Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.
That is the assessment of Senator Chuck Hagel.
Published on December 1, 2007 By COL Gene In Politics

The comments of Senator Chuck Hagel about the Bush Administration are the most significant to date. Last week it was Scott McClellan but Senator Hagel’s stature in American Politics is far greater. He is considered one of the most competent members of the Senate by both Republicans and Democrats.

I can’t wait to see how the Bush Spin Doctors try and deal with what is a damming assessment of the tenure of George W. Bush as President of the United States? Time will produce a very long stream of evaluations of the 43rd President and they will show his most ardent supporters just how Arrogant, Incompetent and I believe DANGEROUS a President this country has ever had in office. We must insure that such a person is NEVER given the power of the Presidency again.

It will not be long when the only Bush supporter will be his dog. Whispers have started that even Laura may have had it with George and we may hear more of this after January 20, 2009.

Comments (Page 4)
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on Dec 04, 2007
I work and pay taxes too!

Wow, no name calling? No insults? I must be getting thru to you.

What? Do you think I'm too stupid not to know that you work and pay taxes? You constantly remind of your "great Business career" every chance you get. But that is my point, like the rest of us, you are just another ordinary American citizen who works and pays taxes. Your military experience does not make you better than the rest of us, it does not mean you are allowed to have an opinion about the President of the US or the members of Congress and the Senate while the rest of us get to keep our mouths shut.

I don't care how many times I have to hammer this into your head but I will do it as often as necessary till you get it. Regardless how much power Bush thinks he has, regardless how much money any big business or rich person has, this country is run by us American citizens and while many here in this country are waaaay to ignorant to understand this, I can bet you my paycheck for the next year that push comes to shove everyone will become educated about this and will remind the Gov't who's really in charge. Last elections, while not the smartest elections, was just a taste of how easily people can make up their minds and remind the members of our Gov't just how little power they really have.

BTW, you pay taxes, but apparently you only pay what you are required by law to pay. You constantly claim this Gov't should tax more taxes away from many Americans. Hows about you start giving more of your earned income before you claim some Americans should pay more?
on Dec 05, 2007
Reply By: danielostPosted: Monday, December 03, 2007
I work and pay taxes too!
that and the 30 years in the military does not make you any better than anyone in this country

It is not a matter of Better. However when idiots on this Blog site call me a liar when I post the truth they do not want to admit I call it like it is!
on Dec 05, 2007
It is not a matter of Better. However when idiots on this Blog site call me a liar when I post the truth they do not want to admit I call it like it is!

if you use the truth to tell a lie you are still lieing.
on Dec 05, 2007
Bush Derangement Syndrome: the acute onset of paranoia in otherwise normal people in reaction to the policies, the presidency -- nay -- the very existence of George W. Bush.

on Dec 05, 2007
It is not a matter of Better. However when idiots on this Blog site call me a liar when I post the truth they do not want to admit I call it like it is!

You're problem is the way you present the truth Col. And not everything you post is truth, you post a lot of opinions and opinions are not facts. You have the tendency of offering information as factual from agencies you not long before were criticizing for being under Bush's control. Gov't agencies are only truthful when the information they provide contradicts what Bush says.

The part you have not understood yet is that most people on this site, you know, the ones you love calling idiots, don't necessarily defend Bush, they argue against the way you present the issues and your solutions to them. It's the way you create articles that make it seem as if everyone else in this country, except for you and those who agree with you or you agree, are a bunch of idiots. You constantly put down every person who's views are opposing to yours, as if you're some kind of genius or something. Then you love to rub in your military and Business career as if that makes you better than anyone else.

What you need to do is grow up and learn to act like and adult. You need to stop screaming like a child and debate your opinions as oppose to forcing them down everyones throats. You need to give a little respect when debating because debating is an exchange of ideas and opinions, not demanding to do or believe what say.
on Dec 05, 2007
Reply By: danielostPosted: Wednesday, December 05, 2007
It is not a matter of Better. However when idiots on this Blog site call me a liar when I post the truth they do not want to admit I call it like it is!
if you use the truth to tell a lie you are still lieing.

YOU are an IDIOT!
on Dec 05, 2007
Reply By: CharlesCS1Posted: Wednesday, December 05, 2007It is not a matter of Better. However when idiots on this Blog site call me a liar when I post the truth they do not want to admit I call it like it is!You're problem is the way you present the truth Col. And not everything you post is truth, you post a lot of opinions and opinions are not facts. You have the tendency of offering information as factual from agencies you not long before were criticizing for being under Bush's control. Gov't agencies are only truthful when the information they provide contradicts what Bush says.The part you have not understood yet is that most people on this site, you know, the ones you love calling idiots, don't necessarily defend Bush, they argue against the way you present the issues and your solutions to them. It's the way you create articles that make it seem as if everyone else in this country, except for you and those who agree with you or you agree, are a bunch of idiots. You constantly put down every person who's views are opposing to yours, as if you're some kind of genius or something. Then you love to rub in your military and Business career as if that makes you better than anyone else.What you need to do is grow up and learn to act like and adult. You need to stop screaming like a child and debate your opinions as oppose to forcing them down everyones throats. You need to give a little respect when debating because debating is an exchange of ideas and opinions, not demanding to do or believe what say.

Style is an issue but what I have done is either used factual information or have sighted informed opinion. When I sight the opinion of The Comptroller General about our countries fiscal problems or the Trustees from Social Security about that system and people on this Blog site tell me I am wrong they are not attacking me but the sources I have used to prove my points. I doubt that most if any on this site have the knowledge or experience to say sources like I use are WRONG!

on Dec 05, 2007
I doubt that most if any on this site have the knowledge or experience to say sources like I use are WRONG!

Anybody can take a "fact" and twist it to suit their agenda.  Your blogs are case in point.

on Dec 05, 2007
What you need to do is grow up and learn to act like and adult. You need to stop screaming like a child and debate your opinions as oppose to forcing them down everyones throats.

But laughing at his little rants is the only thing that makes reading his garbage entertaining. ;~D
on Dec 05, 2007
Reply By: Island DogPosted: Wednesday, December 05, 2007
I doubt that most if any on this site have the knowledge or experience to say sources like I use are WRONG!
Anybody can take a "fact" and twist it to suit their agenda. Your blogs are case in point.

The NIE speaks for itself. It says what Bush has been ranting about is not valid! When Bush says this new Intel makes no difference he shows himself to be a fool and no one believes what he says. He has ZERO credibility as the leader of our country!
on Dec 05, 2007
The NIE speaks for itself. It says what Bush has been ranting about is not valid! When Bush says this new Intel makes no difference he shows himself to be a fool and no one believes what he says. He has ZERO credibility as the leader of our country!

And you have zero credibility as an author. 

From your beloved U.N.

“To be frank, we are more skeptical,” a senior official close to the agency said. “We don’t buy the American analysis 100 percent. We are not that generous with Iran.”

The official called the American assertion that Iran had “halted” its weapons program in 2003 “somewhat surprising.”

on Dec 05, 2007
The NIE speaks for itself.

Just like all the previous NIE's? You're buying all of them as gospel now?
on Dec 05, 2007
Reply By: danielostPosted: Wednesday, December 05, 2007It is not a matter of Better. However when idiots on this Blog site call me a liar when I post the truth they do not want to admit I call it like it is!
if you use the truth to tell a lie you are still lieing.

YOU are an IDIOT!

thank you
on Dec 05, 2007

The mess Bush will hand the new President will be a 1000 times worse then Clinton left him. Senator Hagel is correct-- George W. Bush - The most arrogant and incompetent president ever!!!!!

1,000 times worse? You mean 3+ million Americans are going to be killed in a terrorist attack in the next administration?

on Dec 05, 2007

The NIE speaks for itself. It says what Bush has been ranting about is not valid! When Bush says this new Intel makes no difference he shows himself to be a fool and no one believes what he says. He has ZERO credibility as the leader of our country!

So when the NIE said Iraq possessed WMDs before and the administration (Clinton and then Bush) made policy based on that, you now agree that Bush didn't like about WMDs?

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