Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.

Energy prices could be one of the most important issues in the 2008 election. Surveys of probable reaction to the continuing increase in both gasoline and heating oil prices clearly show that almost 40% said they would be forced to cur spending in other areas because of higher energy prices.

Bush and the GOP have done NOTHING to deal with the energy issues or in moving our country to become less dependent on oil. They did not support major initiatives to develop alternate energy production such as wind, solar, geothermal etc. The refused to force conservation of existing oil supplies by passing a new round of CAFÉ standards.

What they did is try and drill in Alaska which does not have the potential to solve the problem because of the limited amount of oil believed to be there and the danger of another oil spill is a factor. They Gave Big Oil more and more tax credits which has done nothing to solve the problem. All Bush and the GOP has done is tell us we are addicted to oil.

In 2001 when Bush took over, Crude Oil prices were about $27 a Barrel. Yesterday they were $97 and we are more dependent on that higher priced oil then ever. Gas was under $1.50 a gallon in January 2001 and is over $3.00 today. The Bush supporters will tell us that bush and the GOP do not control the price of oil. They are correct. The issue is that had Bush and the GOP took aggressive and effective action seven year ago we would be better able to deal with these higher prices and because OUR demand would be lower, the actual price could be lower.

Bush has told us we need to judge him and the GOP in Congress by RESULTS. GOOD IDEA! After 7 years of his so called leadership we are more dependent then ever on foreign oil and look at what has happened to oil and gas prices since he took over. GREAT JOB Mr. Bush! The Voters need to look at the Bush/GOP leadership and decide if they want to continue the energy policies we have been following by electing another person who holds the same outlook as Bush on energy. Neither Ruddy, Fred, John nor Mitt has proposed anything that even looks like a solution. Just more of the same- another round of tax breaks for Big Oil.

Comments (Page 1)
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on Nov 07, 2007
Bush doesn't control oil prices, and gas prices would most likely be the same if a democrat was President. Since you are obviously cheering for the democrats, why don't you tell us what they are going to do? Maybe find out why they are so opposed to drilling so we can at least temporarily help the problem.
on Nov 07, 2007
Reply By: Island DogPosted: Wednesday, November 07, 2007Bush doesn't control oil prices, and gas prices would most likely be the same if a democrat was President. Since you are obviously cheering for the democrats, why don't you tell us what they are going to do? Maybe find out why they are so opposed to drilling so we can at least temporarily help the problem.

If you read my blog I said :

The Bush supporters will tell us that Bush and the GOP do not control the price of oil. They are correct.[U] The issue is that had Bush and the GOP took aggressive and effective action seven year ago we would be better able to deal with these higher prices and because OUR demand would be lower, the actual price could be lower.

Are you that dumb?
on Nov 07, 2007

Democrats shot down today a Republican amendment to the energy bill intended to encourage new refineries and other alternatives for producing transportation fuels.

The amendment, by James M. Inhofe of Oklahoma, ranking Republican on the Environment and Public Works Committee, would allow states and Indian tribes to opt into a new program to streamline the permitting process and provide grants for new refineries on former military bases and tribal lands.

on Nov 07, 2007

Are you that dumb?

Now this is what I love about JU. First thing in the morning, doing my usual routine of catching up on the news with a cup of joe and already people are snarling at each other, to soon deteriorate into the usual name calling and tit for tat insults. One morning, I almost spewed my coffee on the monitor in surprise as I was reading some particularly nasty invective over the usual political subjects. I think some people on here just need more vitamin C and D in their diet which would calm things down a bit. Unfortunately, that would then make this place far more banal and normal, which I shun.

As always, thanks for the morning entertainment!

on Nov 07, 2007
Democrats shot down today a Republican amendment to the energy bill intended to encourage new refineries and other alternatives for producing transportation fuels. The amendment, by James M. Inhofe of Oklahoma, ranking Republican on the Environment and Public Works Committee, would allow states and Indian tribes to opt into a new program to streamline the permitting process and provide grants for new refineries on former military bases and tribal lands.

I agree we need more refineries but that will not reduce our dependence on foreign oil. The solution is alternate energy and conservation (Higher gas mileage). That is what Bush and the GOP have failed to do over the past 7 years!
on Nov 07, 2007
Are you that dumb?

I have to ask gene, are you twelve years old?  I read your post, which by the way, isn't any different than the others you write. 

You complain that Bush and the GOP didn't do anything, but I show how democrats once again won't allow new, and more efficient refineries to be built.  Do you blame them?  Of course not, they are democrats.

I agree we need more refineries but that will not reduce our dependence on foreign oil. The solution is alternate energy and conservation (Higher gas mileage).

And those two solutions, while helpful, will not solve the problem either.  Our dependence was a problem started a long time ago, the problem is you want to soley blame one group and not the other. 

What else should I expect from a hack for the democrats.

on Nov 07, 2007
As always, thanks for the morning entertainment!

I don't even read the articles Gene writes anymore. I read the comments, they're more fun, and the original article is almost always quoted in full at least somewhere in them.
on Nov 07, 2007
The issue is that had Bush and the GOP took aggressive and effective action seven year ago we would be better able to deal with these higher prices and because OUR demand would be lower, the actual price could be lower.

And what "aggressive and effective action" should they have done? I'm sure you have a detailed list of how the country should have been run that you can share with us. Details please...lots and lots of details...that way you have no whining left.

I don't even read the articles Gene writes anymore. I read the comments, they're more fun, and the original article is almost always quoted in full at least somewhere in them.
hee hee. Me too. But sometimes I just want to poke people with a stick and watch them squirm. Fortunately I keep the really interesting comments quietly locked up somewhere so I don't become a target myself.
on Nov 07, 2007
Reply By: Island DogPosted: Wednesday, November 07, 2007Are you that dumb?I have to ask gene, are you twelve years old? I read your post, which by the way, isn't any different than the others you write. You complain that Bush and the GOP didn't do anything, but I show how democrats once again won't allow new, and more efficient refineries to be built. Do you blame them? Of course not, they are democrats.

I said I agree we should have more refineries. I also pointed out that will not lower OIL Prices. In fact there is NO supply problem now with gas. More refineries would not have any impact on the correct increase in gas or heating oil prices. The problem is we have not acted to develop non oil types of energy nor have we demanded more efficient cars, SUV's and trucks and that is for the past 7 years the fault of Bush and the GOP NOT the democrats!
on Nov 07, 2007
Reply By: lifehappensPosted: Wednesday, November 07, 2007The issue is that had Bush and the GOP took aggressive and effective action seven year ago we would be better able to deal with these higher prices and because OUR demand would be lower, the actual price could be lower.And what "aggressive and effective action" should they have done? I'm sure you have a detailed list of how the country should have been run that you can share with us. Details please...lots and lots of details...that way you have no whining left.

These are the suggestions Pages ( Pares 59-60 of my book) I made and the things bush and the GOP IGNORE:


Restore the Café standards and make them apply to all cars, trucks and SUVs.

Establish new targets for increased miles per gallon for each type of vehicle over the next 10 years.

Establish tax credits for car manufacturers who achieve the established standards.

Establish tax surcharges to car manufacturers who fail to meet the new mileage standards.

Utilize the additional tax revenue from surcharges to help fund the tax credits to corporations who achieve the new Café standards.

Provide federal subsidies to more fully utilize available coal supplies to create the energy needed wherever possible. Subsidies should be used to help provide for clean air equipment and to research new methods of utilizing coal in a non polluting way. Tax credits should also be used to convert existing oil and gas fired generators to coal and with the cost of transporting coal from the source to the user.

Provide subsidies to help car manufacturers develop cars and trucks using alternate propulsion systems such as fuel cells and hybrid/electric vehicles.

Provide subsidies to develop long-term renewable energy supplies including geothermal, wind, direct solar conversion, cold fusion, fuel cells etc. The objective would be to reduce our dependence on foreign oil as well as provide for the sale of the new technology and equipment to other countries. This would have the obvious advantage of not only solving our energy problem but eliminating many of the political entanglements that our dependence on Middle East oil creates. In addition, a reduction in the purchase of foreign oil would help our balance of trade as would selling the new technology and equipment to other countries. Thus this strategy would be a win-win-win-win situation for our countries by enhancing employment, corporate profits, reduce our trade deficit as well as simplifying some of our political entanglements.

Encourage the development of natural gas in areas controlled by the United States

Encourage the development of additional oil supplies that are under the control of the United States and do not endanger the environment.

Carefully evaluate any new or renewed agreements to provide United States produced energy to other nations. Our objective should be to first provide for energy independence before pledging our assets, especially oil and gas, to other countries.
on Nov 07, 2007
As always, thanks for the morning entertainment!

Arty, have I mentioned you're my favorite new blogger on this site?
on Nov 07, 2007
You've forgotten: It's all about oil. You've been saying so for years now. The GOP is now going to kill the golden goose? This just proves you wrong - they haven't been manipulating the price of oil at all; if they were doing so, do you really think they'd jack the price up as we roll into an election year?

Another one of your pointless rants, Gene.
on Nov 07, 2007
Reply By: DaiwaPosted: Wednesday, November 07, 2007You've forgotten: It's all about oil. You've been saying so for years now. The GOP is now going to kill the golden goose? This just proves you wrong - they haven't been manipulating the price of oil at all; if they were doing so, do you really think they'd jack the price up as we roll into an election year?Another one of your pointless rants, Gene.

Tell us that to people paying over $3.00 per gal for gas and oil to heat their homes are not creating financial problems. The estimate is that the average family will spend $1,500 more for heating and gas then last year! Tell us we are not MORE dependent on foreign oil then when Bush came into office. Tell us how his policies have moved us closer to energy independence. We will see just who will rant in November 2008. With the two so called former oil men at the helm, we have moved further from a solution to our energy needs. Every person, small business and large corporation is feeling the impact of the higher oil and gas prices. In one week gas went from, $2.95 to $3.17 today. Two things will happen from this situation-- First inflation will go up and people will cut their spending on other things to pay the higher energy costs. That along with the housing and mortgage problem may be the start of a recession just in time for November 2008.
on Nov 07, 2007
Reply By: DaiwaPosted: Wednesday, November 07, 2007You've forgotten: It's all about oil. You've been saying so for years now. The GOP is now going to kill the golden goose? This just proves you wrong - they haven't been manipulating the price of oil at all; if they were doing so, do you really think they'd jack the price up as we roll into an election year?Another one of your pointless rants, Gene.

Another one of your pointless excuses for Bush and the GOP leadership in Congress.
on Nov 07, 2007
Once again: What benefit could possibly accrue to the GOP by manipulating the price of oil upward leading up to an election? Either they have control of it or they don't - you need to admit that they don't.

Your apocalyptic bullshit is as bad as Bahu's. At least he can write with a bit of flourish & style.
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