Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.
Published on December 13, 2007 By COL Gene In Politics

The GOP presidential debate yesterday contained a segment about the fiscal problems facing our country. The moderator sighted the Comptroller General warnings about the debt and continued budget imbalance as well as the coming problems with funding Medicare and Social Security. The GOP candidates agreed with the assessment of the Comptroller General that we have created a very serious problem. However when the questions of how to deal with this were pursued it became clear none of the GOP candidates have a CLUE!

On one hand they admit it is a major problem and then blame it on entitlements. That showed either a complete misunderstanding of the problem or a refusal to face the real cause which has NOT been entitlements i.e. Social Security and Medicare thru 2007. Both these entitlements have produced an annual SURPLUS which has been used to finance the deficit in the discretionary portion of the budget. None of the $9 Trillion dollars of debt comes from either Social Security or Medicare.The problem with entitlements is in the FUTURE. The coming problem with entitlement will be ON TOP of the problems created by the discretionary spending that has exceeded tax revenue since 1981. The candidates also claim we can solve the problem without any real sacrifice and propose to cut federal revenue more with additional tax cuts. That is not true and is totally opposite to what The Comptroller General has documented. The solution to BOTH the existing $9 Trillion dollar deficit and the coming problem of entitlements as the Baby Boomers retire will require MAJOR sacrifices by Americans.

ALL the GOP Presidential candidates are in denial as to the extent and solutions that will be needed to address the growing financial storm on the horizon. To all this must be added the huge trade deficit and falling value of the dollar as well as the energy situation. We also heard the same refrain that the “Market” will solve the energy problems and that we do not need government policies to help reduce our dependence on foreign oil. There was the admission of the problems created by OUR dependence on foreign oil but the same old refrain of the “Free Market” will provide the solution. If that were true, why is the energy problem for the United States getting worse every year? The truth is to solve the energy problem we need to have both government incentive and penalties that move forward domestically controlled alternative energy supplies and far more efficient use of oil including higher mileage for cars, trucks and SUV’s. Most of the GOP candidates admit their policies over the past 7 years have failed but at the same time they proposed, for the most part, to continue those same policies with only minor changes. If you are looking to solve the fiscal, trade and energy problems NONE of the GOP candidates are for you!

Comments (Page 4)
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on Dec 14, 2007
Entitlements result in a surplus? What school of economics did you flunk out of? Each new article from you just brightens the light shining on your ignorance.
on Dec 14, 2007
Entitlements result in a surplus? What school of economics did you flunk out of? Each new article from you just brightens the light shining on your ignorance.

It's always funny to hear gene with his bold and underlines talk about the budget deficit, and then at the same time call for government healthcare and other entitlement programs. 
on Dec 14, 2007
Reply | Edit | DeleteReply By: CharlesCS1Posted: Friday, December 14, 2007Wait until November 2008!!!!!!!You know what? I am gonna vote for Democrats, because I want them to win. I want them to win just so everyone can see just how stupid their ideas are once they start implementing them and all hell breaks loose. I hope Democrats take control, it's the only way people learn. Sometimes you gotta get burned to learn not to play with fire.

The people have learned how big a mistake they made by voting for Bush!

Reply | | DeleteReply By: DaiwaPosted: Friday, December 14, 2007Entitlements result in a surplus? What school of economics did you flunk out of? Each new article from you just brightens the light shining on your ignorance.

In the past, both Social Security and Medicare have collected MORE in taxes then they paid out in benefits. That surplus has been used to help fund the annual deficits and the Treasury has issued about $4 Trillion dollars worth of IOU's to the trust funds of Social Security and Medicare. The $9 Trillion dollars of the National debt was not because we paid out more then was collected for Social Security or Medicare. That will change and as the Boomers retire the payments from Social Security and Medicare will be greater then the current tax collections form payroll taxes!

I have a far better understanding of financial management then most on this Blog site. I also have a MUCH better understanding then Bush. I balanced budgets for MANY years during my career!

on Dec 14, 2007
I agree that taxing the rich more will not hurt the rich one bit. No, they will pass the hurt onto the middle and lower class, because they CAN. Because they control the flow of money in the economy simply because they have more of it. They will continue to make the same amount, and the money will go to bureacratic bulge instead of straight into the poor/middle class pockets. Yeah, some will make it through the massive bulge, but less than it we cut out the government from the process.
on Dec 14, 2007
I balanced budgets for MANY years during my career!

Right gene.  What federal goernment have you ran lately?

I have a far better understanding of financial management then most on this Blog site.

I don't think so gene.  We have showed your lies and twists too many times for you to claim that.

on Dec 14, 2007
I have a far better understanding of financial management then most on this Blog site. I also have a MUCH better understanding then Bush. I balanced budgets for MANY years during my career!

And your bald-faced claim to such credentials entitles you to what, exactly? Every individual on the earth has to "balance a budget" - what makes you so "spayshal" there, Cracker Boy?
on Dec 15, 2007
Reply By: Island DogPosted: Friday, December 14, 2007
I balanced budgets for MANY years during my career!
Right gene. What federal goernment have you ran lately?

I did that for 100 Million dollar entities and know that the way Bush and the GOP have handled our government and its budget is DEAD WRONG! That is also what the Comptroller General has said!
on Dec 15, 2007
Reply By: DaiwaPosted: Friday, December 14, 2007
I have a far better understanding of financial management then most on this Blog site. I also have a MUCH better understanding then Bush. I balanced budgets for MANY years during my career!
And your bald-faced claim to such credentials entitles you to what, exactly? Every individual on the earth has to "balance a budget" - what makes you so "spayshal" there, Cracker Boy?

EVERYONE BUT THE idiot in the White House!
on Dec 15, 2007
EVERYONE BUT THE idiot in the White House!

sorry it is congress that controls the purse.

and lately when ever bush vetos increased spending you call him scrooge
on Dec 15, 2007
I did that for 100 Million dollar entities and know that the way Bush and the GOP have handled our government and its budget is DEAD WRONG! That is also what the Comptroller General has said!

As I said, what federal government have you ran.  I doubt you have ran anything aside from a washing machine.

on Dec 15, 2007

Let me make sure I understand this:

The Democrats are currently choosing between the wife of a President or a first-term senator as their standard bearers but the GOP has no clue.

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