Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.
He was Correct-- They started in England.
Published on July 3, 2007 By COL Gene In Politics

Bush has been saying that if we leave Iraq the Terrorists will follow. Guess what - That is taking place while we are in Iraq. The British have now linked the terrorist attacks last week in Scotland and the two unsuccessful attacks in London to operations in Iraq. Our occupation of Iraq has spawned al Qaeda operations in Iraq like the operations in Afghanistan that brought 9/11 to America.

There were also dire warnings this week that attacks are planned from the terrorists in Iraq for the U.S. this summer. Bush was correct about al Qaeda following. What he forgot is that they are doing this BEFORE we leave Iraq and it is his invasion that has resulted in two foreign terrorist groups to begin operating in Iraq while we have 160,000 of our military in Iraq. We now have both al Qaeda and Hezbollah operating in Iraq under the nose of both our military and the Iraqi Military we have trained. They are busy planning their next attacks of the U.S. and other non Moslem countries.

The Iraq War has spawned NEW terrorist operations in Iraq that have attacked England. How long will it be before they attempt an attack in the U.S.? The Iraq War is tragic mistake that is making our security situation worse every day.

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on Jul 04, 2007
Many have been Civilians, women and Children and they were NOT in self defense

the brave warriors of the Palestinians were hiding behind them

putting their weapons in their houses.

every time the Israelis do something wrong guess who turns them in.

the Israelis do.

and i guess you didn't pay attention last year.

all of these idiots in the USA that are against the war in Iraq were outraged that Israel would dare declare war on hizbollah.

just because the Israelis have better weapons they are supposed to let the Palestinians and hizbollah keep sending rockets in to their country and do nothing.

here is a suggestion if you are so in love with the Muslims go and join them.
on Jul 04, 2007
In self defense."

if i attack the heavy weight champion and he puts me in the hospital.

he still acted in self defense.
on Jul 04, 2007
“All of these idiots in the USA that are against the war in Iraq were outraged that Israel would dare declare war on Hezbollah.

Just because the Israelis have better weapons they are supposed to let the Palestinians and Hezbollah keep sending rockets in to their country and do nothing.

Here is a suggestion if you are so in love with the Muslims go and join them.”

The Question was WHY did the Moslems attack us in the past even before 9/11? This is part of the answer. I hate the radical Moslems but to ignore WHY they are attacking us is not going to enable us to prevent future attacks. When Israel destroyed a large part of Lebanon and killed and destroyed homes and the lives of Moslems over two kidnapped Israli Soldures we acted as if this was fine and did nothhing to restrain Israel. Guess what they still do not have the two soldiers back and our attitude and inaction to restrain Israel created many new Moslem enemies for the U.S. The continued Jewish settlements in the Palestinian territory and building a wall in Palestine are illegal under ANY international law and we stand by and do nothing. We occupy a Moslem country for more then 4 1/2 years and this enrages the radical Moslems. Our actions in the past as well as today are making the situation worse.

The analogy is there is a fire burning which is the hate radical Moslems have for us because of our past actions and involvement in Moslem Countries. We invade Iraq which is like throwing gasoline on the burning fire. The result is what we see today and what will most likely see in the future by new attacks on the U.S. and other non Moslem countries! Even in Afghanistan the resent civilian casualties while fighting al Qaeda is causing serious problems with the government in Afghanistan.
on Jul 04, 2007
Much of our involvement in the Middle East is to protect the oil we need. Look at the total failure of the past 30 years to do what needs to be done to free our dependence on the oil from the Middle East. Look at what our two former oil men have done. NOTHING! Bush tells us we are addicted to oil and does nothing to move us closer to solving the problem. All he has done is give $12 Billion in tax Credits to Big Oil which has done nothing to reduce our dependence on Middle East Oil.
on Jul 04, 2007

the government of Lebanon backed the is really attack on herbal.

they didn't want to get directly involved because they felt that they would lose 1/3 of their troops to herbal. and they didn't want herbal to attack them.

what did herbal do after Israel pulled back.

the Muslims blame the USA for the crusades as well. how do you dictator gene respond to that
on Jul 05, 2007
The New Lebanon Government DID not support the invasion of Israel and what happened is the new government of Lebanon was severely damaged by Israel- this is the new government we helped get established. To destroy almost 1/3 of Lebanon over the capture of two soldiers was OVER KILL and we stood by and let it take place. These are the actions that cause more Moslems to join the Terrorists and attack the U.S. We do not apply an even hand toward the Palestrina’s and Israelis. We supported Free elections in Palestine and then when the vast majority choose a political party Israel and the U.S. did not like, we refused to deal with them. The lesson is, “we support Democracy so long as you elect the people we approve of.”

You ask WHY do radical Moslem Groups hate and attack us. These are some of the reasons. These groups do not want us in their sand box. We not only play in their sand box but in the case of Iraq have taken it over and allowed internal factions to fight with each other and then we allowed Foreign Terrorists to enter Iraq and set up operations. Everything we have done in Iraq has enraged the radical Moslems and enabled them to recruit more Moslems to support the cause of Violence! That is what the NIE and CIA Concluded in the article I posted. That is what shows on the ground day after day!
on Jul 05, 2007
"the Muslims blame the USA for the crusades as well. how do you dictator gene respond to that "

No they blame Christians and we are for the most part Christian. The Christians did cause the crusades!
on Jul 05, 2007
The New Lebanon Government DID not support the invasion of Israel and what happened is the new government of Lebanon was severely damaged by Israel

you have really got to start paying attention to the news not the democrats.

the new government of Lebanon wants the government of hezbollah out of their country. along with all other groups that are funded by Syria.

"the Muslims blame the USA for the crusades as well. how do you dictator gene respond to that "

No they blame Christians and we are for the most part Christian. The Christians did cause the crusades!

no they blame USA for the crusades. I got that out of the mouth of a Palestinian.

They also consider all citizens in Israel to be in the army. all the way down to and including two year olds.
on Jul 05, 2007

"The new government of Lebanon wants the government of Hezbollah out of their country. Along with all other groups that are funded by Syria."

That is true but Lebanon DID NOT support the destruction by Israel of almost 1/3 of Lebanon.

“No they blame USA for the crusades. I got that out of the mouth of a Palestinian.”

From the mouth of A Palestinian does NOT MEAN that is what Moslems believe. They know history and understand there was NO USA during the Crusades.

They also consider all citizens in Israel to be in the army. all the way down to and including two year olds."

They may consider most Adults as part of the Army because they are. They do not consider two year olds as part of the military. You show your ignorance with everything you post!
on Jul 05, 2007
They may consider most Adults as part of the Army because they are. They do not consider two year olds as part of the military

Now who do i believe an idiot with a pen in his hand.

or the Palestinian that was in the back seat of my cab.

i think i will believe the Palestinian who was in the back seat of my cab.

thank you very much

That is true but Lebanon DID NOT support the destruction by Israel of almost 1/3 of Lebanon.

OK who would support this of their country.

i said that they supported the Israeli attempt to destroy hezbollah. Which means that to a small degree they had/have to support some destruction in Lebanon

on Jul 05, 2007
“Now who do i believe an idiot with a pen in his hand.

or the Palestinian that was in the back seat of my cab.” That Just showes how DUMB you are!

I would start with History. There is a Poll that says 40% of Americans think Saddam was responsible for 9/11. To claim Moslems believe the USA was responsible for the Crusades when they took place 500 years before there was a USA shows that anyone that would say that is NUTS!

“ Said that they supported the Israeli attempt to destroy Hezbollah. Which means that to a small degree they had/have to support some destruction in Lebanon?”

The issue is that we stood by and watched Israel Destroy 1/3 of Lebanon OVER TWO KIDNAPPED SOLDIERS. THAT IS WHAT ENRAGES THE MOSLEMS. That is why they will be willing to attack us again.
on Jul 05, 2007
bin laden has said it or haven't you heard his ranting and raving

i will still go with the person i talked to on a personnal level to someone i have never met

The issue is that we stood by and watched Israel Destroy 1/3 of Lebanon OVER TWO KIDNAPPED SOLDIERS. THAT IS WHAT ENRAGES THE MOSLEMS. That is why they will be willing to attack us again.

the real issue is that we stood by and watched as isreal tried and succeeded at stopping the rain of missiles that hezbolloh was shooting at them. at least for a month or so.

the two soldiers were just the last straw.

also on this note, your saying that isreal shouldn't care about all of its citizens. better to have two people killed today than go and try to rescue them.

how many do you let die tomorrow to keep that peace. How many in two days. how many in three days. come on dictator gene how many people are you willing to be allowed to be murdered to keep peace.

on 9/11 there were over 3000 people murdered. You and the democrats keep saying that we should just let it go. So tell me sir how many deaths do we endure until we have had enough.

please answer this question. this has nothing to do with bush, this is what you think. How many of your soldiers were you willing to sacrifice to keep the peace.

on Jul 05, 2007
“Also on this note, you’re saying that Israel shouldn't care about all of its citizens. Better to have two people killed today than go and try to rescue them.”

The two soldiers HAVE not been returned. Israel has been using the same tactics for 40 years and the violence continues. They are no closer to ending the issues then many years ago. They, like Bush, do not seem to recognize when a policy is not working! They punish one group and that spawns others willing to attack Israel. We are doing the very same thing!
on Jul 06, 2007
No they blame Christians and we are for the most part Christian. The Christians did cause the crusades!

Actually if you want to be specific....I believe you'll find the Catholics were the ones that started the crusades. Not "all" christians were involved. That a fact that most people miss.
on Jul 06, 2007

"Actually if you want to be specific....I believe you'll find the Catholics were the ones that started the crusades. Not "all" Christians were involved. That a fact that most people miss. "

During the Crusades the Roman Catholic Church was the ONLY Christian Church. Both the Eastern Orthodox and Lutheran Churches broke off AFTER the Crusades.

So far as the Moslems are concerned we are all infidels!
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