Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.
Published on October 26, 2007 By COL Gene In Politics

All you FAT CAT supporters better get ready. The Democrats will control in January 2009 and the worm will turn. The new tax proposal is a good example. The new plan will LOWER the taxes for 91 Million Americans , Lower tax rates on corporations and increase the rates less then 5% for the very wealthy who number about 1.5 Million. GREAT NEWS. Help for the masses and offset the lost revenue by taxing those that can afford to pay just a little more. NO ONE can claim with a straight face that an increase of 4.5% for people with incomes over $500,000 per year will harm the wealthy. It will stimulate the economy from higher spending by the 91 Million and increase profit margins for corporations.

I can not wait for this badly needed change!

Comments (Page 1)
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on Oct 26, 2007
So you will finally admit you are a hack for the democrats.  I notice how you don't address threads that actually show how your tax increase BS will affect people.


on Oct 26, 2007

- Reply By: Island Dog Posted: Friday, October 26, 2007
“So you will finally admit you are a hack for the democrats. I notice how you don't address threads that actually show how your tax increase BS will affect people.”

I believe the Democrats today are for more interested in helping the middle class. The Conservatives who have captured control of the Republican Party only care about the wealthy.

The democratic proposal would help 91 Million with lower taxes and more spending money. When I look at what the GOP did with tax cuts and see that most of it has gone to the top 10% with only a slight help to the upper end of the middle income families, I know that is not what I want to continue. If we elect another Republican we will not see any REAL help for the middle income Americans or any help for those that are at the bottom. That is not what the majority want and I believe after the 2008 election control of the government will vest with the Democrats.

It will be up to them to do better for our countrymen then the GOP had done!
on Oct 26, 2007

Ah yes, taxing successful Americans and small business owners and you don't think it will affect the "middle class".  You are hilarious.


on Oct 26, 2007
I believe the Democrats today are for more interested in helping the middle class.

sorry the democrats are only interested in ruling they do not care for the poor or the middle class and they admit they don't care about the rich.

if the democrats are in January be prepared for a staggering tax increase. they have to repay all of those campaign financing some way.

don't believe me i give you history. bill Clinton also said that he was only going to raise taxes on the rich. he raised taxes on everyone. but that wasn't enough he wanted more taxes from the year before. but that wasn't enough either. he also started collecting taxes on tax returns. you know what is wrong about that the tax returns have already had their taxes collected once.
on Oct 26, 2007
What's that got to do with Bush?
on Oct 27, 2007
Reply By: Daiwa Posted: Friday, October 26, 2007
“What's that got to do with Bush?”

GOOD Question-- It is the reaction to Bush and the GOP in Congress that have ignored the middle class for the past 7 years!

“Don’t believe me I give you history. Bill Clinton also said that he was only going to raise taxes on the rich. He raised taxes on everyone. But that wasn't enough he wanted more taxes from the year before. But that wasn't enough either. He also started collecting taxes on tax returns. You know what is wrong about that the tax returns have already had their taxes collected once.” There were no major tax increases during Clinton—that was Bush 41—The “Read my lips” tax increase.

The bill outlined this week DOES NOT increases taxes on the 91 Million it LOWERS their taxes. The issue is NOT what Clinton did but what the Democrats in Congress do.
on Oct 27, 2007
The bill outlined this week DOES NOT increases taxes on the 91 Million it LOWERS their taxes.

the bill outlined this week has to be paid for.
on Oct 27, 2007

The bill outlined this week DOES NOT increases taxes on the 91 Million it LOWERS their taxes. The issue is NOT what Clinton did but what the Democrats in Congress do.

And raises taxes on business and small business owners.  You have already shown that you believe everyone who is "rich" is either lucky or inherited it, so you have no idea what goes on in the real world.

I bet the democrats can't pay for all their socialist programs with just tax increases to successful Americans.

on Oct 27, 2007

Reply By: danielost Posted: Saturday, October 27, 2007
The bill outlined this week DOES NOT increases taxes on the 91 Million it LOWERS their taxes.

the bill outlined this week has to be paid for.

CORRECT. It is by a 4.5% surtax on people making over $500,000 per year!
on Oct 27, 2007
Reply By: Island Dog Posted: Saturday, October 27, 2007

“The bill outlined this week DOES NOT increases taxes on the 91 Million it LOWERS their taxes. The issue is NOT what Clinton did but what the Democrats in Congress do.

And raises taxes on business and small business owners. You have already shown that you believe everyone who is "rich" is either lucky or inherited it, so you have no idea what goes on in the real world.”

Small business owners and anyone else with incomes over $500,000 are the people that have benefited from the Bush tax Cuts. They can afford to pay a little more without impacting spending and without causing any financial harm to the high income people. They may not LIKE to pay the added tax but the argument that such a tax increase on the wealthy will harm the economy is a LIE! The national debt and continuing deficit harms the economy as does the increasing number of middle income working families can not meet their bills. Mortgage defaults, late Credit Card payments, defaults on car and education loans are increasing at a fast pace. The $1.2 Billion loss of Countrywide and the $9 billion write down of Bank of America could spark some real economic problems.
on Oct 27, 2007
I'm hoping if your projections are correct that in January 2009 I have enough money to provide for my family during the time I expect to spend incarcerated from protesting the policies of her government. If Hillary is elected, I will likely be spending the entire four years as a political activist. I feel it's that important.

In this article, you have proved yourself to be a liar of the most virulent sort, Col. You've long presented yourself as a moderate Republican, despite writings that show differently, now you're presenting yourself as a pretty hardcore Stalinist. Because that is exactly what your bitch Hillary is.
on Oct 27, 2007

Reply By: Gideon MacLeish Posted: Saturday, October 27, 2007
“I'm hoping if your projections are correct that in January 2009 I have enough money to provide for my family during the time I expect to spend incarcerated from protesting the policies of her government. If Hillary is elected, I will likely be spending the entire four years as a political activist. I feel it's that important.

In this article, you have proved yourself to be a liar of the most virulent sort, Col. You've long presented yourself as a moderate Republican, despite writings that show differently, now you're presenting yourself as a pretty hardcore Stalinist. Because that is exactly what your bitch Hillary is.”

I believe we need to begin helping the middle income American Family and have the wealthy give up the huge tax cuts they received under Bush. I am not ashamed for that policy because I KNOW in the long run it will help the main stay of this country and not cause any REAL harm to the wealthy. The proposal made last week of a SURTAX of 4.5 % on incomes above $500,000 will not cause anyone who would pay that added tax ANY problem and if you claim otherwise you LIE!.. On the other hand, cutting taxes for 91 Million and providing them with more money to spend will benefit the economy and in the long run the rich who will increase their profits from the higher level of economic activity from the tax cuts to the 91 million. The difference between this tax cut and the Bush tax Cuts is that by increasing taxes on those that can afford to pay more and who have received the BIG share of the Bush Cuts will pay for it by the wealthy rather then increase the debt!
on Oct 27, 2007
Small business owners and anyone else with incomes over $500,000 are the people that have benefited from the Bush tax Cuts

`there go some of those jobs.

brad has already said that if you raise his taxes he will have to fire people.

so much for helping the middle class and the poor.
on Oct 27, 2007
I believe we need to begin helping the middle income American Family and have the wealthy give up the huge tax cuts they received under Bush.

We don't need to "help" the middle class. Why this insistence that people are incapable of providing for themselves and can't possibly survive without money from the government?

How did the party that produced so many hippies who read "Walden" in the 60's get to this?
on Oct 27, 2007
Why this insistence that people are incapable of providing for themselves and can't possibly survive without money from the government?

the democrats don't think people can survive without the government.
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