Evaluation of the policies of George W. Bush and his Republican conservatives on America.
Published on May 2, 2005 By COL Gene In Politics
The latest polls show the following support for the policies of George W. Bush:

Support for his Iraq Policy 42% of Americans

Support for his Social Security policy 35% of Americans

Maybe it's time for George to resign and give the job to his wife Laura

Comments (Page 3)
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on May 03, 2005
Turning countries against us and polarizing this country are George W. Bush specialties. He gets an A+ on these two!
on May 03, 2005
I think his legacy of lies and catastophic damage done to the credibility of the US throughout the world will overshadow his presidency.

So i'm gonna sit back and let history do the job on dubya. A low effort political workout if there ever was one!

COL. Stay at em!

He would be far more effective if he used truths instead of made-up crap.
on May 03, 2005
Bush got reelected because the majority of Americans do agree with him. You read into polls too much that are usually slanted, and are no real indication of what people want.

I don't believe that to be true at all. EVERY individual that I knew personally who voted for Bush did so NOT because they supported Bush but because they LOATHED Kerry.

There's a big difference between voting for someone as a "lesser of two evils" and supporting them.

(for the record...I voted Badnarik).
on May 03, 2005
The sad thing is, while I dislike the vast majority of Bush's policies, I will continue to stand behind him on the Social Security issue. The Democrats have shown their ugly side here; a close study of their platform shows NO proposal for social security reform (despite the fact that they harped on the issue during the Clinton presidency).

My prediction for the Democrats is their continued steady decline. They have shown themselves to be continually disconnected with the American community, they support fringe groups at the expense of party moderates, and they refuse to listen to any suggestion of reform. They simply attack with numbers that we all know can be manipulated to favor the position of the polling agency.
on May 03, 2005
EVERY individual that I knew personally who voted for Bush did so NOT because they supported Bush but because they LOATHED Kerry.There's a big difference between voting for someone as a "lesser of two evils" and supporting them.

This is why I don't even vote. Send a message to the politicians that we're fed up.
on May 03, 2005
This is why I don't even vote. Send a message to the politicians that we're fed up.

While I understand this sentiment, unfortunately politicians shrug it off as apathy. So it winds up sending a far different message than intended.
on May 03, 2005
politicians shrug it off as apathy

Intentionally? Maybe they're apathetic.
on May 03, 2005
the one thing all you Bushies forget is the the economy, interest rates, the price of gas, the deficit, the trade problems, the way the war in Iraq is going, border security are all going to hell in a handbag under George W. Bush. That's why the polls are running against Bush because he has done nothing to fix any of the problems that face this country. He stays the course when it is going in the wrong direction.

---The price of gas...there is only so little a president can do, they can try...but thats pretty much it...the war in iraq was going to go to hell anyway,the only people that could actually believe that everything was just going to fall into place are idiots...and as for the border...have you lived by the border...its been a problem since the US gained control of that region...and as for the deficit, did clinton do anything, as for that has anyone actually done much with the deficit...hmmm? trade problems? the economy is going through a normal phase...if you look at economics and history...the US's economy does it regularly...
on May 03, 2005
In looking at the history of this country we have never had so many huge problem that face us all at the same time. A national debt approaching $8 trillion; annual trade deficits nearing 700 billion a year; spending 25% more then we collect in taxes; entire industries disappearing such as steel, electronics, clothing; staggering unfunded liabilities such as prescription drug plan that begins next year with no funding, trillions in unfunded liabilities in Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid; 45 million Americans with no health coverage. Yes this country is big and powerful and has faced huge problems in the past, but the confluence of all these major issues is unprecedented.
on May 03, 2005
and as for the deficit, did clinton do anything, as for that has anyone actually done much with the deficit...hmmm?

Clinton saw the federal budget hit a record surplus, Bush Jr. oversaw the budget hit a record deficit. Here is a link so you can see the facts... Link
on May 03, 2005
How do you add the Link. I have tried and place the URL in the box, hit OK and the link does not appear. What am I doing wrong?

Great Link - Shows what the Reagen and Bush 43 policies did to the debt in America Voodo Economics
on May 03, 2005
To add a link I just hit link and enter the url and it places the link other wise you can insert:Linkon the beginning and end of the url respectively and it should add it.
on May 03, 2005
To add a link I just hit link and enter the url and it places the link other wise you can insert:Linkon the beginning and end of the url respectively and it should add it.
on May 03, 2005
To add a link I just hit link and enter the url and it places the link other wise you can insert first (link) then (/link)substituting [] instead of () on the beginning and end of the url respectively and it should add it.
on May 03, 2005
But, we were going to end up having to deal with these problems,right?
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