Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.
Published on October 26, 2007 By COL Gene In Politics

All you FAT CAT supporters better get ready. The Democrats will control in January 2009 and the worm will turn. The new tax proposal is a good example. The new plan will LOWER the taxes for 91 Million Americans , Lower tax rates on corporations and increase the rates less then 5% for the very wealthy who number about 1.5 Million. GREAT NEWS. Help for the masses and offset the lost revenue by taxing those that can afford to pay just a little more. NO ONE can claim with a straight face that an increase of 4.5% for people with incomes over $500,000 per year will harm the wealthy. It will stimulate the economy from higher spending by the 91 Million and increase profit margins for corporations.

I can not wait for this badly needed change!

Comments (Page 5)
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on Oct 29, 2007
This is insane. I skipped most of the replies cause I just couldn't get passed Cols idea that just because someone has more money that they should somehow give up more. I thought we believed in equality in this country, remember the phrase "all men are created equal"? I don't think it's fair that we should benefit by having money taken from those who work hard for it. I don't need money from the Gov't, I just need a break. I need lower prices, better roads, better education for my children, more security. I don't want money given to me, I like working for my money, it makes me feel like I earned it.

I don't know where Col gets this crazy idea that the salvation of this country is to give free money to everyone who seems to need it. All that does is gives the incentive that you do not have to survive by your own accord, those with more money than you will support you.
on Oct 29, 2007
hillaries taxes will raise taxes on the rich from 34% to at least 52%. source dick morse.

this means that real taxes on the rich will be almost 90% depending on where they live.

so tell us again gene how they wont feel these tax increases.
on Oct 30, 2007
Reply By: Island Dog Posted: Monday, October 29, 2007

The Vast majority want us to defend our country including the border.

Ok, I will agree with that gene, but tell me what the democrats plan for this is. You keep obsessing with Bush and the GOP, what are democrats going to do about it?

They have passed the fence construction and added some money for added border guards. What they plan to do in the future is unknown. What I would like to understand is WHY Bush and the GOP controlled Congress have not enforced the EXISTING laws and stopped illegal’s from coming into this country? They do not need any NEW laws just enforce the existing laws. 3 million illegal’s have come into the U.S. since Bush took office! WHY?
on Oct 30, 2007
“Where do you get this "most" thing from? And you are still using numbers that do not reflect the reality. Do you want socialized healthcare? Do you want the government to take care of every need gene? If Americans want government paid healthcare then raise taxes on everyone who will receive it

I mean seriously. All you do is whine and complain about how the government doesn't help someone with everything.”

The issue is not socialized healthcare. Medicare provides healthcare to people over 65 and I have complete control of WHEN and WHAT doctors we use. My wife has cancer and we have had NO problem receiving service or making the choice as to which doctors we see.

In every poll of what is important to average Americans Health care is either the top item of the second concern. That would not be the case if MOST people did not want coverage. In addition we all get sick from time to time and know the cost of health care. To question that MOST people want health coverage is idiotic. The reality is that health insurance for a family in this country is at least $700-800 per month. A family making $20-60,000 simply does not have $7-8,000 per year JUST to pay health insurance premiums. The Bush plan to grant tax credits presumes you have a high enough income that the tax credit will be available which is not true. The Bush/GOP plan to pay for health coverage via tax credits did not help even 10% of those without health insurance. In addition since we are running a deficit, where would the money come from for the tax credits Bush proposed to pay for health care?
on Oct 30, 2007
“Thus without ADDED TAX Revenue, we have NO hope to balance the budget much less begin repaying over $9 Trillion on the National Debt!!!!!!!

You have been shown several times how raising taxes is not the answer to everything. Why you think the government will spend additional money wisely is beyond me. You just want an excuse to tax successful people.”

NO you have done nothing of the kind. I have shown you that plan of cutting taxes on the wealthy and the SUPPLY SIDE argument did not work for Reagan or Bush 43. Both times we tried that we added TRILLIONS to the debt. The Comptroller General has also documented that the Bush tax cuts has only returned 50% of the lost tax revenue. In addition MOST economists agree it is DEMAND not Supply that is most responsible for economic growth. The deficits and the increasing interest we must pay on the debt is far more harmful to the economy then a small tax increase on the top 10%.
on Oct 30, 2007
3 million illegal’s have come into the U.S. since Bush took office! WHY?

Maybe because it's become politcally incorrect to stop it.  Maybe because when anybody tries to stop illegals from coming in, they are accused of being racists.

Democrats have done nothing to stop illegal immigration, and they seem to want illegals in this country so they can have a new voting class.  If you want border security, democrats are certainly worse than republicans.

In every poll of what is important to average Americans Health care is either the top item of the second concern.

LOL.  You and your media polls again.

In addition since we are running a deficit, where would the money come from for the tax credits Bush proposed to pay for health care?

We don't need to pay for health care, that is the point.  It's not the responsibility of the federal government to pay for it.

The reality is that health insurance for a family in this country is at least $700-800 per month.

That's a selective reality that doesn't apply to everyone.  As usual you cherry pick statistics to make your point. 
on Oct 30, 2007
NO you have done nothing of the kind.

It's not my problem gene that you ignore posts that counter your ridiculous points.  Real business owners have shown you how tax increases will harm business, and you do nothing but IGNORE what they say.

The deficits and the increasing interest we must pay on the debt is far more harmful to the economy then a small tax increase on the top 10%.

If it's so important, than everyone should face a tax increase.  Raising taxes on successful Americans and business owners will do more harm to American workers.

Why don't you go live in a socialist country?

on Oct 30, 2007
Reply By: Island Dog Posted: Tuesday, October 30, 2007
3 million illegals have come into the U.S. since Bush took office! WHY?

Maybe because it's become politically incorrect to stop it. Maybe because when anybody tries to stop illegal’s from coming in, they are accused of being racists.

Democrats have done nothing to stop illegal immigration, and they seem to want illegal’s in this country so they can have a new voting class. If you want border security, democrats are certainly worse than republicans.

It is not the responsibility of Congress to ENFORCE the laws. That is the responsibility of the President and the Dept of Justice that reports directly to the President!

“Reply By: danielost Posted: Monday, October 29, 2007
hillaries taxes will raise taxes on the rich from 34% to at least 52%. source dick morse.”

LIE!!! The tax proposal I sighted said a 4.5% increase ONLY for people with incomes ABOVE $500,000. That would take the rate on people with OVER $500,000 per year to 38.5% (34% + 4.5%) There is NO 52% any ware. In addition 91 Million would receive a TAX CUT!

“This means that real taxes on the rich will be almost 90% depending on where they live.”

LIE--- LIE---LIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So tell us again gene how they wont feel these tax increases.

Anyone with incomes above $500,000 can pay that 4.5% increase.

“The reality is that health insurance for a family in this country is at least $700-800 per month.

That's a selective reality that doesn't apply to everyone. As usual you cherry pick statistics to make your point.”

It applies to every FAMILY WITH ANNUAL INCOMES from $21,000 TO $62,000.

on Oct 30, 2007
It applies to every FAMILY WITH ANNUAL INCOMES from $21,000 TO $62,000.


on Oct 30, 2007
The reality is that health insurance for a family in this country is at least $700-800 per month.

I've disproven this lie so many times it's not even worth it, Col. Although the AVERAGE cost for health ins. premiums is $11,000, average means that there are many plans higher, but ALSO MANY PLANS lower. Please take a course in statistics before you embarrass yourself further.

I found, and SHOWED many plans WELL under $700-800/month. As did LW. And in my experience, MOST jobs in the $21-62,000/year range provide insurance for their employees, covering at least part of the premiums.
on Oct 30, 2007
Anyone with incomes above $500,000 can pay that 4.5% increase.

“The reality is that health insurance for a family in this country is at least $700-800 per month.

Hillary plans on moving income tax on the rich up to 52%. Hillary plans on increasing social security tax. Hillary plans on increasing Medicaid tax. heck Hillary plans on raising all fed. taxes. so that is about 60%. then they have to pay property tax, state tax if any, city tax if any.

that is why i said up to 90% depending on where you live. it may be higher and it may be lower.
on Oct 31, 2007
I found, and SHOWED many plans WELL under $700-800/month. As did LW. And in my experience, MOST jobs in the $21-62,000/year range provide insurance for their employees, covering at least part of the premiums.

I worked for a school system and worked with HR for health insurance. Any good quality mid range private insurance have family costs of at least $700-800 per month. Single person coverage runs $450-550 per month. I am talking about the Blue Cross or its equal. You can get coverage for less but the deductibles and co pays are so high people in the low and middle income levels would not be able to pay them.

As to companies providing coverage, most only cover PART of the employee cost not the family cost and many have No coverage.
on Nov 01, 2007
You are so out of touch with the real world, Gene. Nothing but a pandering, socialist fool.

Now, don't go all caps on me - you've called me worse.  
on Nov 01, 2007

As to companies providing coverage, most only cover PART of the employee cost not the family cost and many have No coverage.

Once again you show that you have aboslutely no knowledge of the real world.  People can't afford this, but they have no problem paying for iPod, computers, etc. 


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