Does he inspire unity and cooperation?
When the voter during the second debate asked President Bush to name three mistakes he made as president, George W. displayed one of his greatest short commings - his inability to recognize flaws in himself, even when they are obvious.
In the 2000 presidential campaign, George W. pledged to restore more civility to American politics. Surely one of the mistakes that President Bush should have acknowledged to the voters question was that he had failed to achieve this pledge. In fact, he has made the rancor and political unrest much worse than at any time in modern times. Not since the American Civil War has there been more political unrest in America.
His failure to accomplish this is a clear indication of his inability to be an effective leader. His approach has done the very same thing with many people throught the world. Look at the reception he received when is addressed the U N last month - Dead Silence. The only applause came when he was about to leave the podium. It was as if their applause was to reflect his departure not at what he had to say.
The left in America hold George W. in distain. Most Democrats, if they are honest with themselves, will be voting aginst Bush more then for Senator Kerry. Their feelings are not because George W. is a Republican but because of his attitude and his total rejection of any positions that do not fit with the wishes of the conservatives. The right is just as bad or worse. People like Rush Limbaugh spew out their narrow minded positions at every opportunity. The conservatives can not complete a sentenence without blasting the Libs. They have only slightly less distain for the moderate Republicans, like myself. If you do not support the conservative ideas you are stupid according to profit, Rush! He claims that he ties half his brain behind his back to make it fair to the Libs. The truth is that if Rush had a brain twice its size, he could not complete a rational thought.
President Bush's answer to the question, name three mistakes you have made should surely have included his inability to bring cooperation and civility to American Politics. George Bush is strong but he is NOT a leader. A leader is one who has the ability to get people to go to a place they would not go by themselves. That is not George W. Bush. For that reason alone, America needs a change. We do not need another four years of devisiveness. We need a true leader that can unite America and enhance cooperation with the other nations of this world.