per the Sec. of Defense and CIA Director
Yesterday the new CIA director, Porter Goss told a select Senate committee on intelligence that Iraq has become a terrorist training ground. He further admitted that he could not guarantee that theIraqi insurgents have not have stolen enough nuclear material from Russia to create a weapon. Today Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld noted it is likely the United States would again be attacked by the Islamic extremists. In addition, we now have a partnership between Syria and Iran which is the result of what they perceive as a threat to them from the United States.
I would like to understand how 1,450 lives lost in Iraq, 25,000 injured in the $300 billion dollars we have committed has made us safer given the comments of the CIA Director and the Secretary of Defense? For those who continue to argue the Bush decision to attack Iraq was a wise decision, please explain the assessments from Rumsfeld and Goss. It is a shame the president cannot admit when he has made a mistake. I think the clearest indication of this weakness is that even today with the knowledge that there was no WMD or connection to 9/ 11 Bush still contends he would've done the very same thing. I can not understand how the American people can accept such a position that the Iraq War has made us safer given the reality on the ground and the assssmants of Secretary Rumsfeld and CIA Director Goss.