Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.
Published on August 22, 2007 By COL Gene In Politics

The total lack of political progress and the attitude of the Iraqi Government has ended the argument to continue our failed Iraq Policy. The time that the Bush Surge was to provide for the Maliki Government to resolve the political issues was squandered and now al-Maliki is lashing out at the U.S. timetables for securing political progress in Iraq. The fact is that there has been NO progress and ALL the dead and injured Americans during this last surge were a total waste of the lives and treasure of the United States.

Senators Levin and Warner after their visit to Iraq called the progress disappointing. Our Ambassador Crooker termed the lack of political progress “ extremely disappointing” The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs designee, Adm. Michael Muller told Congress in a blunt statement during his confirmation hearings that “no amount of troops in no amount of time will make much of a difference unless the Iraqis get their political act together”

The time is up. Congress must FORCE Bush to begin withdrawing our troops and turn the security of Iraq over to the Iraqi People. The only thing more time will accomplish is more dead and injured American Troops and more added to the National debt from this disastrous war! It is time to admit we made a mistake and end our military occupation of Iraq!

Comments (Page 2)
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on Aug 22, 2007
Today another 14 Americans were killed when a helicopter crashed during a combat operation north of Baghdad.

Ah, leave it to Col to take an accident and portray it as killed by the enemy. It was an accident, mechanical failure you dork. This shit happens here in the US all the time, wanna blame the war on those accidents as well and add them to your list of dead soldiers? What a dumb ass.
on Aug 22, 2007
Reply By: CharlesCS1 Posted: Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Today another 14 Americans were killed when a helicopter crashed during a combat operation north of Baghdad.

“Ah, leave it to Col to take an accident and portray it as killed by the enemy. It was an accident, mechanical failure you dork. This shit happens here in the US all the time, want to blame the war on those accidents as well and add them to your list of dead soldiers? What a dumb ass.” Yes you are a DUMB ASS!

First the final cause was not yet determined. This helicopter was engaged in combat operations that would not have been taking place had Bush not invaded Iraq. This war is a failure from any aspect. In over 4 years we are experiencing deaths at a rate as high as at any time and these no movement to settle the political issues that create the violence. As our Troops die the Iraqi government does nothing and the PM of Iraq is useless. He lashes out at us for expecting him and his government to move forward in settling the political issues that create the violence. Yesterday Bush said if the Government of Iraq can not deal with the political issues the people in Iraq need to replace them. Today Bush says he has confidence in Maliki who has been unable to move a single inch toward settling the issues that causes the killing that takes place day after day. In another attack today 37 Iraqis were killed and 85 more were injured. Last week was an attack that killed over 500 and injured another 350.
on Aug 22, 2007
Gene P. Abel is just hoping it was his buddies the "Freedom Fighters" who shot down Americans. Up Yours ColBinGene
on Aug 22, 2007

Reply By: ParaTed2k Posted: Wednesday, August 22, 2007
“Gene P. Abel is just hoping it was his buddies the "Freedom Fighters" who shot down Americans. Up Yours Col BinGene”

DROP DEAD you ASS. I wish NOTHING OF THE SORT. You as usual can not deal with the truth! I guess Adm. Mullen and Amb. Crooker do not know what they are talking about. You and others on Joe User that try to defend Bush show you are as much in denial as Bush!
on Aug 22, 2007
bush is a bad person

anyone who doesn't agree with that is an evil person

blah blah blah
on Aug 22, 2007
And the one trick pony rides again!
on Aug 22, 2007
First the final cause was not yet determined.

So then why are you posting it as if it was downed by enemy fire?

This helicopter was engaged in combat operations that would not have been taking place had Bush not invaded Iraq.

You fool, the helicopter could have been doing a practice run here and the US and could have still crashed and killed all 14 soldiers. You really are idiotic to say that just because Bush went to war in Iraq that every death is his fault. And then you claim not to be obsessed or have a hatred for Bush. I swear you should have your blog removed. You don't deserve the freedom you enjoy in this great country.
on Aug 23, 2007
Intel Report Questions Iraq's Progress
August 23, 2007 7:56 AM EDT
WASHINGTON - U.S. intelligence agencies have written a mixed report on Iraq, finding some progress but indicating the Baghdad government may not be able to carry it forward, a defense official said Thursday.
The National Intelligence Assessment on Iraq is due to be released Thursday afternoon. The official discussed it on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to speak about it on the record.
He said the report will find there has been "some progress with Sunnis" fighting against al-Qaeda. Sunni insurgents in some areas have turned on al-Qaeda in a program in which U.S. commanders negotiate cease-fires and try to incorporate the fighters into Iraqi government security forces.The report also warns, as some commanders on the ground have, that extremists could attempt sensational attacks to create a "mini-Tet"- a reference to the 1968 Viet Cong and North Vietnamese Tet offensive that undermined public support for the Vietnam War in the United States.The assessment also expresses deep doubts that the government of Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki can overcome sectarian divisions and meet benchmarks intended to promote political unity, The New York Times reported in Thursday editions. The report cited unidentified officials
The assessment by the nation's 16 intelligence agencies comes at a time of renewed tension in relations between Washington and Baghdad.
President Bush had appeared on Tuesday to be distancing himself from the Iraqi leader when he said at a North American summit in Canada: "Clearly, the Iraqi government's got to do more." The White House denied Bush was backing away from al-Maliki, but it was a lukewarm endorsement compared with last November, when Bush called al-Maliki "the right guy for Iraq."
Al-Maliki, on a trip to Syria, quickly lashed back at U.S. criticism. He called it "discourteous," said no one has the right to impose timetables on his elected government, and that Iraq can "find friends elsewhere."
Under pressure to reaffirm his backing for the Iraqi leader, Bush said Wednesday that "Prime Minister Maliki is a good guy, good man with a difficult job, and I support him."
Echoing the frustration of many in Washington, U.S. Ambassador to Iraq Ryan Crocker said this week that progress on national issues had been "extremely disappointing and frustrating to all concerned."
Slow political progress in Iraq is at the heart of the U.S. military troop buildup Bush announced in January. The president justified sending more troops to increase security and give Iraqi political leaders the breathing space to reconcile.
Crocker and the top U.S. commander in Iraq, Gen. David Petraeus, are due to report next month on how much progress is being made with the buildup, which now has some 162,000 troops, the highest of the four-year-old war.
on Aug 23, 2007
Funny, you just posted a quote that contradicts everything you argue.

First it says it "will find that there has been "some progress with Sunnis" fighting against al-Qaeda"

Then it says "The report also warns, as some commanders on the ground have, that extremists could attempt sensational attacks to create a "mini-Tet"

Will as in for sure and warns and could is in possible but not for sure. You just defeated your own argument. LOL, thanks Col for making our jobs easier. And you dare call others Idiots.
on Aug 23, 2007
maybe it is time for a new election in iraq
on Aug 23, 2007
Reply By: CharlesCS1 Posted: Thursday, August 23, 2007
Funny, you just posted a quote that contradicts everything you argue.

First it says it "will find that there has been "some progress with Sunnis" fighting against al-Qaeda"

There has been some military success. The problem is that fighting has broken out in areas that have been calm for years and the overall deaths of both Iraqi and U.S. Troops is not down. We are just shifting the violence not reducing it. This added to the lack of ANY movement on the political issues clearly show there is no fundamental progress and it is time to change course.
on Aug 23, 2007
The fact is that there has been NO progress and ALL the dead and injured Americans during this last surge were a total waste of the lives and treasure of the United States.

Is this not the same crap you said about the surge when you declared the surge was a failure 60 days before it started? Now that the surge is working you are looking at something else to cry about so you can bash Mr. Bush. Now that the surge you said was a failure is a success you want to cry that the political solution is not working and the world will end because of Mr. Bush. Hate to tell you col. But we don’t control the Iraqi government it will settle itself as time goes on. All we have to do is provide breathing space so they can work it out.
on Aug 23, 2007

Reply By: Paladin77 Posted: Thursday, August 23, 2007
“The fact is that there has been NO progress and ALL the dead and injured Americans during this last surge were a total waste of the lives and treasure of the United States.

Is this not the same crap you said about the surge when you declared the surge was a failure 60 days before it started? Now that the surge is working you are looking at something else to cry about so you can bash Mr. Bush.”

The Surge is NOT working. The overall deaths of both Iraqi and U.S. Personnel are not down. In fact the Iraqi deaths were the second highest last month. The political issues which Bush says are essential have gotten NO ware!
on Aug 23, 2007
The NIE released today says that the Overall level of violence in Iraq is NOT DOWN. It also said the Maliki government is ineffective and likely to get worse. In other words the Surge has not worked.
on Aug 23, 2007
again the boots on the ground say it is down by 50%. and one of the shieks said the worst thing the usa could do was leave.
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