There was a day when the interests of Big Business were more in line with what was best for America. That day is over. Today the drive for higher and higher profits by large international companies is eliminating American jobs and this country is rapidly becoming indebted to the rest of the world.
Our country is becoming dangerously dependent of foreign producers for our most basic needs. Trade agreements make it difficult for American made goods to be sold to other countries and we are allowing dangerous goods to flood our country. We do not insure that we have FAIR trade just so called Free Trade which means cheep foreign made goods can be sold freely in this country while our goods are taxed by foreign governments or currency rates are set that make our products to expensive for foreign buyers to afford.
Senator Edwards is correct- Our government polices are being directed by Big Business to help their bottom line and is corrupting our politicians! We can not maintain economic strength with everything we need made outside this country. It endangers both our economic and strategic security.