President Bush expressed his opposition to an increase in the Federal Gasoline tax to provide the needed funding to deal with the 70,000 bridges that are in need of repair. The Chairman of the House Transportation Committee has proposed a 5 Cent increase in the 18.4 cent Federal gasoline tax to help provide the federal contribution to the Bridge Repairs. Bush only wants to look at reallocating the $24 Billion in Highway funds that are allocated by Earmarks. The vast majority of the $286 Billion of Federal Highway funds are given directly to the states for allocation to repairs within each state.
Here again we see the faulty judgment of Bush. The man wants to rearrange the deck chairs on the Titanic rather then steer away from the ice burgs. The magnitude of repairing 70,000 bridges is such that without added money the job can not be accomplished. President Bush is obsessed with not increasing taxes even when there is a clear NEED for more funding. We saw this in Katrina which is the LARGEST disaster we ever had in the United States. We see it in paying for the Trillion dollar war in Iraq. We see it in his refusal to increase taxes to fund Social Security and Medicare.
His father made a stupid pledge of “NO NEW TAXES”. However when it became clear to Bush 41 that added tax revenue was needed to move toward a balanced budget, he did what was needed not was good from him politically. GWB has not such integrity or vision of doing what is needed and right for the long term needs of our country. GOD help the next President. The unresolved issues that GWB will hand the 44th President will be daunting!