Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.
Published on April 9, 2005 By COL Gene In Politics
Tens of thousands in Baghdad and Ramadi chant "NO, NO to Satan" , burned American Flags along with cutouts of Bush, Saddam and Blair as American soldiers watch from behind concrete and barbed wire barriers. What a sad demonstration after the death of over 1,500 Americans, 35,000 injuries and $300 Billon dollars. Bush should be proud of the feeling shown by the Iraq people to the war he brought to their country. Where is the reception of thanks we were told would take place after we removed Saddam? Rather then thanks, our president is put on the same level as Saddam who we removed from power and our flag is burned while our military is forced to watch. It is time to leave this rat hole of a country!
Comments (Page 2)
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on Apr 09, 2005

I'd be amazed if the Iraqi government asked the US to leave, and the US just left. That will never happen. Besides, by virtue of the US intervention in the Iraqi elections, I kind of doubt they will just ask us to leave. Time will tell.

As for most Americans supporting the war, I do believe that the numbers are dwindling. People don't appreciate being swindled, and it's becoming more and more evident that that is exactly what happened. I think the estimate for American support has dropped to somewhere in the 45%ish range, but I'll have to check that number.

Why would the US stay? Oh that's right, you think it's about the oil right?  The $10 billion in Iraqi oil exports a year is just so crucial.. 

The US went in to remove Saddam.  As far as I'm concerned, the mission has long since been complete and we're only there out of a moral obligation to help Iraq rebuild.  IF their democratically elected government asked us to leave, most "neocons" (people like me) would be more than happy to see our troops come home.

Secondly, let's say for the sake of argument that 100% of Americans today are against our military presence in Iraq.  That's totally irrelevant because the point I was making was that when those massive anti-war protests wree taking place support for invading Iraq was in the solid 60%'s.  Therefore, some protest is not indicative of overall support for a cause.

on Apr 09, 2005
Some people revel in this kind of shit just to have another excuse to spit at "Dubya." If a photo appeared of an American soldier with an Iraqi infant spiked on his bayonet, they'd squeeze one off in their jeans in joy, not that they'd admit it. Their selfishness knows no limits and lacks all respect and sense of perspective. But then, they live in a country where that's jes cool, so let 'em spit.

on Apr 09, 2005
Reply By: Wise AmericanPosted: Saturday, April 09, 2005Saddam didn't have to kill them we killed them for him

wow, did that take all you feeble skills to come up with the erroneos assumption? So in your world a wise american is someone that parrots falsehoods hoping if they repeat the lies long anough and loud enough it might come true?
on Apr 10, 2005
The truth is that many people in Iraq are glad Saddam is no longer in power. There are very few that thank the U S for invading Iraq and they want us OUT! It is time to GET OUT. Bush will however do what he wants not what the Iraq people want! His position on EVERYTHING is that Saint George knows best. Just support what ever he wants.- People, Congress and the courts. Like he said after the election in 2000, a dictatorship would be easier so long as he was the Dictator!
on Apr 10, 2005
The truth is that many people in Iraq are glad Saddam is no longer in power. There are very few that thank the U S for invading Iraq and they want us OUT! It is time to GET OUT. Bush will however do what he wants not what the Iraq people want! His position on EVERYTHING is that Saint George knows best. Just support what ever he wants.- People, Congress and the courts. Like he said after the election in 2000, a dictatorship would be easier so long as he was the Dictator!

I'm sorry but this is strictly your opinion. And the numbers say your wrong also!
on Apr 11, 2005

There are very few that thank the U S for invading Iraq and they want us OUT! It is time to GET OUT.

Evidence? Every independent poll in Iraq show that most Iraqi's are glad the US invaded and toppled Saddam.  And a plurality of Iraqi's want the US to stay until things stabilize.

Hey, I'm all for the US troops coming home. As soon as the Iraqi people feel they're ready to handle things, bring the troops home. You act like the US is somehow getting something out of stationing troops there.

on Apr 11, 2005
Every independent poll

--When are things ever independant these days....

Hey, I'm all for the US troops coming home. As soon as the Iraqi people feel they're ready to handle things, bring the troops home.

--If we leave to early, and iraq falls to terrorists,or whoever, then we will have failed, we as americans in promoting freedom. And the lives lost would be in vain...

You act like the US is somehow getting something out of stationing troops there.

--Didn't you know Draginol,Oil.
on Apr 11, 2005
Also, think about this you anti-war,anti-bushies,Demi's...who ever...

My Question is: "Even after we first invaded iraq and things were being proven wrong left and right, then why did people enlist in the military, even though they could see that things were ' wrong ' with the war..." Hmm?
on Apr 11, 2005
I'm all for war, so long as it's done the right way. I have doubts that 1500 dead Americans is doing th job the right way. I don't blame the President. I blame the U.N. SOBs, the military lawyers, and judges, who bury many good men with their pencil-neck legalities of use of armed force, treatment of protected people and places. I say kill them all, and let the Lord and historians sort out later. Maybe one of them 1500 dead Americans could have written that history had we killed all them SOBs.
on Apr 11, 2005
Al Sadr may have organized it, but it attracted tens of thousands of protesters. I don't think that's an insignificant number. And, it's indicative of the numbers of people who just want the US the hell out of their country. This is quite the dilemma for dubya. They do hate us, unfortunately. We made a miserable mess over there.

As usual you are just wrong. There are still people who are Saddam loyalists and radicals. This does not represent the entire county of Iraq. Too bad the media just focuses on this and not all the people who are glad we are there. Do you ever take the time to read the stories of Iraqis who help us and still thank soldiers for what they did?

The truth is that many people in Iraq are glad Saddam is no longer in power. There are very few that thank the U S for invading Iraq and they want us OUT!

Wrong again. Iraqis are still thanks the soldiers to this day. Ever wonder why you don't see those stories in the media?
on Apr 11, 2005
The Hawk, and Dr. Miller, two diabolical American fiends, bent on killing innocent women and children, surely these brave little men make their mommies proud. Killing everyone is not physically possible. The Hawk, just how many is too many? We French do not use mass murder, we use free love. Chant world peace and it will be so. I believe we need another "John and Yoko" to deliver us from America's despotism. BTW, I am boycotting American products.
on Apr 11, 2005
The Hawk, and Dr. Miller, two diabolical American fiends, bent on killing innocent women and children, surely these brave little men make their mommies proud. Killing everyone is not physically possible. The Hawk, just how many is too many? We French do not use mass murder, we use free love. Chant world peace and it will be so. I believe we need another "John and Yoko" to deliver us from America's despotism. BTW, I am boycotting American products.

--And your military sucks how much? Sure killing everyone is possible, just add nukes I think Hawk and Dr. Miller are both gentlemen and scholars... oh and good for you, no more mcdonalds for you! hehehehe......

Ever wonder why you don't see those stories in the media?

--"ooh, ooh" *waves his arm in the air,trying to get Citizen Island Dog 's attention* "I know, I know...Its cause the media likes things that sell, and good things don't sell, and, they're biased" [a good portion are, no denying it...both left and right,mostly left....
on Apr 11, 2005
ANT-X, didn't I tell you over in the Venezuelan discussion to cover your smelly, hairy armpits
with berkas. Your cowardly military should be rounded up, and sent to China to build the oil pipelines the Chinese plan to use to keep America from getting our oil out of Arabia. 1500 dead Americans is the price we Americans paid in hope of making the world more stable, so that civilization can go on for even dirty, smelly, hairy armpit French whores like you.
on Apr 11, 2005
The Hawk, and Dr. Miller, two diabolical American fiends, bent on killing innocent women and children, surely these brave little men make their mommies proud. Killing everyone is not physically possible. The Hawk, just how many is too many? We French do not use mass murder, we use free love. Chant world peace and it will be so. I believe we need another "John and Yoko" to deliver us from America's despotism. BTW, I am boycotting American products.

I didn't see the French complaining about woman and children being killed when they were making money off Saddam. If it were up to the French, Saddam would still be torturing and kill the same people, but at least they would be getting paid.
on Apr 11, 2005
We French
quoted by T-Rex

Now things have suddenly become clearer to me concerning you....oh, and i feel sorry for Bob, too.
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