Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.

President Bush will be the first president to attend the funeral of a pope. How ironic that our president should choose to honor Pope John Paul II since the pope so fundamentally disagreed with the Bush policies.

With the exceptions of gay marriage and abortion, President Bush and the pope had very little in common. They disagreed on the death the death penalty, the Iraq war and the social programs embraced by Bush and his conservative supporters. Politics does in fact make strange bed fellows.

Comments (Page 5)
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on Apr 07, 2005
The issue is that she should NOT be required to work three jobs just to live!

on Apr 07, 2005
Why adopt policies that the majority want? Because that is what our system stands for.

unless, of course, those same policies that the majority wants are contrary to the liberal agenda, right? Afterall...the majority proved that they did not want same-sex marraige....but....well, we all know where that "want" is going, right?

And what is interesting to me...the majority voted Bush back in....so, shouldn't we support that? Oh wait....he doesn't saddle up next to the liberal agenda....
on Apr 07, 2005
You've also made claim that the people aren't smart enough to know what they want.

Which is it? Too stupid to make a choice, or the voice that must be heeded?

And polls are highly inaccurate as they tend to get skewed, or they don't sample voting persons exclusively. The only true indicator of agreement or disagreement is an election.. Guess who won?
on Apr 07, 2005
My comments about people making bad choices related to investment decissions. That has been shown to be the case in the past. We are not talking about this. Supporting border protection, balanced Budgets, not changing the structure of Social Security and many of his spending cuts are just a few examples where the Bush policies do not fit what the vast majority want. All of these require Congressional action. This is where the will of the majority should be enacted even if it does not agree with Bush!
on Apr 07, 2005
My comments about people making bad choices related to investment decissions. That has been shown to be the case in the past. We are not talking about this. Supporting border protection, balanced Budgets, not changing the structure of Social Security and many of his spending cuts are just a few examples where the Bush policies do not fit what the vast majority want. All of these require Congressional action. This is where the will of the majority should be enacted even if it does not agree with Bush!

So then by your OWN words! If they DO go through it MUST be the will of the people. Right?
on Apr 07, 2005
Right. About 70 % do not want the Social Security system changed the way Bush is suggesting. Thus, you deal with the funding issue, which the individual accounts do not fix and move on. In that way the issue of millions of people making investment choices that may not prove to be good for them is a non-issue! If you want to stress investments in the equity markets, over and above Social Sceurity, that is fine.
on Apr 07, 2005
Yes, the women should be applauded. The issue is that she should NOT be required to work three jobs just to live!

Bush was not elected for what he wants to do. In fact if he had said what he was up to, he would NOT have been re-elected!

Why adopt policies that the majority want? Because that is what our system stands for.

First of all, you don't know the womans lifestyle is to say that. There is nothing in the Constitution that says every American is required to work one job. If someone needs to work three jobs because they made wrong choices in their life, then there is no reason for complaint.

You keep making your comments about what people want and what the "polls" show. Polls of 2000 people mean absolutely nothing. We had a major poll in which over 60 million people chose the policies of Bush instead of Kerry. Just get over it. A politician cannot please every single person in America. You say people in America aren't smart enough to make their own financial decisions, but somehow they are experts in foreign and domestic policy and should be listened to without question.

Until you understand why people like you are in the minority and keep losing elections, you will continue to be wrong on just about everything.
on Apr 07, 2005
It wouldn't be so bad if Bush took a few liberal ideas for once, like importing drugs from Canada so that they don't cost as much. The fact is you complain that some people are too far to the left. What about the fact that even old school republicans say that George W. is too far to the right. I think a good choice for GWB would be to adopt a policy that works, now that he does not have a vote to worry about securing he could stop being so stubborn and try and fix some of the problems we have here at home with solutions that are right in front of his face. (let the uneducated flaming begin.)
on Apr 07, 2005
It would be good if Bush just took a look at his policies that are not working and be willing to try something different. For example, Trade, the deficit, Social Security, Energy and border security!
on Apr 07, 2005
Right. About 70 % do not want the Social Security system changed the way Bush is suggesting

All of this is rhetorical. We'll see when/if it goes through congress.
on Apr 07, 2005
on Apr 07, 2005
I suppose its always possible that Bush and the Pope have much more in common than you think.

Consider, for example, Winston Churchill's devastating idictment of Neville Chamberlain's policies regarding National Socialist Germany, prior to Hitler's invasion of Poland in 1939. Consider also Chamberlain's utter disregard for Churchill's well-researched and clearly argued dire warnings on the subject.

Then consider how, after the fall of Poland, Chamberlain and Churchill joined forces, with mutual respect, total cooperation, and complete agreement, to the profound benefit of the entire world.

I don't doubt that Bush's PR people told him the visit would be a good thing--it obviously is. But I wouldn't be surprised if the relationship between the ideas of the Pope and the ideas of the President is more complex and complementary than you might think at first glance.
on Apr 09, 2005
also funny is that the founding fathers would not have attended, or that Bush Brought Ms. Rice with him,
I know my Wife would not let me bring some woman i had kissed on the lips on public television with me to rome.......
on Apr 09, 2005
Bush continues to betray the American founding principles. would any of the founding Fathers have done this,
on Apr 09, 2005
true but a great man respects his country and his father but does not use them, and you agree that BUsh would be nothing if he had grown up like most americans?
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