Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.

Nightly, Lou Dobbs documents the failure of President Bush to fulfill his most basic responsibility which is to safeguard the United States. 3 ½ years after 9/11, President Bush claims we are short 10,000 border guards and thousands more INS agents to deal with the illegal aliens within our country. At the very same time he is acknowledging the lack of resources to enforce our immigration laws to protect this country, his new budget fails to ask for the money necessary to provide the needed agents. Of the 10,000 border agents President Bush indicates we need, he has requested funding for 210 in his next budget.

Congress indited Bill Clinton for lying under oath about having sex with Monica Lewinsky and ignores the fact that the President HAS NOT AND IS NOT enforcing the immigration laws of the United States. The proof of the president’s failure to safeguard our country are the 3 million illegal aliens that crossed our borders last year. The proof are the 14 million illegal aliens that exist within the interior of our country. Any one of those 14 million illegal aliens could have brought a nuclear weapon or other WMD into this country to kill Americans. Do we have to wait for a mushroom cloud over one of our cities befor the president provides the necessary resources to safeguard the borders of the United States?

It is time for action! Congress should bring a bill of impeachment against George W. Bush for failing to safeguard the United States by not enforcing our immigration laws and his failure to request the resources necessary to protect our borders. If we do not hold the president responsible to fulfill his most basic function, we are neglecting our responsibilities. We have the money for tax cuts to people making hundreds of thousands and millions of dollars each year but do not have the money to safeguard the lives of Americans.

Comments (Page 4)
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on Mar 11, 2005

The president took an oath to uphold the laws on the United States. He is not enforcing the immigration laws. I believe that is an impeachable offense

Believe what you want. It ain't so.
on Mar 11, 2005

The problem is far greater now and 9/11 had not taken place when Clinton was in office.

You obviously were NOT paying attention when Slick Willie was in office. As someone who was living in southern CA at the time, I can tell you it was JUST as bad then as it is now. So where is the indignation against Clinton for not doing what you say Bush isn't doing either?
on Mar 11, 2005

My point was that before 9/11 most of us did not think such a thing was possible. Now that we know better, you would think the president would not allow terrrorists to just walk into our country and bring anything with them. All but Bush. How anyone can believe we can have homeland security without border security is NUTS.
on Mar 11, 2005
"My point was that before 9/11 most of us did not think such a thing was possible."

How many of the hijackers hiked in from Canada and Mexico? No doubt if Bush HAD pushed through 10,000 new border patrol personel, you'd just be here pointing out that very fact...

"How anyone can believe we can have homeland security without border security is NUTS."

Anyone who believes that we can secure thousands of miles of border, and far more coastline is nuts. Anyone who believes that congress would pay for a "great wall of china" style border with mexico is nuts. People who try to pass off the generalization that we "don't have border security" are just being dishonest, and ignoring the over 10,000 people we ALREADY have working on our borders.

You might not think that Bush is doing everything he could do, but you DON'T successfully make the point that he should be impeached, and you don't even give a fair assessment in terms of what is and isn't in Bush's power to do.
on Mar 11, 2005
If Bush asked congress for added border guards to protect the U S you think congress would say NO? The issue I have is that he is not even asking. With remote aircraft and border personnel at locations where they cover large areas the border can receive a high degree of protection. Bush acknowledges a need like the added military and the border guards and then does nothing to solve the problem he pointed out. if you fail to recognize a problem than I guess you can't be held accountable for not resolving it. When you both acknowledge a problem and quantify a solution and immediately ignore it as if it doesn't exist, you are not doing your job.
on Mar 11, 2005

My point was that before 9/11 most of us did not think such a thing was possible. Now that we know better, you would think the president would not allow terrrorists to just walk into our country and bring anything with them. All but Bush. How anyone can believe we can have homeland security without border security is NUTS.

THAT point is immaterial! The problem exsisted BEDFORE Bush, so why is he being singled out?
on Mar 11, 2005
So many reasons to impeach the dubya dummy. Not protecting our borders is but one............
on Mar 11, 2005
He's certainly not the average Bush hater.

I'll grant you that, BakerStreet. Neither is Rather. Neither is dabe.

But pinning Gene down is like playing Whack-a-Mole - a very unrewarding game. Does that make him an above-average Bush hater or below-average Bush hater?

on Mar 11, 2005
If Bush asked congress for added border guards to protect the U S you think congress would say NO?

and whatever else he did to lock up the border, it would be met with strong opposition from most because of the "big brother" implications.
on Mar 11, 2005
and whatever else he did to lock up the border, it would be met with strong opposition from most because of the "big brother" implications.

I see the complaints coming from immigration lawyers and race pimps, and MALDEF fits both categories.
on Mar 12, 2005

Bush is President NOW. He is not protecting the United States NOW. If another 9/11 takes place and we learn the terrorists came across the border or shipped the WMD in a container, will you say it was because of Clinton?
on Mar 12, 2005
"I'll grant you that, BakerStreet. Neither is Rather. Neither is dabe."

Well, I'd consider dabe average... maybe... barely...
on Mar 12, 2005
Bush is President NOW. He is not protecting the United States NOW. If another 9/11 takes place and we learn the terrorists came across the border or shipped the WMD in a container, will you say it was because of Clinton?

Keep your fingers crossed Col Gene. Maybe someday you'll get your terrorist attack, boy won't you be happy to have that to laugh at us Bush supporters over!!!
on Mar 12, 2005

Bush has done nothing here that's impeachable.

And btw, I've been on Lou Dobbs show before so do I count as a legitimate source too?

on Mar 12, 2005
I do not know your background. The people I am talking about with reguard to the border issue are border guards, law enforcement and political officials from Texas, AZ amd Calf. Every one that I have heard tells the same story, the Federal Government is not protecting our border and the manpower levels are not even close to what is needed. Bush is the top official in the chain to protect the border and he is the one that requests funding to do the job. Bush is not doing that job and no matter what you say about if he can be impeached, that does not change the fact our President is NOT PROTECTING OUR NATION. THAT IS JOB ONE for the president! All You Bushies may be happy with him but most of the people that have responded to the questions Lou Dobbs askes about that subject disagree with the Bush policy by 90 plus %.
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