Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.
He was Correct-- They started in England.
Published on July 3, 2007 By COL Gene In Politics

Bush has been saying that if we leave Iraq the Terrorists will follow. Guess what - That is taking place while we are in Iraq. The British have now linked the terrorist attacks last week in Scotland and the two unsuccessful attacks in London to operations in Iraq. Our occupation of Iraq has spawned al Qaeda operations in Iraq like the operations in Afghanistan that brought 9/11 to America.

There were also dire warnings this week that attacks are planned from the terrorists in Iraq for the U.S. this summer. Bush was correct about al Qaeda following. What he forgot is that they are doing this BEFORE we leave Iraq and it is his invasion that has resulted in two foreign terrorist groups to begin operating in Iraq while we have 160,000 of our military in Iraq. We now have both al Qaeda and Hezbollah operating in Iraq under the nose of both our military and the Iraqi Military we have trained. They are busy planning their next attacks of the U.S. and other non Moslem countries.

The Iraq War has spawned NEW terrorist operations in Iraq that have attacked England. How long will it be before they attempt an attack in the U.S.? The Iraq War is tragic mistake that is making our security situation worse every day.

Comments (Page 5)
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on Jul 10, 2007
Col, what you never seem to grasp is that, thanks to our operations, as flawed as they have been, in Iraq and Afghanistan, and to our heightened sense of alert, much terrorist activity has been precluded. It destabilizes the terror networks. Without it, there'd likely have been dozens of of attacks, if not hundreds, by now. The "sectarian violence" in Iraq is turning on al-Qaeda, now, too, by the way.

You don't want admit any of this, though, because, like all tunnel-vision Bush-haters, it doesn't fit your view of Demon Bush as evil genius/moron/scheming puppetmaster/incompetent fratboy/diabolical manipulator/lightweight idiot.

Make up your mind already.
on Jul 10, 2007

I do not doubt that Iraqi's oppose al Qaeda. The problem is that we have allowed BOTH the internal violence between Iraqi's as well as the Foreign Terrorists to take hold in Iraq. When we removed the control exercised by Saddam, we did not have the power to STOP the internal factions from arming and organizing nor did we have the troops to prevent the foreign elements from entering Iraq and establishing operations. Now we have the worst of all worlds-- Internal fighting, Foreign Terrorists, potential conflict with countries like Turkey because of the Kurds and a government that WE ENABLED that is close to Iran and incapable of dealing with either the internal or external violence. They also refuse to make the political choices as the report clearly states. That makes it IMPOSSIBLE for our military to bring stability to Iraq. All we do is a continuous bleed of our troops and money.

The time has come to turn the future of Iraq over top the Iraqi people. If as you say the People want to save their country it may mean a period of more intense violence. The difference it will be up to them. We were WRONG to invade Iraq and then we compounded that mistake by sending less then 1/3 the troop level required to prevent the violence we see in Iraq today. Bush is the one that made those choices and is responsible for one of the worst foreign policy choices this country has ever made.
on Jul 10, 2007

he will never give up his mad obsession with bush
on Jul 10, 2007

Reply By: danielost Posted: Tuesday, July 10, 2007

he will never give up his mad obsession with bush "

The Iraq war and the situation we are in today is because of Bush and his poicies. To say anything different is a LIE!
on Jul 10, 2007
Another useless article. Terrorist have existed long before Bush was President. Does it really matter if they were in Iraq before or not? They would have gotten bigger regardless. I find it stupid that you, Col gene, would think that things would have turned out any different. This would have happened even if we would have just stayed in Afghanistan. Sad to see you are more concerned with what Bush does and not care what the terrorist do. This is like blaming the alcohol companies for drunk drivers. Your logic is stupid, as usual Col.
on Jul 10, 2007

If you believe the war in Iraq has help make America more secure you have lost your mind. We should have delta with 9/11 by dealing with those that planned and executed that horrible attack. Iraq had NOTHING to do with that and we not only diverted our resources by attacking Iraq but increased the number of radicals that are willing to attack us in the future. We set out on a policy that said just establish a democratic government and all will be fine. Nothing is further from the truth. People far more knowledgeable then Bush warned that our invasion of Iraq would get the U.S. Bogged down in a war and that the Moslems would NOT welcome such an invasion EVEN to remove Saddam. Only other Moslems should have removed Saddam and now we are in a NO WIN situation supporting an ineffective government that is like Iran. It is time to turn Iraq over to the Iraqi people. If they choose to allow the fighting to escalate so be it. We can not win this with 160,000 troops and there is no political WILL of the government we helped put into place to make the compromises to settle the internal discord. Add the fact that now two major foreign Terrorist groups have established themselves in Iraq and you have an impossible situation that is a DIRECT result of Bush and his policies. He got his way at every turn and he is responsible along with Congress who enabled Bush to take our country into an unjustified War! It is time to END our involvement in the Iraq War!
on Jul 10, 2007

If you believe the war in Iraq has help make America more secure you have lost your mind

OK, first of all I never said anything about believing or not about America being safer. Second, I am so sick of you repeating this stupid sentence every time someone responds to you. Do you not get tired of repeating yourself word for word? You're so blinded by your stupidity that you can't see past "If you believe the war in Iraq has help make America more secure you have lost your mind".

Guess what, I believe we are safer. Why? Simple, the average American is now more attentive of their surroundings. So much that we have reached a point where no Muslim or anyone resembling a Muslim or Arab can go about without being looked at as a terrorist. Not a single act of terrorism has happened here, some stupid wannabe terrorist tried but failed. In Britain 2 out of 3 were stopped and the 3rd did not even kill the terrorist himself. You don't think we are safer? Then you have no faith in this country and it's people. You don't believe in the American way, you have plowed this country into the ground as you were from another country. Your only care is that SS check in the mail. You are so much more concerned with every word Bush says that you see people dying and instead of getting mad at the terrorist you get mad at Bush. These people hated us before Bush was even President and they will continue to hate us even after he's gone. All you are doing is falling in line with them. Keep fighting us, I wonder why terrorist even try to attack us at all. We seem to be doing a better job at screwing ourselves with people like you.
on Jul 10, 2007
this is what hatered does it blinds you to everything else.

ask dictator gene or the arabs
on Jul 10, 2007
We are not safer because of invading Iraq. Bush made a mistake and it is time for Congress to END this war!!!!
on Jul 10, 2007
this is what hatred does it blinds you to everything else.

ask dictator gene or the Arabs

daniel, why do you even bother to respond to this idiot? You'll notice that for the most part I do not bother to respond to his "particular" brand of idiocy anymore. Maybe if we just ignore him, he'll just fade away.

Just once I'd like to see "one" of klink's post go without even one response.
on Jul 10, 2007
Just once I'd like to see "one" of klink's post go without even one response.

your right and i am tired of dealing with what might have been instead of what is
on Jul 11, 2007
I have tried to ignore and I have seen a few of his articles go 0 all the way to the graveyard. But sometimes I get bored and need to bash on someone and he makes such an easy target.
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