2007
So far I haven't read one post by you that supports our troops. Do you always show your allegiences to those who kill American troops?
on Jul 03, 2007
controlling the hate

how do you control someone else's hate? this is something i am sure everyone on the planet would like to know dictator gene.

So far I haven't read one post by you that supports our troops. Do you always show your allegiances to those who kill American troops?

dictator gene for being a supposed colonial has never said anything in support of the troops on here. He has even verified that he thinks that they are baby killers.

the most basic principal of the Bush policy in Iraq

no i didn't if democracy takes hold in Iraq. it will spread or haven't you been paying attention to what has been going on in Iran this week.

In fact what he has done has made the situation MUCH WORSE!

if anything he has taken the violence that was pointed out toward you and me and refocused it in ward.
on Jul 03, 2007
the democrats and dictator gene and the main stream media
wanted the surge to work now but these things take time.
on Jul 03, 2007
Reply By: ParaTed2k Posted: Tuesday, July 03, 2007
“So far I haven't read one post by you that supports our troops. Do you always show your allegiances to those who kill American troops?”

I support our troops by stating they should NOT have been sent to Iraq because we were not in any danger from Saddam that warranted them being sent into an unneeded war.

I support them today by saying time to let the Iraqi people fight for THEIR country and bring our troops home.

I support our troops by asking that Bush increase the size of the military to meet the deployments.

I support our troops by supporting the needed funds to care for the injured which Bush HAS NOT DONE!

I support our troops not the IDIOT who is the Commander-in-Chief!
on Jul 03, 2007
Reply By: danielost Posted: Tuesday, July 03, 2007
"the democrats and dictator gene and the main stream media
wanted the surge to work now but these things take time."

We have been in Iraq more then 4 1/2 years and there have been three other surges that HAVE NOT WORKED. TIME IS OVER. Bring the Troops out of Iraq NOW!
on Jul 03, 2007
I support our troops by stating they should NOT have been sent to Iraq because we were not in any danger from Saddam that warranted them being sent into an unneeded war.

you support Saddam's mass murder

you support a dictatorship

you have stated that our government needs to be overthrown because YOU don't like the guy in the white house.

you have said nothing in support of our troops.

all you have ever done is attack bush.

you told me once that bush should have pardoned those border patrol. and when he does pardon someone sort of you attack him. Libby was fined lost his license for lieing in court about a crime that he didn't commit. at least the charges for the crime was dropped.

on Jul 03, 2007

“You told me once that bush should have pardoned those border patrols. And when he does pardon someone sort of you attack him. Libby was fined lost his license for lying in court about a crime that he didn't commit. At least the charges for the crime was dropped.”

Libby Broke the law and his sentence were in agreement with what the LAW prescribes for the violation Libby was convicted of and as such should not have been changed by Bush! Two men that tried to PROTECT our country from a Smuggler sit in prison and Bush does NOTHING!

on Jul 03, 2007
Libby was jailed for lying about a crime that didn't take place

and if bush does pardon those border guards you will be the first to condemn him for doing it

and bush didn't pardon Libby he just said he didn't have to go to jail.

Libby still pays a 250,000 fine and loses his license to practice law
on Jul 03, 2007

Reply By: danielost

"you support Saddam's mass murder". YOU ARE A LIAR!

"You support a dictatorship." NO I oppose GWB!

You have stated that our government needs to be overthrown because YOU don't like the guy in the white house. NO I said we need to exercise the option in our Constitution and IMPEACH the President for lying about Iraq, failing to enforce the laws and violating the FISA act!

Reply By: danielost Posted: Tuesday, July 03, 2007
"Libby was jailed for lying about a crime that didn't take place"

Libby Lied under oath and was convicted of that. His sentence was within the Federal Guidelines for the crime Libby Committed. Valery Plane was identified as a CIA Agent. The only reason no one was charged is the law that was to prevent the outing of agents like Mrs. Plame is so complicated it has been shown to be unenforceable. It is NOT because she was NOT identified as an agent. Cheney, Libby Armitage all did exactly what the LAW was intended to prevent as a way to get back at Ambassador Wilson who told the truth about the attempt by Saddam to purchase the Yellow Cake in Africa. The former CIA Director, George Tenet has confirmed that Wilson was correct.
on Jul 03, 2007
You have stated that our government needs to be overthrown because YOU don't like the guy in the white house. NO I said we need to exercise the option in our Constitution and IMPEACH the President for lying about Iraq, failing to enforce the laws and violating the FISA act!

you stated that congress needs to defund bush and that is calling for the over throw of the country

you support Saddam's mass murder". YOU ARE A LIAR!

who is that who keeps saying that saddam should have been left in power. and what was saddam doing commiting mass murder.

so if you support saddam still being in power. you support mass murder.

on Jul 03, 2007
and i assume that you didn't read those links to un inspecters

where in 2004 they stated that

1 saddam wasn't going to allow them back in.

2 that the faculities he had for research could be packed and moved in 2 hours.

on Jul 03, 2007
“you stated that congress needs to defund bush and that is calling for the over throw of the country.”

YOU ARE FULL OF BS!!!!! Cutting the funding for trips, dinners and other ceremonial events does not mean over throwing the U.S. Government. We need to cut off unneeded spending for all the Bush trips. He can handle anything needed from the White House. We have the most sophisticated system of communications that can reach any place in the world. As for Cheney, he has no constitutional responsibility until the President can not act so we can cut off his staff, travel etc. He is not needed to preside over the Senate unless it is deadlocked on some vote in the future! One secretary, a SMALL office and security is all I would provide him!
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