The total lack of political progress and the attitude of the Iraqi Government has ended the argument to continue our failed Iraq Policy. The time that the Bush Surge was to provide for the Maliki Government to resolve the political issues was squandered and now al-Maliki is lashing out at the U.S. timetables for securing political progress in Iraq. The fact is that there has been NO progress and ALL the dead and injured Americans during this last surge were a total waste of the lives and treasure of the United States.
Senators Levin and Warner after their visit to Iraq called the progress disappointing. Our Ambassador Crooker termed the lack of political progress “ extremely disappointing” The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs designee, Adm. Michael Muller told Congress in a blunt statement during his confirmation hearings that “no amount of troops in no amount of time will make much of a difference unless the Iraqis get their political act together”
The time is up. Congress must FORCE Bush to begin withdrawing our troops and turn the security of Iraq over to the Iraqi People. The only thing more time will accomplish is more dead and injured American Troops and more added to the National debt from this disastrous war! It is time to admit we made a mistake and end our military occupation of Iraq!