Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.

Between March 2001 and 9/10/2001 George Tenet brought warnings to the White House, Rice and the Security Council that al-Qaeda was planning an attack on the United States. He documents those warnings in his book, At the CENTER of the STORM. Many of these warnings were given a 100% confidence rating by the CIA. In every warning, the CIA said these attacks were being planned by bin Laden and al-Qaeda. There was NO involvement of Saddam or Iraq. The CIA also documented that it was bin Laden and al-Qaeda that had been responsible for the 1st attack on Twin Towers, the Marine Barracks and the Cole. Again there was NO involvement of Iraq or Saddam of those attacks.

Prior to 9/11 Bush and the entire Security Council which was lead by Rice did NOTHING to act on the many CIA warnings that Tenet himself warned about.

It is one thing to be unaware of a possible attack and quite another to IGNORE the warnings from the agency that is charged with proving intelligence to the President and the Security Council. For Bush and Rice to not act on warnings brought from the Director of the CIA is CRIMINAL. No one can say that if Bush and Rice had acted on the warnings that 9/11 would not have happened. But to IGNOIRE these warnings is dereliction of duty on the part of Bush and Rice.

After 9/11 and the confirmation by the CIA that the attack on 9/11 was conducted by bin Laden and al-Qaeda, Bush attacks Iraq who had NOTHING to do with 9/11 or the other attacks on our country! Bush and Rice had the responsibility to PROTECT this country and to ignore the specific warnings from the CIA Director is criminal. Both should be IMPEACHED for their failure to act on those warnings and do all they could to protect America!

Comments (Page 1)
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on Aug 24, 2007
Your obsession with Bush is just getting ridiculous to say the least.  Here is another perfect example of you taking a headline and twisting it.  What specific threats gene?  Time, location?  I'm sure you wouldn't have been whining if Bush was stopping all muslims at the airport and profiling people, right?

You seriously need to seek some help with your Bush Derangement Syndrome. 

WASHINGTON - Up to 60 CIA spies saw reports about two “Bin Laden associates” arriving in Los Angeles in early 2000 but didn’t alert the FBI, according to a blistering report just made public. The two “associates” turned out to be two of the Sept. 11 hijackers.
     The report also states the CIA did not realize Khalid Shaikh Mohammed was the 9/11 mastermind until he said so on al-Jazeera television in 2002.
     The report blames ex-CIA Director George Tenet for failing to press the hunt for Osama bin Laden before 9/11. Tenet called the report “flat wrong.”

     The CIA’s bungled surveillance of Nawaf al-Hazmi and Khalid al-Mihdhar, who crashed American Airlines [AMR] Flight 77 into the Pentagon, has long been considered in intelligence circles as the major missed opportunity to stop 9/11.

The report does not address whether US President George W. Bush and his White House advisers paid adequate attention to the al-Qaida threat in their first eight months in office.

on Aug 24, 2007

Reply By: Island Dog Posted: Friday, August 24, 2007
"Your obsession with Bush is just getting ridiculous to say the least. Here is another perfect example of you taking a headline and twisting it. What specific threats gene? Time, location? I'm sure you wouldn't have been whining if Bush was stopping all Muslims at the airport and profiling people, right?

You seriously need to seek some help with your Bush Derangement Syndrome."

This has NOTHING to do with headlines. It has everything to do with “Bush Truth". Have you read the Tenet Book? It is full of examples where Bush and Rice were warned of the impending attack on the U.S. and they took NO ACTION on these warnings prior to 9/11. They should be held responsible for their in action to protect this country!
on Aug 24, 2007
This has NOTHING to do with headlines. It has everything to do with “Bush Truth". Have you read the Tenet Book? It is full of examples where Bush and Rice were warned of the impending attack on the U.S. and they took NO ACTION on these warnings prior to 9/11. They should be held responsible for their in action to protect this country!

LOL....."Bush truth", coming from someone who has put more lies and misinformation out there.  As usual you don't list any specifics, no links to references, and then expect people to listen to your impeach nonsense.  Get it out of your head, Bush is not going anywhere until his term expires.

Intelligence failures go back way before Bush was elected, but that doesn't matter to you because it's all about blaming Bush for something that would have happened regardless.  Seek help.
on Aug 24, 2007

Reply By: Island Dog Posted: Friday, August 24, 2007
This has NOTHING to do with headlines. It has everything to do with “Bush Truth". Have you read the Tenet Book? It is full of examples where Bush and Rice were warned of the impending attack on the U.S. and they took NO ACTION on these warnings prior to 9/11. They should be held responsible for their in action to protect this country!

....."Bush truth", coming from someone who has put more lies and misinformation out there. As usual you don't list any specifics, no links to references, and then expect people to listen to your impeach nonsense. Get it out of your head, Bush is not going anywhere until his term expires.

NO Links or References? I gave you the reference it is At the Center of the Storm by George Tenet. The book is full of the warnings given to Bush and Rice that they IGNORED!

on Aug 24, 2007
NO Links or References? I gave you the reference it is At the Center of the Storm by George Tenet. The book is full of the warnings given to Bush and Rice that they IGNORED!

I'm not buying a book to verify your post, especially when it's common for you to misinform and twist information to suit your anti-Bush rhetoric.  This is just another useless post about Bush that is just the same cut and paste nonsense as the last.
on Aug 24, 2007

Reply By: Island Dog Posted: Friday, August 24, 2007
"NO Links or References? I gave you the reference it is At the Center of the Storm by George Tenet. The book is full of the warnings given to Bush and Rice that they IGNORED!

I'm not buying a book to verify your post, especially when it's common for you to misinform and twist information to suit your anti-Bush rhetoric. This is just another useless post about Bush that is just the same cut and paste nonsense as the last. "

That is your choice. The book does document what I have said in this Blog and your continued ignorance will not change that!
on Aug 24, 2007
Awww, Crap the sky is STILL falling??

Col, the left HATE yes that is H-A-T-E GW Bush. If they even had a hint of evidence to impeach Bush it would have been already in court. Is this the oxymoron of "common sense that ain't so common?"
on Aug 24, 2007
Awww, Crap the sky is STILL falling??

Keep poking at the sky Col. Just maybe, just maybe you'll be right and it'll fall down!
on Aug 24, 2007
Keep poking at the sky Col. Just maybe, just maybe you'll be right and it'll fall down!”

Everything I posted is true. The fact that the Bushies on this Blog Site do not want to acknowledge what Bush and his policies have done does not change their impact. For a President to fail in the task of safeguarding this country should not be ignored. He and Rice totally ignored the many warnings from March to Sept 2001 about the impending attack that took place on 9/11.
on Aug 24, 2007
bush is a bad person

and any one who doesnt agree is an evil person
on Aug 24, 2007
Bush & Rice Should be Impeached for NOT Protecting America!

then so should clinton among other charges.
on Aug 24, 2007
Everything I posted is true. The fact that the Bushies on this Blog Site do not want to acknowledge what Bush and his policies have done does not change their impact. For a President to fail in the task of safeguarding this country should not be ignored. He and Rice totally ignored the many warnings from March to Sept 2001 about the impending attack that took place on 9/11.

Col, don't be so naive. Were you there in the white house with Bush the whole time before 9/11? How do you know this guy isn't using a conspiracy theory to make a few bucks. One fact here and one fact there doesn't tell the WHOLE story.

I love how you generalize everyone else on JU are all Bushies. LOL that is too funny when there are several that don't support Bush but distance themselves far from you.

Well, I better just leave my advice at the doorway on the way out so that just like your 'truths' it can blow away with the wind.

on Aug 24, 2007
That is your choice. The book does document what I have said in this Blog and your continued ignorance will not change that!

You haven't posted anything but the usual nonsense.  Once again, what detailed informatin did they have that an attack on Sept. 11 was going to happen? 

on Aug 24, 2007

Reply By: danielost Posted: Friday, August 24, 2007
“bush is a bad person

and any one who doesnt agree is an evil person”

The Results of the Bush Presidency and the policies he and the GOP controlled Congress passed have NOT solved the issues facing this country and have created new problems like Iraq and the Deficit. Those are the facts that the results have documented.

Bush is an arrogant stubborn man who refuses to acknowledge reality and sees things as he wants them to be rather then what reality shows them to be.
on Aug 24, 2007
Bush is an arrogant stubborn man who refuses to acknowledge reality and sees things as he wants them to be rather then what reality shows them to be.

The same IS said about you, but thanks for playing.
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