Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.

Today on Meet the Press Pat Robertson and Jay Rockefeller talked about the report of the Presidential Commission on Intelligence. It was clear from their discussion that a number of intelligence agencies told the administration and the world that Saddam Hussein did not have weapons of mass destruction or the ability to produce them. The Department of Energy clearly indicated that Saddam had no nuclear capability. Elements of the CIA, the U N chief weapons inspector and the head of the International Atomic Energy Agency also advised that Saddam did not have WMD or the capability to produce them.

The question of why the Bush Administration ignored this intelligence will be examined in the second phase of the Senate Intelligence Committee report on our intelligence system. It appears that administration officials in DoD and the White House ignored those agencies which did not support the notion of WMD in Iraq. This is disturbing and it looks more and more as if the administration only used that intelligence which supported their preconceived intent to remove Saddam Hussein from power.

Comments (Page 2)
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on Apr 11, 2005
This is the national debt. Bush added 2 Trillion since he took office. If you go to OMB and look at the Bush projection Table S-10 you will see he projects a national debt of $9.949 Triillion by the time he leaves office! If you look at mr reply in "Ther Buck Stops" you will see the unemployment rate was 3.7% in Dec 2000 and in march 2005 is 5.4% I have done my homework. Bush has failed and his policies will continue to fail!

The Debt To the Penny
Current Amount

04/08/2005 $7,789,330,877,191.02


04/07/2005 $7,788,009,463,759.88
04/06/2005 $7,782,421,898,856.14
04/05/2005 $7,782,816,546,352.29
04/04/2005 $7,780,782,448,066.81
04/01/2005 $7,783,719,222,961.24


03/31/2005 $7,776,939,047,670.14
02/28/2005 $7,713,137,673,664.71
01/31/2005 $7,627,742,597,775.41
12/31/2004 $7,596,165,867,424.14
11/30/2004 $7,525,209,508,979.45
10/29/2004 $7,429,677,448,545.04

Prior Fiscal

09/30/2004 $7,379,052,696,330.32
09/30/2003 $6,783,231,062,743.62
09/30/2002 $6,228,235,965,597.16
09/28/2001 $5,807,463,412,200.06
09/29/2000 $5,674,178,209,886.86
09/30/1999 $5,656,270,901,615.43
09/30/1998 $5,526,193,008,897.62
09/30/1997 $5,413,146,011,397.34
09/30/1996 $5,224,810,939,135.73
09/29/1995 $4,973,982,900,709.39
09/30/1994 $4,692,749,910,013.32
09/30/1993 $4,411,488,883,139.38
09/30/1992 $4,064,620,655,521.66
09/30/1991 $3,665,303,351,697.03
09/28/1990 $3,233,313,451,777.25
09/29/1989 $2,857,430,960,187.32
09/30/1988 $2,602,337,712,041.16
09/30/1987 $2,350,276,890,953.00

on Apr 11, 2005
This is the national debt. Bush added 2 Trillion since he took office. If you go to OMB and look at the Bush projection Table S-10 you will see he projects a national debt of $9.949 Triillion by the time he leaves office! If you look at mr reply in "Ther Buck Stops" you will see the unemployment rate was 3.7% in Dec 2000 and in march 2005 is 5.4% I have done my homework. Bush has failed and his policies will continue to fail!

The Debt To the Penny
Current Amount

Sorry but draginol already debunked this theory on another thread. Remember? With diret quotes from the OMB site?
on Apr 11, 2005
Col. YOU overlook the fact that the President of the United States does not work at your bidding, any more than your commanding officers did in the military.

We already elected him, and we won't do so again. Thereafter, if we voted on every decision the President made, nothing would ever get done. In leiu of that, Bush's opponents seek to stonewall and undermine his authority. That isn't respectfully taking part in Democracy, that is undermining it.

So, back to the point I have made to you, countless times. I support your right to voice your opinions, but your "cause" no longer serves any purpose. You either futily aim to effect the decisions of someone disinterested in your disdain, or you are trying to subvert the power of his office. Neither is worthy of your efforts.

So, sure, express your opinion, but playing Chicken Little five times a week just makes people deaf to your protest. Balance, Col, moderation will make your points far better. A few non-Bush-hater articles would go a long way.
on Apr 11, 2005
These are not theories. I gave you the actual data from the U S Government. The unemployment rates from BLS and the deficit info from the U S Treasury. This is not theory drmiler and BakerStreet it is factual info. 7.7 Trillion is more then 5.7 Trillion and 5.4% is higher then 3.7%. The policies are set by law which Congress passes not Bush. Thus even though Bush has been reelected, the Congress has he power to set policies that deal with the issues facing this countrty. If they fail to act, they can be replaced starting in 2006. The one thing you all miss is that these issues will not go away. The longer we fail to balance the budget and provide jobs the harder it will be to deal with these issues. At some point, we will be unable to pay the interest on the debt and pay for the essential functions of Government. No country can continue operating the way Bush and Congress is living on more and more borrowing!
on Apr 11, 2005
Instead of bitching about Bush, then, how's about telling us what to do about it, Col? Put your money where your mouth is. What are you suggesting?

Impeachment? You know as well as I do that there are no grounds for such.

The Legislature or the Judiciary to step in? Oh, surely you aren't suggesting a Terri Schiavo-like imbalance of power...

Armed uprising? Your persistance and your disrespect for the authority of the office seems to lead one to believe that we should just forcefull take back the power BUSH LEGITIMATELY HAS.

Put up or shut up. Stop talking about "we" as if you are in the Oval Office. Blame the right people for the right problems, and then tell us what to do about it.

Me, I think you can't. Me? I think you know that, and the solutions are immaterial. You just want to bang your drum.

Right now, tell us what to do to stop a sitting President from doing his job the way he wants to do it. Know, though, by doing so you are suggesting the subversion of your system of government.
on Apr 11, 2005
5.4% is higher then 3.7%.

I just want to continue to put this uneployment numbers into perspective yet again. That 3.7% is conpared to the highest rate in 35 years. Also the 5.4% is lower then the Average Clinton years and the 35 year average. Lets not forget the effects of having to pull the nation out of 911, corperate scandles, stock and Tech bust. Three of them started during someone elses watch.

Sorry if it sounds like I'll trolling, but that unemployments drum is sounding flat lately.
on Apr 11, 2005
just want to continue to put this uneployment numbers into perspective yet again. That 3.7% is conpared to the highest rate in 35 years. Also the 5.4% is lower then the Average Clinton years and the 35 year average. Lets not forget the effects of having to pull the nation out of 911, corperate scandles, stock and Tech bust. Three of them started during someone elses watch.

Sorry if it sounds like I'll trolling, but that unemployments drum is sounding flat lately.

ALL his drums are sounding the same lately and all flat!
on Apr 12, 2005
I reiterate. Right now, tell us what to do to stop a sitting President from doing his job the way he wants to do it. Know, though, by doing so you are suggesting the subversion of your system of government.

Short of that all this amounts to is droning political propaganda with no purpose.
on Apr 12, 2005

Simple. Write your Senators and Congressmen and tell them we need new policies to balance the budget, fund Social Seurity, alter the trade policy, protect our borders for starters. Make it clear if they fail to change the ineffective Bush policies and begin to find solutions by 2006, those up for reelection are gone! Make it clear the same thing will take place in 2008 and thereafter. Congress has the power to set policy. The President can suggest policy and can even veto bills that he does not like. But Congress has the power to override the President if they choose! If they do not act then they are responsible and should be removed at their next reelection. Just ONE ELECTION that would remove members of Congress that do change the Bush policies is all it would take!
on Apr 12, 2005
Simple. Write your Senators and Congressmen and tell them we need new policies to balance the budget, fund Social Seurity, alter the trade policy, protect our borders for starters. Make it clear if they fail to change the ineffective Bush policies and begin to find solutions by 2006, those up for reelection are gone! Make it clear the same thing will take place in 2008 and thereafter. Congress has the power to set policy. The President can suggest policy and can even veto bills that he does not like. But Congress has the power to override the President if they choose! If they do not act then they are responsible and should be removed at their next reelection. Just ONE ELECTION that would remove members of Congress that do change the Bush policies is all it would take!

And who are people going to elect? Democrats? Don't you get that democrats do not have any ideas of their own. Just the constant whining and obstructing.
on Apr 12, 2005
Simple. Write your Senators and Congressmen and tell them we need new policies to balance the budget, fund Social Seurity, alter the trade policy, protect our borders for starters. Make it clear if they fail to change the ineffective Bush policies and begin to find solutions by 2006, those up for reelection are gone! Make it clear the same thing will take place in 2008 and thereafter. Congress has the power to set policy. The President can suggest policy and can even veto bills that he does not like. But Congress has the power to override the President if they choose! If they do not act then they are responsible and should be removed at their next reelection. Just ONE ELECTION that would remove members of Congress that do change the Bush policies is all it would take!

And who are people going to elect? Democrats? Don't you get that democrats do not have any ideas of their own. Just the constant whining and obstructing.

This is true. Of all these problems listed.... I have seen and heard democrats deride GW's solutions but have as of yet seen them put forth their own solutions.
on Apr 12, 2005
It is time for new solutions from either the Democrats or the moderate Republicans. What we can not continue is the existing Bush policies that are not working!


I think Moderate Republicans should be elected. Those Republicans that believe in balanced Budgets and trade policies that create a level playing field. Republicans that will protect our borders and ports. Republicans that will fix Social Security without individual accounts.
on Apr 12, 2005
Republicans that will fix Social Security withour individual accounts.

There is absolutely NOTHING wrong with individual investment accounts other than it won't fix the mess we have by themselves.
on Apr 12, 2005
It is time for new solutions from either the Democrats or the moderate Republicans. What we can not continue is the existing Bush policies that are not working!

Is it a requirement that in every post you have to make the same quotes over and over? You think that the existing Bush policies are not working, that is just your opinion. Many people think they are and support them.
on Apr 12, 2005
It is not opinion. A $ 2.5 Trillion increase in the National Debt is fact. The annual budget has gone from a surplus to a $675 Billion per year deficit. 3 million illegal aliens came across our border last year. The trade deficit is up 50% since Bush took office. These are not opinion they are the results of the last four years under Bush!
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