Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.
He was Correct-- They started in England.
Published on July 3, 2007 By COL Gene In Politics

Bush has been saying that if we leave Iraq the Terrorists will follow. Guess what - That is taking place while we are in Iraq. The British have now linked the terrorist attacks last week in Scotland and the two unsuccessful attacks in London to operations in Iraq. Our occupation of Iraq has spawned al Qaeda operations in Iraq like the operations in Afghanistan that brought 9/11 to America.

There were also dire warnings this week that attacks are planned from the terrorists in Iraq for the U.S. this summer. Bush was correct about al Qaeda following. What he forgot is that they are doing this BEFORE we leave Iraq and it is his invasion that has resulted in two foreign terrorist groups to begin operating in Iraq while we have 160,000 of our military in Iraq. We now have both al Qaeda and Hezbollah operating in Iraq under the nose of both our military and the Iraqi Military we have trained. They are busy planning their next attacks of the U.S. and other non Moslem countries.

The Iraq War has spawned NEW terrorist operations in Iraq that have attacked England. How long will it be before they attempt an attack in the U.S.? The Iraq War is tragic mistake that is making our security situation worse every day.

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on Jul 03, 2007
The Iraq War has spawned NEW terrorist operations in Iraq that have attacked England. How long will it be before they attempt an attack in the U.S.? The Iraq War is tragic mistake that is making our security situation worse every day.


Because terrorism never existed until Bush.  Terrorists attacks would happen regardless if we were in Iraq or not.  But why bother explaining that to you because everything is Bush's fault.  Get over it already.

You just don't get it.

One news report suggested the group could have been recruited by the head of al-Qaida in Iraq, but the British security official said that was "unlikely." He said the investigation was not focusing on Iraqi links, other than the fact that one suspect was from Iraq.

Patrick Mercer, a legislator in the opposition Conservative Party who is a former British army intelligence officer, said he doubted the plotters came to Britain already planning the attack.

"I think these people came into the country, possibly already radicalized or certainly sympathetic ... and the process of radicalization has been completed while they're here. My inclination is to say that these are intelligent and highly motivated people, so the probability of self-radicalization is higher," he told the AP.

on Jul 03, 2007
almost all of the people in england and Scotland

are doctors

all of them were moderate Muslims

these people attack because they want to not because of where we are.

remember British troops are supposed to be pulling out so why attack them. making them angry enough to stay
on Jul 03, 2007
“Because terrorism never existed until Bush. Terrorists attacks would happen regardless if we were in Iraq or not. But why bother explaining that to you because everything is Bush's fault. Get over it already.”

The operations of al Qaeda and Hezbollah in Iraq did not exist until AFTER Bush removed Saddam. They operated in Afghanistan and other countries but now they also operate in Iraq!

"I think these people came into the country, possibly already radicalized or certainly sympathetic ... and the process of radicalization has been completed while they're here. My inclination is to say that these are intelligent and highly motivated people, so the probability of self-radicalization is higher," he told the AP.”

The invasion of Iraq is in part what has motivated these people to attack England and holds the potential for new attacks on the U.S.

“remember British troops are supposed to be pulling out so why attack them.” making them angry enough to stay”

WHY ATTACK THEM? Get Real. They are attacking England because England joined the U.S. in invading Iraq. We have spawned a new area of terrorism while we have 160,000 of our best troops in place along with 350,000 Iraq military we trained. With all that power, we can not prevent two radical foreign groups from establishing operations in Iraq! Anyone who believes we are making America or for that matter any country safer by our invasion and occupation of Iraq is NUTS! We are helping to create MORE radicals every day!
on Jul 03, 2007
We have spawned a new area of terrorism

when did the old era end

and your right there was no terrorism in iraq before we went there.

but saddam was paying the terriosts.

so terrorism has always been a part of iraq while saddam was in power.

on Jul 04, 2007

Reply By: danielost

"but Saddam was paying the terrorists.

So terrorism has always been a part of Iraq while Saddam was in power."

The difference is that NOW terrorism in Iraq is being directed at the west. We have created another Afghanistan where 9/11 was crafted! That is one of the results of the Bush invasion of Iraq. I do not recall that as being one of his objectives when he made the case to invade Iraq.
on Jul 04, 2007
The invasion of Iraq is in part what has motivated these people to attack England and holds the potential for new attacks on the U.S.

It's called "propaganda" col, something you should be real familiar with.  If it wasn't Iraq, it would be Israel they use as an excuse to attack.  Because we don't want a world-wide islamic state, motivates them to attack, because we are infidels it motivates them to attack. 

But once again why bother explaining anything to someone who suffers from BDS.
on Jul 04, 2007
“It's called "propaganda" col, something you should be real familiar with. If it wasn't Iraq, it would be Israel they use as an excuse to attack. Because we don't want a world-wide Islamic state, motivates them to attack, because we are infidels it motivates them to attack.”

THAT IS NOT THE CONCLUSION OF the CIA and NIE. They have stated that the Iraq War is the central cause of the growth in terrorist attacks world wide! What you are doing is using the “Bush Spin”. You should offer your services to Tony Snow - he is a MASTER at spinning the Bush GAFS.
on Jul 04, 2007
if the terrorists are attacking us because of Iraq

why did they attack us on 9/11

why did they attack the Cole

why did they attack the embassies

why did they attack the marine barracks
on Jul 04, 2007
“If the terrorists are attacking us because of Iraq.”

The CIA and NIE said that the Iraq War is the major cause of the increased terrorist attacks. I will accept their conclusions long before anything you or anyone else on this Blog site has to say.

“Why did they attack us on 9/11?”

Because we support Israel and are in the Moslem countries. bin Laden and others have made that very clear.

“Why did they attack the Cole?”

See the answer above.

The radical Moslems do not want the U.S. in their world and they do not want Arab Governments dealing with the U.S. They also believe we have a double standard when it comes to the Palestine’s and Israel which we do! Why they hate Israel I do not know but they have hated then for many years.

Our actions in the Moslem World, especially Iraq, are inflaming an already bad situation and are making it worse. That is what Our Intelligence agencies have concluded!
on Jul 04, 2007
From FOX News
WASHINGTON — A newly declassified and controversial intelligence report says that the Iraq conflict has become a "cause celebre" for Islamic extremists, but if their efforts fail it could hinder recruiting of more would-be terrorists.

The key findings of the National Intelligence Estimate state that the number of "jihadists" is growing in size and geographic dispersion, and if the trend continues it could lead to more terror attacks worldwide and more threats to U.S. interests at home and abroad.
on Jul 04, 2007
if the terrorists are attacking us because of Iraq

why did they attack us on 9/11

why did they attack the Cole

why did they attack the embassies

why did they attack the marine barracks

this time answer the question with real answers
on Jul 04, 2007

Bin laden gave us the REAL answers-- He and the radical Moslems resent the United States in their world. The hate Israel and we apply a double standard-- We condemn terrorism by the Palestinians and turn our back when Israel occupies lands that do not belong to them and kill civilians. The Israelis have killed many times the number of Palestine’s then Israelis killed by Palestinians.

Read what OUR intelligence agencies have concluded as to why terrorism in increasing:

From FOX News
WASHINGTON — A newly declassified and controversial intelligence report says that the Iraq conflict has become a "cause celebre" for Islamic extremists, but if their efforts fail it could hinder recruiting of more would-be terrorists.

The key findings of the National Intelligence Estimate state that the number of "jihadists" is growing in size and geographic dispersion, and if the trend continues it could lead to more terror attacks worldwide and more threats to U.S. interests at home and abroad.
on Jul 04, 2007

Curtis Bowman
Another cog in the culture industry« Intimidation Impedes Hunt for Insurgents | Main | The Still Emerging Democratic Majority? »

December 23, 2004
What Does Osama bin Laden Want?
Don Van Natta, Jr. recently wrote a fascinating piece on Osama bin Laden for the The New York Times. I highly recommend reading the entire article, but here are a few excerpts to get you started:

What does Osama bin Laden want?

The vexing question emerged again last week with the release of an audiotape on which the Qaeda leader seems to be speaking. On it, he applauds the Dec. 6 attack against the United States Consulate in Jidda, Saudi Arabia, and urges the toppling of the Saudi royal family.

The tape indicated that Mr. bin Laden has apparently moved the fomenting of a revolution in his Saudi homeland toward the top of his lengthy and ambitious wish list, which also includes the reversal of American foreign policy in the Middle East, the retreat of the American military from the Arabian Peninsula and the creation of a Palestinian homeland.

[. . .]

Perhaps most striking is Mr. bin Laden's expression of frustration. Like any politician on the stump, Mr. bin Laden craves the ability to deliver an unfiltered message to his audience. Speaking directly to Americans in the pre-election address, he complained that his rationale for waging a holy war against the United States was repeatedly mischaracterized by President Bush and consequently misunderstood by most Americans.

To change this, Mr. bin Laden is testing what he apparently believes are more mainstream themes, while trying to dislodge the entrenched American view of him as a terrorist hell-bent on destroying America and all it stands for. In the pre-election address, Mr. bin Laden said Mr. Bush was wrong to "claim that we hate freedom." He added: "If so, then let him explain to us why we don't strike, for example, Sweden."

That remark surprised some counterterrorism officials and terrorist experts, who said the Al Qaeda leader rarely injects sarcasm into his public pronouncements. They took it as a signal that he was trying to broaden his appeal, particularly to moderate Muslims and possibly even some Americans.

[. . .]

"Osama is not a man given to humor, but when he told this joke about Sweden, I think it showed his frustration that Americans are not listening to him," said Michael Scheuer, a former senior C.I.A. official who tracked Mr. bin Laden for years and is the author of "Imperial Hubris." "We are being told by the president and others that Al Qaeda attacked us because they despise who we are and what we think and how we live. But Osama's point is, it's not that at all. They don't like what we do. And until we come to understand that, we are not going to defeat the enemy."

[. . .]

Mr. bin Laden's attempt to engage Americans is occurring while his message to drive the United States out of the Muslim world is resonating with those among the 1.2 billion Muslims who believe the Qaeda leader eloquently expresses their anger over the foreign policies of the United States and Israel. In recent years, he has emphasized the Palestinians' struggle. "His genius lies in identifying things that are easily visible and easily felt by most Muslims," Mr. Scheuer said. "He has found issues that are simple, and that Muslims see playing out on their televisions every day."

But Mr. bin Laden also wants Americans and Europeans to heed his messages and urge their leaders to change their Middle East policies. This has not happened and probably will not happen. "He is tuned out by most Americans and Europeans, and it's begun to really annoy him," said a senior counterterrorism official based in Europe.

[. . .]

Analysts say Mr. bin Laden's repeated refrain is that Al Qaeda's strikes are retribution for American and Israeli killings of Muslim women and children. "Reciprocity is a very important principle in the Islamic way of the world," Mr. Scheuer said. "They judge how far they can go by how far their enemy has gone."

Scheuer calls bin Laden's overall approach "principled hatred" — see chapter 1 of Imperial Hubris.

Bin Laden is a true believer, but he isn't stupid. He's obviously an intelligent man, clearly familiar with cost-benefit analysis:

. . . he said the United States could avoid another attack if it stopped threatening the security of Muslims. He spoke at length about what he sees as the true motive for the Iraq war - to enrich American corporations with ties to the Bush administration. (He cited Halliburton.) And he spoke of bloodshed, but this time metaphorically, about the American economy.

He mocked the United States's budget and trade deficits, saying that Al Qaeda is committed "to continuing this policy in bleeding American to the point of bankruptcy." And he said that the 9/11 attacks, which cost Al Qaeda a total of $500,000, have cost the United States more than $500 billion, "according to the lowest estimate" by a research organization in London that he cited by name.

"It all shows that the real loser is - you," he told Americans, according to a transcript by Al Jazeera, the satellite network.

Pocketbook politics, like any good politician. As I said, an intelligent man.
on Jul 04, 2007
The Israelis have killed many times the number of Palestine’s then Israelis killed by Palestinians.

in self defense

on Jul 04, 2007
"In self defense."

Many have been Civilians, women and Children and they were NOT in self defense. They have punished the Palestinians and I believe the ratio is about 10 times more Palestinians killed. The Israelis also occupy territory and hold the lives hostage of millions of Palestinians. The attacks on Israel are NOT justified but many things the Israelis do is also unjustified and we turn our head which enrages the Moslems!
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