Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.

Nightly, Lou Dobbs documents the failure of President Bush to fulfill his most basic responsibility which is to safeguard the United States. 3 ½ years after 9/11, President Bush claims we are short 10,000 border guards and thousands more INS agents to deal with the illegal aliens within our country. At the very same time he is acknowledging the lack of resources to enforce our immigration laws to protect this country, his new budget fails to ask for the money necessary to provide the needed agents. Of the 10,000 border agents President Bush indicates we need, he has requested funding for 210 in his next budget.

Congress indited Bill Clinton for lying under oath about having sex with Monica Lewinsky and ignores the fact that the President HAS NOT AND IS NOT enforcing the immigration laws of the United States. The proof of the president’s failure to safeguard our country are the 3 million illegal aliens that crossed our borders last year. The proof are the 14 million illegal aliens that exist within the interior of our country. Any one of those 14 million illegal aliens could have brought a nuclear weapon or other WMD into this country to kill Americans. Do we have to wait for a mushroom cloud over one of our cities befor the president provides the necessary resources to safeguard the borders of the United States?

It is time for action! Congress should bring a bill of impeachment against George W. Bush for failing to safeguard the United States by not enforcing our immigration laws and his failure to request the resources necessary to protect our borders. If we do not hold the president responsible to fulfill his most basic function, we are neglecting our responsibilities. We have the money for tax cuts to people making hundreds of thousands and millions of dollars each year but do not have the money to safeguard the lives of Americans.

Comments (Page 5)
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on Mar 12, 2005
I happen to agree with you about our border security problem (I live in Arizona), but your accusations completely oversimplify the problems of securing our borders and, especially, our ports. The resources needed to ramp up to the level you seem to be demanding (100% foolproof) are simply not there. Securing our borders is a process, not an event, and it requires Congressional action (can't spend a dime for those resources without them). You and I have reason to be disappointed in the pace of progress, but the only way to put any immediate dent in the problem would be to mobilize all the Guard forces in the country, farm them out to all our ports and borders, and sit back & watch that trade deficit you're so concerned about skyrocket even further while our import industry grinds to a halt. You play in a pretend world. Bush has to live in the real one.

on Mar 12, 2005
I happen to agree with you about our border security problem

That's ok Daiwa, I told him that I disagree with Bush on that too, but all he did was ignore that and call me a "Bushie".

Myopia must be a sad way to see things.
on Mar 13, 2005
I belierve the issues of border security and port security are complex. However without the resources No solution is possible. Bush is not even asking Congress for the resources which means there will not be action to begin improving our security in these two essential areas.
on Mar 13, 2005
Are you really saying that you believe Congress will only do its job when "asked"? It's irrational to blame Bush for Congress's inaction if the need for action is as self-evident as you claim. I happen to agree with the need to get our border security problems more adequately addressed, but my beef is with the entity which can, Congress, not GWB.

on Mar 13, 2005
Congress is part of this issue. However, the President's Budget shows where he is on issues. I believe it is time for Congress to totally change both the spending and tax policies of Bush. However, since to do that would embarrass the president or may even require a veto override, it is unlikely to see Congress take on its responsibilities given the fact that the Republicans control everything.
on Mar 13, 2005
The President proposes, Congress enacts. Congress can't escape responsibility on grounds of potentially embarrassing the Prez. You really believe Bush would veto a strong border security measure?

on Mar 13, 2005
He does not pass the laws but is charged with making sure they are carried out.

What constitution are you reading? Since when is the president in charge of law enforcement?
Bush is not even asking Congress for the resources which means there will not be action to begin improving our security in these two essential areas

Again you speak as though the Congress has nothing to do, other than sit around waiting for word from the White House. Congress, not the President, has the constitutional authority to set the budget on whatever issue you bring up. More resources for border patrol is a Congressional situation, not an Executive one.

Congress is part of this issue. However, the President's Budget shows where he is on issues. I believe it is time for Congress to totally change both the spending and tax policies of Bush.

"Bang the drum slowly and play the pipes lowly". Once again you set up the scenario any way you can to make Bush look bad. Every day Congress is making decisions about appropriations and priorities. MOST have nothing to do with the president's policies.

If this is how you think leadership works, I feel for any jr. Officer or NCO under your command. When you were in a position to set policy, did you set up as many no win scenarios for them than you do for Prs. Bush? My guess is you didn't, because their performance reflected so much on your success of failure as an Officer.
on Mar 14, 2005
I could not begin to make Bush look as bad as he does by the results of his policies - deficit, Jobs, Iraq,Energy, Trade etc.
on Mar 18, 2005
For the first time since 1960 I did not vote in the last election. There was no choice. My greatest concern is our borders. I fully agree that we should impeach for lack of border protection.
I keep hearing the BS from dum-o-rats that "we are a country of immigrates"
This is true but there is a big difference by inserting the word (illegal)!
At the turn of the last century we had mass LEGAL immigration, mostly from Europe. They were eager to learn english and our way of life. Many of these people were sent back to fight their (home) countries during WWI. They had adopted America as their new country and showed true alience to us. Then in WWII their sons were called on and gladly served. This would not happen today.
As far as the border protection goes...there is a vast resource of ex-servicemen (and women) who would gadly DONATE a year or two of their time to end the problem. Bush and the rest of the so called leaders in Washington won't do anything to stop the nightmare.
I really think we will be in a shooting war with Mexico within the next 2 years. I hope not but I see it coming. Bush will leave a legacy of "the man who gave America to Mexico."
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