Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.

Nightly, Lou Dobbs documents the failure of President Bush to fulfill his most basic responsibility which is to safeguard the United States. 3 ½ years after 9/11, President Bush claims we are short 10,000 border guards and thousands more INS agents to deal with the illegal aliens within our country. At the very same time he is acknowledging the lack of resources to enforce our immigration laws to protect this country, his new budget fails to ask for the money necessary to provide the needed agents. Of the 10,000 border agents President Bush indicates we need, he has requested funding for 210 in his next budget.

Congress indited Bill Clinton for lying under oath about having sex with Monica Lewinsky and ignores the fact that the President HAS NOT AND IS NOT enforcing the immigration laws of the United States. The proof of the president’s failure to safeguard our country are the 3 million illegal aliens that crossed our borders last year. The proof are the 14 million illegal aliens that exist within the interior of our country. Any one of those 14 million illegal aliens could have brought a nuclear weapon or other WMD into this country to kill Americans. Do we have to wait for a mushroom cloud over one of our cities befor the president provides the necessary resources to safeguard the borders of the United States?

It is time for action! Congress should bring a bill of impeachment against George W. Bush for failing to safeguard the United States by not enforcing our immigration laws and his failure to request the resources necessary to protect our borders. If we do not hold the president responsible to fulfill his most basic function, we are neglecting our responsibilities. We have the money for tax cuts to people making hundreds of thousands and millions of dollars each year but do not have the money to safeguard the lives of Americans.

Comments (Page 1)
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on Mar 11, 2005
Col Gene, this is just plain idiocy. Just because Prs. Bush isn't doing things exactly the way you and Mr. Dobbs would like does not mean he has broken any laws that are impeachable.

There has only been one presidential candidate that I can remember who even hinted at what you want, and Pat Buchanan was soundly defeated, mostly because of his stance on securing the borders! ((((Yes, i know that was Pre- 9/11, and that does make a difference))). Securing the borders is one of those things everyone screams for the government to do, but would never put up with actually implementing a plan that would do it.
on Mar 11, 2005
Lou Dobbs brings may people to his show that document the failure of the administration to act. The President first job is to try and protect our country. The facts are clear. Not only is this not taking place but the very reason President Bush himself has identified as a prime reason he ignores. Why check every person comming through our airports and skip 3 million comming across our borders. It is a lot easier for someone to bring WMD across the border then on a airline. The President took an oath to protecd and defend. Without security, all of our other freedoms go away! How can anyone say Bush is doing that job when we need 10,000 more border guards, thousands more INS Agents and all he is requesting is money for 210? Impeachment would get the President's attention.
on Mar 11, 2005
Even if I agreed with you, failure to do his job is NOT a crime, therefore NOT grounds for impeachment. Even Prs. Clinton could not have been impeached if he hadn't lied to Congress.
on Mar 11, 2005
I am not a lawyer, but failure of a President to keep the oath he took may be just be such a reason. I believe not enforcing the laws of the United States is also a reason for impeachment. If you are correct, then Congress needs to act and pass the funding and if Bush were to veto the money, they should override his veto. Who will be to blame if the next terrorist to attack us has come across our border or shipped the WMD in a shipping container that we are also not handling properly. All these functions are 100% under the control of the President! He is not even asking Congress for the resources to begin doing the job!
on Mar 11, 2005
If not keeping oaths were a basis for dismissal, their wouldn't be enough members of Congress left to hold an impeachment. ;~D
on Mar 11, 2005
How True. But not enforcing the laws may be another issue. That is what the President is charged to do. He does not pass the laws but is charged with making sure they are carried out. He is not doing that with immigration.
on Mar 11, 2005
I think dubya should DEFINTELY be held resposible for not doing more to protect the borders (mexico especially) but impeachment is a little extreme.

I think history will reflect badly (on top of everything else) on him if another terrorist attack happens and they find the terrorists entered via the southern border.

The canadian border on the other hand is a lot tighter, considering how large it is i think they're doing a much better job up there.

Your clinton impeachment comments remind me of a joke...

"What's the difference between a democrat and a republican?"

Dems like to f**k you one at a time, Repubs like to f**k us all at once!

Sorry to offend!
on Mar 11, 2005
Controlling the borders and illegal immigration is the biggest beef I have with the President. Border Patrol should probably be reorganized in a military fashion rather than a law-enforcement agency. I also support large scale deportations, strict fines for hiring illegals, and if necessary, an intimidating physical barrier on the southern border.
on Mar 11, 2005
Well, I'll tell you what....all those soldiers and Marines we have enjoying the champagne and oyster life in Asia and Europe can be brought home to plug the holes in our borders, or sent to Iraq, while we rotate the troops there home for border patrol duty.
We can let the UN forces fill our place in South Korea, the Phillipines, Germany, etc. Our defense budget could stand the reduction in spending it takes to maintain those foreign outposts, anyway. That work for you?
on Mar 11, 2005
It would be cute for people to call for Bush's impeachment for not enforcing laws that many of said people say are flawed and racist. I think it would be the height of hypocracy for Democrats to condemn Bush for not enforcing what they, themselves claim to be a broken system.

We had 180,000 troops in Iraq and we couldn't keep insurgents out, with less border than the US has. If this had been said about a Democratic president you'd have reacted in the same way, but because it is Bush, anything with a one in a million chance of sticking is fit ammunition.

You called me paranoid on your last blog when I pointed out, again, that you are a biased one-trick pony with apparently no interests other than slamming Bush. Then you write something like this?
on Mar 11, 2005
I wouldn't be throwing the "Biased, one-trick pony" title around if i were you Baker. From what i can tell (granted i haven't read all your articles, but quite a few of them)it Comes off as a tad hypocritical!

When was the last time YOU wrote anything anti-dubya? Hmmmmmmmmmmmm?

And i LIKE Rightwinger's idea a lot. Good call, worthy of an INSIGHTFUL!
on Mar 11, 2005

What would you like to do about the total lack of enforcement of our laws and protecting our border? You won't think impeachment is wrong if a terrorist creates another 9/11 or worse and has come across our unprotected border. I guess the Bush supporters will put George up for the Nobel peace prize should such an event occur. There is no more basic responsibility of the President then to do everything possible to protect our countrty. The man tell us we need 10,000 more people on the border and then plans to add 210? Get Real!
on Mar 11, 2005
And i LIKE Rightwinger's idea a lot. Good call, worthy of an INSIGHTFUL!

Thanks, guyinsic. Maybe we could talk them into it, huh?
on Mar 11, 2005
There is no more basic responsibility of the President then to do everything possible to protect our countrty. The man tell us we need 10,000 more people on the border and then plans to add 210? Get Real!

Hasn't this problem been stewing for some time? I seem to recall hearing some complaining about it in the 90s, too, when your buddy Slick Willy was sitting in the big chair, and what did he do about it? Not much.
Slam Bush all you want, but this, like the complaints about deficiancies the military, are just another part of the hangover we're left with from the Clinton era.
on Mar 11, 2005
I too like the Rightwinger idea. You should send it to Bush. He is the Commander-in-Chief.
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