Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.

President Bush will be the first president to attend the funeral of a pope. How ironic that our president should choose to honor Pope John Paul II since the pope so fundamentally disagreed with the Bush policies.

With the exceptions of gay marriage and abortion, President Bush and the pope had very little in common. They disagreed on the death the death penalty, the Iraq war and the social programs embraced by Bush and his conservative supporters. Politics does in fact make strange bed fellows.

Comments (Page 1)
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on Apr 04, 2005
I will certainly not be going, it would wrong for me to do so as a devout English Protestant.
on Apr 04, 2005
Some lame publicist probably told Bush to go because it would make him look good. That man can never look good. Stay home bunker boy!
on Apr 04, 2005
Takes a truly great man {PRESIDENT BUSH} to forgive and forget disagreements in this time of sadness over the Popes death.
on Apr 04, 2005
" Takes a truly great man {PRESIDENT BUSH}..."

Yes, I am sure the focus of the media coverage will be on George and how brave it is that he is going.
on Apr 04, 2005
Great man and Bush do not relate!
on Apr 04, 2005
Reply By: Sir Peter Maxwell(Anonymous User)Posted: Monday, April 04, 2005" Takes a truly great man {PRESIDENT BUSH}..."Yes, I am sure the focus of the media coverage will be on George and how brave it is that he is going.

pish tosh.. poof off buggerboy.
on Apr 04, 2005
Reply By: COL GenePosted: Monday, April 04, 2005Great man and Bush do not relate!

un huh. sure gene.. have you been taking your medicine?? for you know?.... if not put the computer keyboard DOWN, back away shake a pill in your hand and drink water and repeat after me. BUSH IS A GREAT MAN, KIND forgiving, all knowing.
on Apr 04, 2005
Except for Bush 41 and his contacts Bush 43 would be an Asst. Mgr at a 7/11 if he were luckey. If you look at what George W. accomplished without the help of his father and his fathers contacts there in NOTHING.
on Apr 04, 2005
Except for Bush 41 and his contacts Bush 43 would be an Asst. Mgr at a 7/11 if he were luckey. If you look at what George W. accomplished without the help of his father and his fathers contacts there in NOTHING.

MM is quite corret. Take your medicine and calm down! And just what "is" your point? That your not allowed to use your fathers help? That the very concept of this is bad? Do you have a son? Would you not help him as a father should?
on Apr 04, 2005
Except for Bush 41 and his contacts Bush 43 would be an Asst. Mgr at a 7/11 if he were luckey. If you look at what George W. accomplished without the help of his father and his fathers contacts there in NOTHING.

and that makes you insanely jealous since you are just as incompetent (if not more so) as W., and you've never been successful, right?

More blather from you.

Hmm, Bush, a deeply religous individual, who makes no excuses about his faith is no more out of place and no more ironic in attending the Popes funeral than would be the idiot you voted for. The idiot that still hasn't signed the standard forms that would demonstrate how John Kerry dressed up his military service. Ignoring even that, you also voted for the same individual that claimed to be a Catholic, but couldn't reconcile his own support of the killing of completely innocent lives via abortion and also couldn't necessarily show where he (unlike Bush) could follow the scripture in exercising an eye for an eye (in the case of capital punishment).

Had the loser you supported won the election, would he have attended the funeral? Would he have been welcomed by the church?

Keep railing, the green (monster of envy) in you reminds me much of the spring.
on Apr 04, 2005
Darn, I see that the good Dr. responded while I was typing, though it seems like we could just add dittos on each others replies
on Apr 05, 2005
These guys just love their dubya, ColGene. Nothing you or I can say, no amount of reasoning or discussion, no amount of pointing out the facts can get these guys to pull their heads out of whereever it is that they hide their heads. They love their dubya, right or wrong. Jingoistic lunacy.

I don't begrudge dubya for going to the pope's funeral, per se. But, this lowlife scumsucker was, and still is totally absent from the funerals of any of our own troops who died for his damned folly. Where was/is he when other leaders die? I dunno. I remember kind of distinctly that he sent in his henchmen for other funerals, but didn't go himself, but I cannot remember who the funerals were for. Also, I doubt he'd be at other great leaders' funerals of other faiths, ie the Dalai Lama or any significant rabbi.

Like always, dubya appears to be pandering yet again.
on Apr 05, 2005

How ironic that our president should choose to honor Pope John Paul II since the pope so fundamentally disagreed with the Bush policies.

I don't find it ironic.  You don't have to 100% agree with somebody to have great respect for them.

Where was/is he when other leaders die? I dunno. I remember kind of distinctly that he sent in his henchmen for other funerals, but didn't go himself, but I cannot remember who the funerals were for.

It's not customary for the President to attend funerals of fallen soldiers.  It is customary for the Governor of the home state of the soldier to attend their funeral, if any at all attend.

How would the President determine whose to attend?  Should he attend all of them?  Would one, or a few, be considered more important than others? 

on Apr 05, 2005
For you Bush supporters who claim he is this great Christian, explain his budget cuts that impact the poor, the old and the children? Explain the deaths of our military and the tens of thousands of Iraqis that died as the result of our attacking that country. Explain the death penality. I can not find Christ teaching any of those things. Bush wears his religion on his sleeve when it suits him and turns his back on the most basic teachings of our Lord Jesus Christ.

There is nothing wrong with getting SOME help from your parents. In the case of George W. Bush he got all his help from his parents. Without his father and his father's contacts Bush wouldn't accomplished most of the things he is credited with throughout his life. He would not been an officer in the National Guard, gone to Yale or Harvard, formed his two great businesses ventures, been manager of the Texas Rangers, governor of Texas or President of the United States. Other than that he would have done OK. That is not jealousy its reality.
on Apr 05, 2005

For you Bush supporters who claim he is this great Christian, explain his budget cuts that impact the poor, the old and the children? Explain the deaths of our military and the tens of thousands of Iraqis that died as the result of our attacking that country. Explain the death penality. I can not find Christ teaching any of those things. Bush wears his religion on his sleeve when it suits him and turns his back on the most basic teachings of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Good Col., would you please show me where in the Bible it says the leader of any given nation should take tax money from its inhabitants to support said poor, old, and children? Rather than looking at his tax policies, why don't you look at his personal financial records, and from there decide whether or not he is doing his part for the above mentioned peoples. Are the poor, old, and children, and their well-being, mentioned in the Bible, and more specifically the New Testament? Yes. Who is tasked to caring for them? The church. Not the state. "Budget cuts that impact the poor, the old, and the children" have nothing to do with religion and everything to do with politics, economics, and effectively running a country.

Or how about the passages where the Bible forbids a state from executing lawbreakers? Does the Bible forbid murder? Yes. However, I believe you will be hard-pressed to find any mention of state executions by Christ in the New Testament. Furthermore, if you know anything of the story of Christ, he wilfully submitted to such an execution, without condemning it any way. Even as others were crucified next to him, he made no condemnation of the Roman State for doing so, but rather offered the criminals forgiveness for their sins, acknowledging that A) they had in fact sinned, they were in fact going to die for their sins, and C) they had an offer of eternal salvation even as they paid the proper price for their actions, that being the law of the land. State executions are not the equivalent of murder according to the Bible.

The fact that people have died as a result of the Iraq war has nothing to do with Bush's religion. Why is that seperation of church and state is required, but when someone acting from a Christian basis does something you don't like, they must immediately be mixed, and everything he does must have something to do with his beliefs? Defending this nation is Bush's job, as you are so quick to point out when it concerns border security. Bush acted in the way he thought best. Did people die as a result? Yes. Does that have anything to do with his religious beliefs? No.

I am not a Christian by any means, but I have taken the time to thoroughly study the Bible, as well as the Koran and Torah to a somewhat lesser extent. However, I find it very frustrating when a person such as yourself is so quick to throw out accusations at a man concerning a subject of which you seem to hold little knowledge. Go study the New Testament, then come back and detail how Bush is "turning his back on the most basic teachings of our Lord Jesus Christ." Because to anybody knowledgeable of the subject, it is quite obvious you are simply attempting to find one more method of spreading hate and dissemination rather than making a valid argument with a valid, researched, and well thought-out point.
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