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Bush Truth
Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.
Bridge Collapse is Example of Crumbling Infastructure!
Published on August 2, 2007 By
COL Gene
We have wasted $44 Billion in Iraq to rebuild their infrastructure and do nothing to deal with identical problems in America. We spend $12 Billion each month on a lost cause in Iraq. Last month it was the steam line in New York.
Let’s keep burying our heads in the sand!
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13 Pages
COL Gene
on Aug 02, 2007
So here is my question...
“Do you honestly believe that if anyone else had won the election that the Trillion Dollars spent in IRAQ would have made it down to projects like this?”
However, we would have a TRILLION less in Debt and would be better able to deal with issues like this bridge. They have now discovered a report in 1990 and in 2001 that showed corrosion and NOTHING was done about it.
The Trillion Dollars that Bush added to the debt from the Iraq War will add $50 Billion EVERY year in interest.
That $50 Billion could be used to repair things like bridges, tunnels, water, sewer systems. This is the Very TIP of the Ice Burg!
COL Gene
on Aug 02, 2007
Reply By: Island Dog Posted: Thursday, August 02, 2007
“Gene, I am ashamed of you. These people that were on that bridge don't need you to turn this in to some sort of Bush hating tirade.”
What I said was the truth! The policies we are following are ignoring the REAL NEEDS in our country so our president can invade a country that was unjustified and has not made America safer or better off. It is Bush you should be ashamed of!
I am ashamed of ANYONE that continues to support Bush and his bankrupt policies!!!!!!!
on Aug 02, 2007
Is the fact you are a mindless one trick pony Prs. Bush's fault too?
COL Gene
on Aug 02, 2007
Read what I said about our infrastructure on pages 7, 8 and 55 of my book,
George W. Bush Robin Hood For The Rich.
Sadly, all I said is true
COL Gene
on Aug 02, 2007
Reply By: ParaTed2k Posted: Thursday, August 02, 2007
“Is the fact you are a mindless one trick pony Prs. Bush's fault too?”
You are the type of mindless idiot that has enabled someone like GWB to come to power in our country!
COL Gene
on Aug 02, 2007
Lou Dobbs reported that
70,000 Bridges have the same safety evaluation as the bridge that Collapsed. 3,500 Dams have a safety rating of D.
The electric Grid that failed several years ago has had no major repair. Water and sewer systems are at the end of their life. We are NOT spending even 20% of the levels that Civil Engineers say is needed to deal with the problem.
What we spent on the Iraq war could have replaced MOST of the needed infrastructure. Now we still have to repair the infrastructure as well as deal with the Trillion Dollars Bush has added to our debt from the Iraq War.
His tax and spending policies have added a total of $4 Trillion to the national debt which will increase the interest on the debt EVERY YEAR by $200 Billion. That is what King George has done in less then 7 years!
on Aug 02, 2007
However, we would have a TRILLION less in Debt and would be better able to deal with issues like this bridge. They have now discovered a report in 1990 and in 2001 that showed corrosion and NOTHING was done about it. The Trillion Dollars that Bush added to the debt from the Iraq War will add $50 Billion EVERY year in interest. That $50 Billion could be used to repair things like bridges, tunnels, water, sewer systems. This is the Very TIP of the Ice Burg!
it will take so many weeks to replace this bridge. your saying that if we were not in iraq we could replace it faster. tell me how.
Gideon MacLeish
on Aug 02, 2007
Read what I said about our infrastructure on pages 7, 8 and 55 of my book, George W. Bush Robin Hood For The Rich. Sadly, all I said is true
(Repeating earlier challenge)
As I have said repeatedly before, I would be more than happy to offer a review of your books if you send me complimentary copies.
COL Gene
on Aug 02, 2007
“it will take so many weeks to replace this bridge. You’re saying that if we were not in Iraq we could replace it faster. Tell me how.”
I said NOTHING of the sort. What I said is if we had used the money we WASTED in Iraq we would have much of the resources to PAY for this work. Bush will have added another $200 BILLION dollars in interest on the $4 Trillion Dollars he added to the National Debt. That $200 Billion in interest is EVERY YEAR and we still must some day repay that $4 Trillion that the Bush tax and spending policies added. These are the facts that you who support Bush and his policies refuse to acknowledge.
COL Gene
on Aug 02, 2007
As I have said repeatedly before, I would be more than happy to offer a review of your books if you send me complimentary copies.
YOUR PURCHASE of my book would be the best $14 you ever spent!
I have had my book reviewed. Here is what they said:
Book Reviews, Book Lover Resources, Advice for Writers and Publishers
Home / Reviewer's Bookwatch
Reviewer's Bookwatch
Volume 6, Number 10 October 2006
Burroughs' Bookshelf
George W. Bush Robin Hood For The Rich
Gene P. Abel
1663 Liberty Drive Suite 200, Bloomington, IN 47403
1425929427 $13.99 www.authorhouse.com 1-800-839-8640
George W. Bush Robin Hood For The Rich by Gene P. Abel, Colonel, USAR Ret. (over 30 years of service as a commissioned officer, and two-time recipient of the Meritorious Service Medal) severely questions the immediate and long-term effects to America that the Bush administration is responsible for. Sharply critical, George W. Bush Robin Hood For The Rich decries the administration's narrow-minded attempts to partially privatize Social Security without providing any transition fund for the interim monies that would be lost; the administration's alienation of its foreign allies in the years after the September 11 attacks due its blind press for war in Iraq; and the administration's utter failure to balance the budget or prevent an explosion of the national deficit. At the same time, George W. Bush Robin Hood For The Rich is not universally negative; it notes the wise actions that President Bush has taken, but laments that the harmful actions may well outweigh the good in the president's legacy for the 21st century. Drawing information from more than 40 renowned sources, and including humorous blogs to convey points with a twist, George W. Bush Robin Hood For The Rich not only identifies potential current and future problems stemming from the Bush administration but also offers recommendations for alternatives to cope with their personal impact on individual lives.
Highly recommended.
on Aug 02, 2007
What I said is if we had used the money we WASTED in Iraq we would have much of the resources to PAY for this work
and again non of the money spent in Iraq would have been used for anything in the us for infrastructure
on Aug 02, 2007
and again non of the money spent in Iraq would have been used for anything in the us for infrastructure
That's not correct. More than $4 billion this year alone has come out of Federal Highway funds (bridges, roads) to pay for Iraq and Hurricane Katrina. I'm not saying it would have made a difference in this case, but let's not ignore facts either.
on Aug 02, 2007
What I said is if we had used the money we WASTED in Iraq we would have much of the resources to PAY for this work
and again non of the money spent in Iraq would have been used for anything in the us for infrastructure
and if you think other wise look in a mirror before you call any one else an idiot
Minn. bridge problems uncovered in 1990
MINNEAPOLIS - Minnesota officials were warned as early as 1990 that the bridge that plummeted into the Mississippi River was "structurally deficient," yet they relied on a strategy of patchwork fixes and stepped-up inspections.
there see proves my point by the way who was supposed to be president in 1990
[link="http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20070802/ap_on_re_us/bridge_collapse"]WWW Link
on Aug 02, 2007
More than $4 billion this year alone has come out of Federal Highway funds (bridges, roads) to pay for Iraq and Hurricane Katrina.
ok then how much of the money left in the highway funds went to replace bridges that needed to be replaced. and how much of it just went into someones pocket.
on Aug 02, 2007
ok then how much of the money left in the highway funds went to replace bridges that needed to be replaced. and how much of it just went into someones pocket.
What? Are you arguing that the FHWA is corrupt? How does that counter the fact that you are wrong when you say that no money directed to Iraq is being taken away from infrastructure. Besides, I'm sure you could find out how much money is in the bridge fund annually at the FHWA website (dot.fhwa.gov, I think) -- since I find your point to be nongermane, I'm not going to do it for you.
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