Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.

Today on Meet the Press Pat Robertson and Jay Rockefeller talked about the report of the Presidential Commission on Intelligence. It was clear from their discussion that a number of intelligence agencies told the administration and the world that Saddam Hussein did not have weapons of mass destruction or the ability to produce them. The Department of Energy clearly indicated that Saddam had no nuclear capability. Elements of the CIA, the U N chief weapons inspector and the head of the International Atomic Energy Agency also advised that Saddam did not have WMD or the capability to produce them.

The question of why the Bush Administration ignored this intelligence will be examined in the second phase of the Senate Intelligence Committee report on our intelligence system. It appears that administration officials in DoD and the White House ignored those agencies which did not support the notion of WMD in Iraq. This is disturbing and it looks more and more as if the administration only used that intelligence which supported their preconceived intent to remove Saddam Hussein from power.

Comments (Page 4)
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on Apr 13, 2005

I have made specific suggestions of policy changes that will deal with the issues. I do not only post what you call "Tirades" I have shown with actual data the problems and have made very specific suggestions to deal with the issues. A review of my Blogs will show that. All you and some others on joeuser do is blindly defend Bush no matter what the facts show! Supporting what Bush has done will not solve our problems as been shown by the fact most have gotten worse over the past 4 years following his policies!

And a review of your blogs will also show that you have been proven wrong many times before by various people on JU, myself included. And you have yet to EVER admit to that.
on Apr 13, 2005
Better look again

The president is the Chief Execuative officer and is responsible to suggest policy that deals with the issues that impact the United States. Bush has not only made thoes policy suggestions but Congress has, for the most part, passed them into law. When you see how well they have solved the issues at hand you see the problem. If the CEO of a company would have the fiscal results like Bush, he would not be the CEO. The deficit is a direct result of the policies Bush got enacted into law- Spending and tax policies. the trade deficit increase is because of China which Bush is added to the WTO. Bush is making the budget requests that fail to even ask for the resources needed to proptect our border even 3 plus years after 9/11. These are just three areas Bush is responsible for which his choices have failed to correct.
on Apr 13, 2005
I have made specific suggestions of policy changes that will deal with the issues. I do not only post what you call "Tirades" I have shown with actual data the problems and have made very specific suggestions to deal with the issues. A review of my Blogs will show that. All you and some others on joeuser do is blindly defend Bush no matter what the facts show! Supporting what Bush has done will not solve our problems as been shown by the fact most have gotten worse over the past 4 years following his policies!

And your "data" and "facts" have been shown to be wrong. You still haven't admitted your mistakes.
on Apr 13, 2005
"The president is the Chief Execuative officer and is responsible to suggest policy that deals with the issues that impact the United States. Bush has not only made thoes policy suggestions but Congress has, for the most part, passed them into law."

Because he held a gun to their heads? Has he threatened their families? Don't play smart and then play dumb. On the one hand you want us to believe that you have the brains to comprehend a lot of very esoteric economic forcasting, and on the other you want us to think you somehow don't know who does what in our government?

I challenged you to tell us what we can do about all your supposed gloom and doom, and the only thing you could put forth was to contact our congressmen. To me, that was the first truthful thing I have heard you say, and a minor break in what is otherwise a paranoid stream of anti-Bush hate.

I believe, devoutly, that you are smart enough to know that much of what you blame the President for isn't really in his power to fix, and wasn't his mess in the first place. You just do it because you know it will stick among those who DON'T know, and all the ones that just hate Bush like you and don't care whether their blame is fair or not.

on Apr 13, 2005
BS- the data was directly from he U S Government web sites which I copied to my replies or from AP, Washington Post, Brookings Institute studies, OMB ( Projected deficit) and alike . Show me where the data is not correct! My data on trade, the deficit, lack of border funding and Social Security are 100% correct
on Apr 13, 2005
there is no gloom and doom there is reality. we added $2.5 trillion to the federal deficit since Bush took office . the trade deficit has increased by over $200 billion per year since Bush office. 3 million illegal aliens crossed our unguarded border last year three years after 9/11. This is not gloom and doom this is reality. Your problem is you do not want to look at the way things are but the way you like them to be.reality is that the unemployment rate when Bush took off this was 3.7% and today it is 5.4%. The underemployment rate is 9.3% which is about 2 1/2 percent higher than when Bush took off. Gasoline prices are much higher than when Bush took office and we have no policy to deal with the increasing energy costs. You may call this gloom and doom it is what it is. The issue here is Bush has not made any of these issues better andt all become much worse over the past four years.
on Apr 13, 2005
Col. Gene, life's a big game, and the team that drafts you, owns you; an you owe them, too. May we pull as one, the Chinese are!
on Apr 13, 2005
Washington Post

--oops, made a mistake there COL, got your info from the WP.... JK
on Apr 13, 2005
Washington Post

--oops, made a mistake there COL, got your info from the WP.... JK
on Apr 13, 2005
We need to pull in a direction the resolves the issues that face us. Ignoring things such as the growing defecit, trade deficit , lack of border security will not make us stronger. And yes watch China. They will be the BIG problen in the future for everyone!
on Apr 13, 2005
BS- the data was directly from he U S Government web sites which I copied to my replies or from AP, Washington Post, Brookings Institute studies, OMB ( Projected deficit) and alike . Show me where the data is not correct! My data on trade, the deficit, lack of border funding and Social Security are 100% correct

No BS, fact! I've shown you to have been wrong before so has Brad so has Island Dog and all of us with info from your prefered sites! It's all in how you interpret the data. And you are mearly *proving* island dogs point thank you very much.
on Apr 13, 2005

the federal debt 9/30/2000 was 5.674 trillion. Today it is 7.798 Trillion Up- 2.124 Trillion. USA Taday reported 2005 deficit will be 477 Billion and that is after subtracting about 200 billion of the Social Security and Medicare Surplus. That will put the 2005 federal deficit at 677 Billion. That will bring the total national debt to over oveer 8 trillion by sept 30, 2005. These are facts you refuse to accept. That does not make them untrue . You are the one that id dead wrong!
on Apr 13, 2005
Put a more logical face on it if you can, but it is easy how every post you write is skewed. This is the same kind of stuff I heard about Reagan 20 years ago. The tone, if not the content, is the same as people had who hated Clinton.

You aren't talking about the issues, you are posting attack after attack against Bush under the guise of the issues. You state a problem, blame Bush, and then move on to another problem to blame Bush for. Seriously, it's obvious even to people who may agree with you.

It's the same tactic as always. Take the ebb and flow of (gas prices, national debt, unemployment, yadda yadda), and blame the President for it, and repeat LOUDLY. Offer some vauge "solution" that "we must do", and then fail to mention it isn't within the President's power to do it.

Been there, done that, under several administrations. What I see here is no different.
on Apr 13, 2005
As for the deficit they are the result of the Bush tax cuts and Bush Budget. That is why we have a deficit. The income from the taxes do not equal the spending BOTH proposed and signed into law by Bush. Who do you suggest created the problem? Who when the deficit grows every year does not take action to balance the budget. Please do not tell me about his spending cuts. First they are from the least able to protect then selves and they will not come close to balancing the budget. It is Bush and the GOP controlled Congress that is responsible for the growing deficit! Same thing is true about Trade, Social Security, lack of border security and lack of an effective energy policy. You are correct. Reagan He did the same thing. He cut taxes and incresed spending with an added 3Trillion to the debt in 8 years. Since 1980, the taxpayers of this country have paid $6.5 Trillion in intrest on the national debt. All that money bought us nothing! In 5 years Bush will have added as much new debt at Reagen did in 8 years.
on Apr 13, 2005
" The income from the taxes do not equal the spending BOTH proposed and signed into law by Bush."

Again, you omit that the budget is a joint effort, you propose a two-step process, the proposing and signing, when in reality the real meat of budget creation happens when it goes to be approved by Congress.

Here's a Good Example of how Dems see things differently during Dem Presidential administrations. Notice how it is constantly called the "GOP Budget". There, you ALSO had the same two demonized steps that the Col. produces above, and yet somehow it is a villainized "GOP Buget" that Clinton proposes and then signs.

I would advise anyone who is feeling moved by the Col's gloom and doom to go and look at how the budget process REALLY works. The power is soundly in the Congress, and the blame for it is scattered depending on who the blogger wants to skewer.

Our legislators must really love folks like the Col and folks like him. With his help distracting the public, all the blame falls on Bush, and they get to do anything they want...
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