Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.

The release of the NIE documents that al-Qaeda and similar groups have expanded their operations and ability to carry our attacks against the U.S. It also clearly demonstrates that simply ending al-Qaeda operations in Iraq will not change the level of danger from futurte attacks on the U.S.

Below are changes we have made to help prevent another attack on the U.S.:

Increased cooperation and surveillance by domestic agencies like the FBI, NSA, and CIA.

We have substantially improved data sharing with both our own agencies and with law enforcement and intelligence agencies thought the world.

We have solicited the help of banks, communications companies and alike to track potential terrorists.

Areas where we have not done what is needed or that our actions have increased the threat of future attacks:

Failed to safeguard our borders and ports.

Failed to provide the needed funding for first responders.

Failed to destroy the al-Qaeda operations especially in Afghanistan and Pakistan.

Diverted our resources to Iraq that has enabled al-Qaeda et al to have yet another base of operation in Iraq.

Provided a recruiting tool to radical Islam by invading and occupying Iraq.

Comments (Page 1)
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on Jul 17, 2007
Bush has not done very well to reduce the threat of attack:

Terror Threat Against U.S. Said Serious
By KATHERINE SHRADER and ANNE FLAHERTY (Associated Press Writers)
From Associated Press
July 17, 2007 11:09 AM EDT
WASHINGTON - The terrorist network Al-Qaida will likely leverage its contacts and capabilities in Iraq to mount an attack on U.S. soil, according to a new National Intelligence Estimate on threats to the United States.

The declassified key findings, to be released publicly on Tuesday, were obtained in advance by The Associated Press.

The report lays out a range of dangers - from al-Qaida to Lebanese Hezbollah to non-Muslim radical groups - that pose a "persistent and evolving threat" to the country over the next three years. As expected, however, the findings focus most of their attention on the gravest terror problem: Osama bin Laden's al-Qaida network.

on Jul 17, 2007
That's not what Island Dogs article says.
on Jul 17, 2007

you have to remember dictator gene operates on the democrats credo. if it is a lie keep pushing it until people start to believe it.
on Jul 17, 2007

“Reply By: CharlesCS1 Posted: Tuesday, July 17, 2007
That's not what Island Dogs article says.”

The NIE is clear-- the threat from al-Qaeda is real and growing. That has NOTHING to do with the Democrats CREDO. It clearly shows that what Bush has been doing in Iraq and NOT doing in Afghanistan is not eliminating the danger but allowing it to grow. He talks about fighting this war on Terrorism but the facts show the way he has chosen to fight that war is not effective. We have the vast majority of our military in the middle of the fight between the Shea and Sunni for control of Iraq, while al-Qaeda grows in Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan. Great JOB Bush!
on Jul 17, 2007
It clearly shows that what Bush has been doing in Iraq and NOT doing in Afghanistan is not eliminating the danger but allowing it to grow.

That's actually not what it shows, that is something you are just trying to convince people of.  Bush is the only President who decided to fight terrorism, your loved democrats pretty much refuse to acknowledge terrorism even exists....bumper sticker slogans anyone?

But as usual you find a way to blame Bush for everything and twist the facts.

on Jul 17, 2007
“Bush is the only President who decided to fight terrorism.”

That is because terrorism was brought HOME while he was president. However after almost 6 years to have a report that shows it is growing in several parts of the world including Iraq which is what the NIE clearly documents. The way bush chose to fight Terrorism is not working. He attacked Iraq and committed the majority of our military power into a country that had NOTHING to do with terrorism. WHY? Now al-Qaeda is operating in Iraq only because of the Bush and the invasion of Iraq. The fact is that the real center for al-Qaeda per the NIE is Afghanistan and the border regions of Pakistan! We do not have the military needed to deal with that threat because they are tied up in a Civil war we enabled in Iraq.
on Jul 17, 2007

United States-led counter terrorism efforts have seriously damaged the leadership of Al-Qa’ida and disrupted its operations; however, we judge that Al-Qa’ida will continue to pose the greatest threat to the Homeland and US interests abroad by a single terrorist organization.

This is from the April 2006 NIE. Now, want to try again "ignutz"?

Notice it says "nothing" about them "growing", just continuing to pose the greatest threat.
on Jul 17, 2007
reply By: drmiler Posted: Tuesday, July 17, 2007

United States-led counter terrorism efforts have seriously damaged the leadership of Al-Qaeda and disrupted its operations; however, we judge that Al-Qaeda will continue to pose the greatest threat to the Homeland and US interests abroad by a single terrorist organization.

This is from the April 2006 NIE. Now, want to try again "ignutz"?

Notice it says "nothing" about them "growing", just continuing to pose the greatest threat.

Read what the NIE said today you blithering IDIOT!

July 17, 2007 11:09 AM EDT
WASHINGTON - The terrorist network Al-Qaeda will likely leverage its contacts and capabilities in Iraq to mount an attack on U.S. soil, according to a new National Intelligence Estimate on threats to the United States.

Guess WHY al-Qaeda is operating in Iraq today -- GWB!

on Jul 17, 2007
Guess WHY al-Qaeda is operating in Iraq today -- GWB!

and again gene thinks we should just give up.
on Jul 17, 2007
Guess WHY al-Qaeda is operating in Iraq today -- GWB!

Al-qaeda is in Iraq because they want to prevent a democracy from happening.  Of course that doesn't make sense to Bush haters because it goes against their hatred.  If you Bush haters would put as much effort into winning the war as you do complaining about Bush, we would have won long ago.

on Jul 17, 2007
Read what the NIE said today you blithering IDIOT!

July 17, 2007 11:09 AM EDT
WASHINGTON - The terrorist network Al-Qaeda will likely leverage its contacts and capabilities in Iraq to mount an attack on U.S. soil, according to a new National Intelligence Estimate on threats to the United States.

Guess WHY al-Qaeda is operating in Iraq today -- GWB!

Hey JERK! Why don't you post a URL for this supposedly new NIE. Especially since I can find NO references for it on the entire internet!
on Jul 17, 2007
Hey JERK! Why don't you post a URL for this supposedly new NIE. Especially since I can find NO references for it on the entire internet!


on Jul 17, 2007
as i watch the senate debate tonight, it has come to me that out of all of the elected people in Washington. only one of them actually has a mandate from the people who elected him. that is Senate Lieberman, because he went independent and was reelected running on a platform to remain in Iraq.
on Jul 17, 2007
Al Qaeda remains a threat. Golly gee.

If we had just not liberated Afghanistan & Iraq, Al Qaeda would now be a historical footnote, Saddam would have come to his senses and joined wiht the US in negotiating with Iran, which would now be a level one US trading partner in return for having abandoned its nuclear ambitions, Syria, the PA, Hamas & Fatah would be in joint talks with Israel over settling the Palestinian issue for good, Beirut would once again be the Paris of the Middle East, Pakistan & India would have settled the Kashmir issue, the genocide in Darfur would have ended, the Somalian war lords would have requested reconstruction aid from the United States, Bangkok would have shut down all prostitution and the UN would be corruption-free.

Damn that Bush, just look at all that could have been accomplished.
on Jul 18, 2007

Read what the NIE said today you blithering IDIOT!

July 17, 2007 11:09 AM EDT
WASHINGTON - The terrorist network Al-Qaeda will likely leverage its contacts and capabilities in Iraq to mount an attack on U.S. soil, according to a new National Intelligence Estimate on threats to the United States.

Guess WHY al-Qaeda is operating in Iraq today -- GWB!

Again, so much BS. "YOUR" interpretation of the NIE is flawed as usual!
As of July 2007:

We judge the US Homeland will face a persistent and evolving terrorist threat over the next three years. The main threat comes from Islamic terrorist groups and cells, especially al-Qa’ida, driven by their undiminished intent to attack the Homeland and a continued effort by these terrorist groups to adapt and improve their capabilities. We assess that greatly increased worldwide counterterrorism efforts over the past five years have constrained the ability of al-Qa’ida to attack the US Homeland again and have led terrorist groups to perceive the Homeland as a harder target to strike than on 9/11. These measures have helped disrupt known plots against the United States since 9/11.

Your precious NIE shows just how flawed and full of BS your title. Nowhere does it state that Al Qa'ida's threat has grown. Learn to read would ya?

And just an FYI since you must be reading impaired...evolving does NOT equal "growing"!
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