Energy prices could be one of the most important issues in the 2008 election. Surveys of probable reaction to the continuing increase in both gasoline and heating oil prices clearly show that almost 40% said they would be forced to cur spending in other areas because of higher energy prices.
Bush and the GOP have done NOTHING to deal with the energy issues or in moving our country to become less dependent on oil. They did not support major initiatives to develop alternate energy production such as wind, solar, geothermal etc. The refused to force conservation of existing oil supplies by passing a new round of CAFÉ standards.
What they did is try and drill in Alaska which does not have the potential to solve the problem because of the limited amount of oil believed to be there and the danger of another oil spill is a factor. They Gave Big Oil more and more tax credits which has done nothing to solve the problem. All Bush and the GOP has done is tell us we are addicted to oil.
In 2001 when Bush took over, Crude Oil prices were about $27 a Barrel. Yesterday they were $97 and we are more dependent on that higher priced oil then ever. Gas was under $1.50 a gallon in January 2001 and is over $3.00 today. The Bush supporters will tell us that bush and the GOP do not control the price of oil. They are correct. The issue is that had Bush and the GOP took aggressive and effective action seven year ago we would be better able to deal with these higher prices and because OUR demand would be lower, the actual price could be lower.
Bush has told us we need to judge him and the GOP in Congress by RESULTS. GOOD IDEA! After 7 years of his so called leadership we are more dependent then ever on foreign oil and look at what has happened to oil and gas prices since he took over. GREAT JOB Mr. Bush! The Voters need to look at the Bush/GOP leadership and decide if they want to continue the energy policies we have been following by electing another person who holds the same outlook as Bush on energy. Neither Ruddy, Fred, John nor Mitt has proposed anything that even looks like a solution. Just more of the same- another round of tax breaks for Big Oil.