Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.
Published on August 10, 2007 By COL Gene In Politics

President Bush expressed his opposition to an increase in the Federal Gasoline tax to provide the needed funding to deal with the 70,000 bridges that are in need of repair. The Chairman of the House Transportation Committee has proposed a 5 Cent increase in the 18.4 cent Federal gasoline tax to help provide the federal contribution to the Bridge Repairs. Bush only wants to look at reallocating the $24 Billion in Highway funds that are allocated by Earmarks. The vast majority of the $286 Billion of Federal Highway funds are given directly to the states for allocation to repairs within each state.

Here again we see the faulty judgment of Bush. The man wants to rearrange the deck chairs on the Titanic rather then steer away from the ice burgs. The magnitude of repairing 70,000 bridges is such that without added money the job can not be accomplished. President Bush is obsessed with not increasing taxes even when there is a clear NEED for more funding. We saw this in Katrina which is the LARGEST disaster we ever had in the United States. We see it in paying for the Trillion dollar war in Iraq. We see it in his refusal to increase taxes to fund Social Security and Medicare.

His father made a stupid pledge of “NO NEW TAXES”. However when it became clear to Bush 41 that added tax revenue was needed to move toward a balanced budget, he did what was needed not was good from him politically. GWB has not such integrity or vision of doing what is needed and right for the long term needs of our country. GOD help the next President. The unresolved issues that GWB will hand the 44th President will be daunting!

Comments (Page 4)
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on Aug 12, 2007

Reply By: danielost Posted: Saturday, August 11, 2007
I accept reality but Bush and most that still support him live in a world so far from reality it is hard to believe we are all on the same planet.

oh boy please tell me what planet do i live on.

EARTH in 2007 AD
on Aug 12, 2007
Reply By: CharlesCS1 Posted: Sunday, August 12, 2007
You are correct. I accept reality but Bush and most that still support him live in a world so far from reality it is hard to believe we are all on the same planet.

“Most? So not everyone who supports Bush lives on another reality? Well keep in mind we can all live on the same planet and be in different realities. For example, you live in a reality world where you think you accept reality, but only you would believe that 70,000 bridges can be fixed with a single highway and transit bill and can be fixed over night. Only you in your reality believes that an infrastructure like the steam pipeline of New York can be fixed when in reality it would bring the city that never sleeps to a halt and millions of dollars will be lost replacing the system due to all the streets taht will need to be shut down while the city breaks the roads to reach thes epipes that in many places can be as far as 150 feet down. Even replacing them with new pipes is unrealistic.”

They can not be repaired or replaced when there is NO support to pay the cost as Bush shows. In many cases old bridges must be replaced not just given new paint or decking. In some cases they must be expanded to deal with the ever increasing traffic. All that makes the cost high and without a LOT of added funding given the cost of steel, concrete and other costs, we have NO chance to deal with the magnitude of the problem. Then add the Dams, Water/Sewer systems Electric Grid and Rail Road infrastructure and the cost is a colossal problem! Another issue like Social Security and Medicare. ALL without added revenue. WHAT BS!!!!!!!
on Aug 12, 2007
ok so the bridge that fell down isn't going to be replaced. now that we all know that we can find alternate routes if we want to go that way.
on Aug 12, 2007
danielost August 12, 2007 09:10:41Reply #48
“ok so the bridge that fell down isn't going to be replaced. now that we all know that we can find alternate routes if we want to go that way.”

Given the congestion on all the roads where I live, I doubt it. That is not the answer. In fact we not only will need to replace many of the older bridges but because of the increased volume of cars, the replacement bridges will need to be larger! That will add even MORE to the cost.

In Sanibel, FL the ONLY Bridge was falling into the Gulf. There was NO choice and the new and larger bridge has just been completed but they waited until chunks of concrete began falling off the bridge and it was unsafe.
on Aug 12, 2007
well as you keep saying if bush doesn't raise the gas tax then the bridge that just fell will not be fixed.

of course the only reason the democrats want more money is so they can spend it on pork. which is what they are doing with the money currently marked to go and fix bridges.

and the city of Minneapolis is using the money it has received before this collapse, to fix bridges, to build a new stadium. the money for the stadium is enough to build the bridge.

but we need higher taxes.
on Aug 12, 2007

Reply By: danielost Posted: Sunday, August 12, 2007
“well as you keep saying if bush doesn't raise the gas tax then the bridge that just fell will not be fixed.

of course the only reason the democrats want more money is so they can spend it on pork. which is what they are doing with the money currently marked to go and fix bridges.”

ALL the spending that is currently taking place has been approved by Bush and the GOP controlled Congress. NO appropriations are in effect from the Democrats control of Congress. The 2008 Budget will be the FIRST spending that can be blamed on the Democrats. All the current spending, PORK and EARMARKS were passed by the GOP controlled Congress and signed into law by Bush! Try again!!!!!
on Aug 12, 2007
YES to complete $1.7 Trillion dollars of Infrastructure repair, To provide $4.7 Trillion to fully fund Social Security and who knows how many Trillions to fund Medicare will REQUIRE HIGHER TAXES!
on Aug 12, 2007
YES to complete $1.7 Trillion dollars of Infrastructure repair, To provide $4.7 Trillion to fully fund Social Security and who knows how many Trillions to fund Medicare will REQUIRE HIGHER TAXES!

Fine.  Then let's tax everyone even the poor.  As has been told to you over and over, taxing more will NOT solve the problems.  This is the most basic liberal thinking that has been proved wrong how many times?  The government is a waste machine, and giving them more money to waste is ridiculous. 

You make every excuse in the book to advocate for higher taxes.
on Aug 12, 2007
you mean that we haven't had several emergency spending bills this year. then the war in Iraq most be doing pretty good because that is the only way the war gets funded is emergency bills. and of course the democrats have added just as much port to it as they think the pres. will sign. and so have the republicans.
on Aug 12, 2007

Reply By: Island Dog
Posted: Sunday, August 12, 2007
YES to complete $1.7 Trillion dollars of Infrastructure repair, To provide $4.7 Trillion to fully fund Social Security and who knows how many Trillions to fund Medicare will REQUIRE HIGHER TAXES!

Fine. Then let's tax everyone even the poor. As has been told to you over and over, taxing more will NOT solve the problems. This is the most basic liberal thinking that has been proved wrong how many times? The government is a waste machine, and giving them more money to waste is ridiculous.

You make every excuse in the book to advocate for higher taxes.

Insuring we can pay Social Security and Medicare in not government waste.

Let’s tax those that can pay a little more without creating financial problems for them and their families. Those that got the BIG tax Cuts under Bush a the GOP.
on Aug 12, 2007
Let’s tax those that can pay a little more without creating financial problems for them and their families.

ok so we start with you gene. your richer than i am. you can afford it.
on Aug 12, 2007

Reply By: danielost Posted: Sunday, August 12, 2007
“Let’s tax those that can pay a little more without creating financial problems for them and their families.

ok so we start with you gene. your richer than I am. you can afford it.”

When my income is at a level where I get the BIG Tax Cuts that will be fine. In fact I will be glad to give up the $300 cut I got from the Bush tax cuts when people like Cheney and Bush give up their tax cut!
on Aug 13, 2007
if you make more than 200,000 or is it down to 100,000 you are rich and as such you should be heavily taxed. because you stole it anyways.
on Aug 13, 2007
Reply By: danielost Posted: Monday, August 13, 2007
if you make more than 200,000 or is it down to 100,000 you are rich and as such you should be heavily taxed. because you stole it anyways.

I earned every cent I made. As I said will be glad to give back my $300 from the Bush Tax Cuts when the Rich give back their tax cuts!
on Aug 13, 2007
I earned every cent I made. As I said will be glad to give back my $300 from the Bush Tax Cuts when the Rich give back their tax cuts!

I guess in your mind 2 wrongs do make a right. Nothing like bringing yourself down to the enemies level, right Col? Anyways, just in case you got the idea that I agree with you because I don't post on your articles. I will be gone for a while and will be back to continue the assault on your brain-dead ideas and opinions. Next time I will keep record of you flip flopping so that when you make a mistake, I will be there to rub it in your face just like you like doing to your #1 obsession President Bush and I will make sure to hold you to everything you say when the 2008 elections pass and we have our new Dictator. Enjoy the vacation from me, you're gonna need it.
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