Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.
Published on October 30, 2007 By COL Gene In Politics

This is the cry of most Republicans and some Democrats. It is time to stop making this generalized statement and take an HONEST look at the Federal Budget. To help with that please take a look at the following Web Site: www.thebudgetgraph.com . It will give you a very clear picture of just where the Federal Government is spending YOUR tax dollars.

I have looked at this issue as well at the major issues that face our country and will impact spending for the foreseeable future. The objective was to see just where the spending cuts can be made to solve the nation’s fiscal problems.

First we need to understand ALL Federal spending falls into one of two types. One is “mandatory spending” and the other is termed “discretionary spending”. Both types have been increasing at a fast pace. When we talk about cutting the budget we must understand the items which are mandatory are NOT subject to cutting without violating promises that have been made by the Government of the United States. The three biggest elements in this category are Interest on the National Debt, Medicare and Social Security. In round numbers that mandatory spending is about $2 Trillion Dollars per year.

The other category is discretionary spending and is made up of elements that CAN be cut without violating the promises made by our country. The amount of that type of spending is about $800 Billion per year. If you fail to look at what is included in that $800 Billion one can come to the conclusion we can solve our fiscal problems by simply cutting this discretionary spending. Now it is time to take a look at the budget graph I referenced.

You will see the largest element in that category which comprises more then half of discretionary spending is National Defense. Another large component is Homeland Security. Help for the poor for Food Stamps and Medicaid rounds out the major items. These three make up MOST of the discretionary spending.

Let’s take a look at the largest spending items within the budget and the prospect for cutting them in the future.

Mandatory Items:

Social Security- this will increase at a growing rate as the Baby Boomers retire which will start in February 2008.

Medicare – This will increase for the same reason as Social Security plus the addition of the Prescription Drug Program and the increasing cost of health care. This will increase far more then Social Security.

Interest – This will continue to increase so long as we add to the National Debt. The national debt on Sept 30, 2006 was $8.5 Trillion. The National Debt on September 30, 2007 was $9 Trillion. Despite the lie Bush told that the annual deficit was $168 Billion that actual amount we added to the total debt was $500 Billion in FY 2007. Go to the U.S. Treasury web site for the actual amounts to the penny.

Discretionary Items:

National Defense – That will increase substantially because of the increase in the Active Duty strength, pay increases and because of the replacement of most of the equipment for the ground forces.

VA- This will expand in a major way to pay for the injured veterans from the Iraq war.

Homeland Security - That will need to increase as we build the border fence and add the needed border guards. The new equipment and new ID cards and systems will also require added spending. The Coast Guard will see an increase in spending as will federal law enforcement and intelligence services.

Medicaid - As more and more people are becoming eligible and medical cost increase, the cost of this program will increase.

Pell Grants – The lower interest rates for student loans will increase the overall cost of this program.

Federal Road and Bridge maintenance – This will increase given the condition of the ageing roads and bridges.

The above are the areas that surely will require added spending. These items make up the BULK of the overall spending. When you look at the magnitude of these items it will not be a surprise that spending will continue to increase. I would like to have ANYONE provide specifics as to where and by how much the so called “spending cuts” can take place that will both balance the budget and then provide a REAL Surplus to be used to pay down the over $9 Trillion dollar national debt.

The time has passed for statements like - “the problem is our Spending”. We need to provide specifics areas and amounts where spending can be CUT to come up with the money needed to balance the budget and begin paying down the debt! I believe the chance of spending cuts solving our fiscal problems to be about the same as winning the Power Ball Lottery! Remember, mandatory spending is just that!

Comments (Page 9)
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on Nov 03, 2007
Reply By: danielost Posted: Saturday, November 03, 2007
THE KEY is they will be exhausted.


Just HOW has Bush helped? He has done NOTHING to change Social Security and if we had accepted his solution we would be even further from a solution. Look at Medicare. The passage of the Prescription drug plan without funding has caused the problem with Medicare to be advance 15 years and in NOW a Problem.
on Nov 03, 2007

You will not have to wait for Social Security to have a problem. In 2008, the Medicare costs are expected to exceed the Medicare tax collections and ALL income is already taxes for Medicare. There is no cap like for Social Security. What is you solution to this problem?

Cut Medicare benefits.

on Nov 03, 2007

Reply By: Draginol Posted: Saturday, November 03, 2007

"You will not have to wait for Social Security to have a problem. In 2008, the Medicare costs are expected to exceed the Medicare tax collections and ALL income is already taxes for Medicare. There is no cap like for Social Security. What is you solution to this problem?

Cut Medicare benefits."

YOU ARE A STUPID IDIOT. Do you know what that would do to the retired in our country? GO live in some other country you ASS!
on Nov 03, 2007

Man, COL, you give me cause to admire your mad debating skills!

Come on, man, if you're going to invite debate, could you PLEASE do so without putting everyone with an opposing view down as stupid?

Are you REALLY so fecking arrogant to think you're the only intelligent individual on the planet?
on Nov 03, 2007
Are you REALLY so fecking arrogant to think you're the only intelligent individual on the planet?

Appears that way. Gene's entire world is constructed of counterfactual conditionals; in other words, fantasy.
on Nov 03, 2007

Cut Medicare benefits."

YOU ARE A STUPID IDIOT. Do you know what that would do to the retired in our country? GO live in some other country you ASS!

And so the real issue comes to a head doesn't it, Gene?

Why don't you go live in another country? As liberals like you point out, most of the modern world has a nanny state like this.  Why not go there?

Moreover, if people like me did go live in some other country, who would pay for medicare?  I put in over $40,000 into Medicare last year, Gene.  How much did you put in?

It's not my responsibility to pay for the health care of retired people. It's their responsibility.

on Nov 03, 2007

“Reply By: Gideon MacLeish Posted: Saturday, November 03, 2007

Man, COL, you give me cause to admire your mad debating skills!”

Statements like that demand a frank response. Anyone that would propose such a thing is irresponsible and so far out of touch with America that attempting to REASON with them is useless!
on Nov 03, 2007

Come on, man, if you're going to invite debate, could you PLEASE do so without putting everyone with an opposing view down as stupid?

I've debated people on many issues over a long period of time. Gene is almost certainly one of the least intelligent regular participants in debates I've ever encountered.

Most people who are at his intelligence level burn out quickly as the flaws in their positions are made available.

Gene simply ignores them. 

The reality is, people like Gene never have influence because, as liberals like to point out, it's really people like me that are in control.  And we have a threshold of how much water we'll carry for the parasitic class.  Even here on this site, Gene's ability to write his rants is predicated on the generosity of people like me. 

Since I produce the site, I have control. The same is true of society. The people who produce things ultimately have control in proportion to how much they produce.

Last year, 43 MILLION Americans paid not a single net cent in federal income taxes.  And yet, parasites like Gene would argue that I should pay more simply because, as a producer, I have more available to confiscate.

Gene and his ilk will never win because no matter how you slice it, the producers are always the ones with the power.  People who DO things will always have the advantage over people who simply WANT things.

Raise our income taxes and we simply terminate marginal employees.

Raise the Medicare tax and we'll move our money into investments and LLCs which don't go through payroll.

...And ultimately, if they find some perfect way to steal our earnings and we'll simply stop producing.

What Gene and his ilk don't get is that people like me don't have to work. I've long since passed the point of needing to work. I have more than enough comforts to live the lifestyle that Gene and his kind thing is "more than enough". 

But if I did stop working (and others like me) then the parasites of our society really would have to either starve or pull themselves up. 

Gene can cry all he wants about "fairness" but reality is that people who produce will always be the ones in control of their own destinies.  And that is true regardless of how much money you make -- if you produce, you are in control.


on Nov 03, 2007
Reply By: Draginol Posted: Saturday, November 03, 2007

Cut Medicare benefits."

YOU ARE A STUPID IDIOT. Do you know what that would do to the retired in our country? GO live in some other country you ASS!

And so the real issue comes to a head doesn't it, Gene?

Why don't you go live in another country? ( I support the people of this country and both worked and served my country. I have earned my rights and have compassion for those in our country that need to rely on the promises their government made to them). As liberals like you point out, most of the modern world has a nanny state like this. Why not go there?

Moreover, if people like me did go live in some other country, which would pay for Medicare? I put in over $40,000 into Medicare last year, Gene. How much did you put in?

It's not my responsibility to pay for the health care of retired people. It's their responsibility.

I tell you what-- You take your suggestion of "CUT MEDICARE" to the American People and I will take my position that we must keep the promises we have made to the retired and see which position most support! I worked my life paying taxes so people like your parents could receive their Social Security and Medicare. Now my wife and I are retired and I do not expect an idiot like you to say cut my benefits. I say again "you are a STUPID ASS."
on Nov 03, 2007

I have earned my rights and have compassion for those in our country that need to rely on the promises their government made to them).

There is nothing compassionate about supporting the theift of property of one citizen to be given to another person.

Compassion is not about beliefs. Compassion is about deeds.

tell you what-- You take your suggestion of "CUT MEDICARE" to the American People and I will take my position that we must keep the promises we have made to the retired and see which position most support! I worked my life paying taxes so people like your parents could receive their Social Security and Medicare. Now my wife and I are retired and I do not expect an idiot like you to say cut my benefits. I say again "you are a STUPID ASS."

I guess my question can be summed up as: Why should I care what you think about anything?

Gene, you're impotent.

You have no power. You have no influence. Your ability to rant is literally controlled by people like me. If not here on JU, then on other sites run by other producers. 

As I said before, I put in over $40k into the Medicare system last year.  I wouldn't be surprised to find out that that is more than you put into the system, even adjusted for inflation, than you put in throughout your lifetime. 

And again, if my Medicare costs got increased, I'd simply decrease my payroll income and put it into investments or other areas that bypass payroll taxes.  We all have thresholds.  If the government gets too greedy, they kill the golden goose.

Secondly, if Medicare is spending more than it is receiving, then obviously it is spending more than people have put in. 

Please, feel free to state how much you worked and put into medicare. Go ahead. Adjust for inflation. 

I would be more than happy to treat Medicare as a personal account.  Let people take out of it what they put in -- even adjusted for inflation.  Heck, adjusted for inflation +2% even. 

What happens is that people like you put a pittance into the system and then expect fully paid quadruple bypass surgeries.

It isn't the federal government's job (or promise) to provide lavish care for retired citizens simply because they paid token amounts into the system.

on Nov 03, 2007
Anyone that would propose such a thing is irresponsible and so far out of touch with America that attempting to REASON with them is useless!

You think Brad's out of touch? You keep telling me that I cannot live on the income that I make, that my wife should be in the workforce because of that, and that I need handouts from the government to survive. I'm the one LIVING the reality you pretend to care about, Gene!

If anyone is an idiot it is you. You lie through your teeth and then you call people names when they call you on it!
on Nov 03, 2007
Reply By: Draginol Posted: Saturday, November 03, 2007

I have earned my rights and have compassion for those in our country that need to rely on the promises their government made to them).

There is nothing compassionate about supporting the theft of property of one citizen to be given to another person.

Another stupid statement. Taxing income is not stealing anything.
on Nov 03, 2007
Reply By: Gideon MacLeish Posted: Saturday, November 03, 2007
Anyone that would propose such a thing is irresponsible and so far out of touch with America that attempting to REASON with them is useless!

You think Brad's out of touch? You keep telling me that I cannot live on the income that I make, that my wife should be in the workforce because of that, and that I need handouts from the government to survive. I'm the one LIVING the reality you pretend to care about, Gene!

You are nuts too. I never said anything about how you live. What I said is most Americans with incomes below $22,000 (Poverty level) can not support a family and I know that is correct!

on Nov 03, 2007

You know and I know there are not masses of dead and dying in the streets. That means many people CAN and DO live at that income level.

Supporting my initial assertion that you are a liar.
on Nov 03, 2007
What I said is most Americans with incomes below $22,000 (Poverty level) can not support a family and I know that is correct!


You know and I know there are not masses of dead and dying in the streets. That means many people CAN and DO live at that income level.

Supporting my initial assertion that you are a liar.

I believe that anyone can find a way to live on just about any amount of money, depending on HOW you live and the kinds of sacrifices you're willing to make. For example, a good friend of mine recently got a job all the way on the other side of the country, had no weels at the time and he couldn't afford a plane ticket AND the cost of shipping his stuff separately, so he went out and spent $ 300 to buy the most beat up sorry looking POS Jeep Cherokee (1980-something) that I ever did see. It was so rusted he half-seriously considered getting his tetnis shot, tires were bald so he scrounged around at the dump and found some that would make the trip. Some duct tape and elbow grease later and he was on the road, pulling off to the side to sleep (no hotels) and he cooked his food off the manifold too (not joking) So you can make it with small amounts of money it just depends on how wily you are.

With that said, if you're providing for an entire family on less than $ 22,000.0 a year you're essentially one disaster away from serious financial trouble, homelessness, bankruptcy etc. Sure you can do it if you're thrifty but the moment anything seriously bad happens- car breaks down, get sick and need health care, get laid off and the only job you can get is minimum wage gas jockey (still with bills and debts to pay) any number of things the only choice is to get into something like the payday loan racket. This pretty much insures that you will then become a debt slave with progressively larger amounts owing to various people and businesses as time goes forward! Go and scout out where the "Moneytree" branches are around your town.... you won't find very many in upscale suburbs and gated communities, that's for sure!
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